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Author Topic: Help!! Graphics issues on G4 Quicksilver  (Read 8405 times)


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Help!! Graphics issues on G4 Quicksilver
« on: November 07, 2018, 10:45:17 PM »

I just bought a Quicksilver G4 and have been experiencing several issues!

The seller stated that everything was fine with this machine but I didn't get to test the original setup much as I installed a SSD (ATA to SATA adapter) and installed OS9 and OSX on separate partitions.

After ~10mins use after boot I start to get artifacts all over the screen and it gets worse the longer I use the machine. The screen starts turning a blue/purple shade, occasional flickers, and artifacts everywhere. What's even more strange is that these artifacts are captured when taking a screenshot!? This happens on both systems.

I'm currently using an ATI Radeon 9000 64MB AGP card. I have tried an ATI Radeon 7000 64MB PCI card but get worse results. On the PCI card the card flicker's even more, there are black and white lines everywhere and the screen doesn't render correctly. AGP card is connected via DVI, PCI was tested with VGA, and I got the same results on two different monitors which I've had no problems with before

When waking from sleep the screen also remains black and I have to reboot the machine. This may be an issue related to the SSD, I know OS8 can crash from sleep with CF cards etc.

Any ideas as to what's happening? I'm at a loss...


« Last Edit: November 07, 2018, 11:26:32 PM by Greystash »


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Re: Help!! Graphics issues on G4 Quicksilver
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2018, 11:42:38 PM »

Might be nothing to do with it, but what is your color depth set to?


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Re: Help!! Graphics issues on G4 Quicksilver
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2018, 11:44:06 PM »

i would try another graphics card if you have one. since it is part of a screenshot thats most likely the problem. if it was the monitor it wouldnt show up in a picture.


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Re: Help!! Graphics issues on G4 Quicksilver
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2018, 09:18:47 AM »

Odd that you're getting similar results with both cards. Do either (or both) of these cards
work well in another machine without displaying artefacts? Maybe time to try a third one…
as per devils_advisor’s suggestion?

What QS (CPU / board, and A or B type?) You didn’t get it from a Loyola University
Prof down in New Orleans (like Ninester’s infamous, baked QS)? Have you ran AHT?

If no 3rd card to test, PM me contact info & I’ll see what I can find to send your way.

After looking at your screenshots, wonder if maybe you've an RF source nearby,
or if something within the QS may have become "unshielded"? Any other cards
inside next to this slot? Take every other card out and test/check again. Then,
I'd still try a 3rd card if symptoms persist...

Then there's always going back to original HD (SSD removal) to check that variant.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2018, 03:50:24 PM by FdB »
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Re: Help!! Graphics issues on G4 Quicksilver
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2018, 12:59:34 PM »

Sounds like some sort of electrical noise.
Something common to both video cards, like the PSU?


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Re: Help!! Graphics issues on G4 Quicksilver
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2018, 02:51:26 PM »

I've done a lot of testing and found that the sleep issue is due to the SATA raid card, so I've removed that.
I removed all other cards, tried different variations of RAM and got the same results. Also got the same results after removing the SSD with ATA adapter.

I'm guessing it's a dodgy card :( I'll test the PCI card (worst card) in my Beige G3, but don't have another machine to test the AGP card in. Surely none of the other components could be causing electrical interference since I've removed/taken the power out of every device other than one HD?

I'll keep an eye out on eBay for a new card. Thanks for the offer FdB, but I live in New Zealand so that would be a big hassle for you to test one of your cards. Thanks anyway though :)

I'll keep trying!


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Graphics issues - G4 QS
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2018, 05:11:23 PM »

You’re definitely welcome. Test-smesh? ::)

Was going to just send you a video card. (Even though I may have forgotten that you’re in Land-of-Kiwi.)
Only time I’ve ever seen artefacts like that, was with a single video card that was definitely failing.

All cards out except the one AGP (or with the PCI card in by itself… but not both in together).
Then make certain that all card slots are clean, down inside as well (no little dust or tiny errant hairs)…
and the contacts on both the cards freshly cleaned. Still be interested in what Apple Hardware Test
might report, testing with both cards individually.

*I found a small hair on a board inside a Komplete Audio 6 interface recently and after removal &
blowing the internal boards out completely… reassembled it and it has worked flawlessly ever since.

Suppose ovalking’s questionable PSU (and resultant bizzare RF interference) idea could be possible.
Place the booted QS up against the also-booted Beige G3 and see if you also get artefacts on the Beige
G3’s display. If so, still wouldn’t prove PSU as culprit… but something in the QS. AirPort card present or
the connector for one, properly secured and not out of place... grounded to something? Other cables
running across the door hinge-point in good shape?

Sorry, not more help. I’m out of ideas. :-\ Anybody else?

Just too odd that both cards provide same prob.
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Re: Help!! Graphics issues on G4 Quicksilver
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2018, 07:39:05 PM »

You're too generous but if you were to do that I would definitely buy it from you/pay for everything.

So I took everything out of the machine, PCI, AGP, airport, ATA devices, modem, then cleaned everything and only put the AGP card back (Radeon 9000), and HD. Still got the same issues, but also noticed that the problem doesn't occur in safe boot. I guess this is because there's no acceleration/ATI drivers loaded etc.

I've installed all of the latest drivers + rom updates but these haven't helped.

Ran AHT and everything passed... although it gave some strange readings on the AGP Radeon.
AHT recognised it as a 32MB ATI Phoenix_A (which is a Radeon 7000?).
System profiler recognises the card as a 64MB Radeon 9000 Pro (which I believe is correct).

I tested the PCI card in the Beige G3 (away from the running G4) and got the same issues so I think that card is on it's way out.


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Graphics issues / G4 QS
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2018, 08:34:12 PM »

How lucky are you to have two bad cards at once in the same machine?
What kind of Bad ju-ju ya got? And is that really how Apple/ATI spells Phoenix?
More weirdness.

It might be something with your ATI drivers? I seem to recall some mention
of this before, where some cards needed to revert back to older drivers.
In the meantime, if you don’t really need the acceleration,
turn it off or “go backwards”.

And still might be interesting to place the QS and Beige G3 right up against
each other for the RF "leak" test.

PM headed your way too.

The seller stated that everything was fine with this machine...
NEVER heard THAT before. ;)
« Last Edit: November 09, 2018, 11:06:39 PM by FdB »
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Re: Help!! Graphics issues on G4 Quicksilver
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2018, 12:52:06 AM »

Yeah pretty annoying!

I tried all of the older driver versions that ATI supply which didn't make much difference. After changing to one of the older drivers everything looked good after the first reboot, but after booting again the problems returned.

Also placed the G3 next to the Quicksilver and there wasn't any noticeable difference, it's hard to tell because the PCI card seems to get worse the more I use it now..

Cheers FDB!
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