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Author Topic: Arduino Micro as M0100 to USB Mouse adapter in OS9  (Read 4693 times)


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Arduino Micro as M0100 to USB Mouse adapter in OS9
« on: September 03, 2018, 05:25:58 PM »

Title says it all, OS9 addresses its an Arduino micro, but can't recognize the interrupts from the code injected into the microcomputer, and thus reads it as not having a valid driver, despite being USB HID compliant, as evedince as working in OS X 10.4 with no extra software. Is there a driver or extension that makes it function as a USB mouse, or will I have to do a hard mod with my mac mouse to put a generic USB mouse board in there... which I have tried to do before and broke several a boards to make it happen.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2018, 05:49:42 PM by SabithaSuki »


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Re: Arduino Micro as M0100 to USB Mouse adapter in OS9
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2018, 07:08:05 PM »

They probably didn't use an Arduino, but I would check out the iMate drivers. It's probably also just an MCU bit-banging ADB messages into USB. Assuming that the M0100 is even an ADB mouse? Otherwise there some projects on github. I tried searches for "ADB arduino" and "USB ADB" and found found some leads worth digging into.


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Re: Arduino Micro as M0100 to USB Mouse adapter in OS9
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2018, 07:19:04 PM »

No its not ADB, its the old 9 pinner going through a breakout into an Arduino. Is there a way I can trick the aurdino micro as a mouse?


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Re: Arduino Micro as M0100 to USB Mouse adapter in OS9
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2018, 08:14:34 PM »

My oldest Mac hardware is an SE, I don't know anything about pre-ADB stuff. Somebody with more experience of that vintage can probably say whether any hardware and/or software has existed to allow at least ADB Macs to use that gear in any way. Is that mouse especially good?

Since this group is about OS 9 mainly, it does focus on the la most recent hardware. For this project I recommend asking at the 68k Mac Liberation Army, there are certain to be some people who have dealt with this issue before.


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Re: Arduino Micro as M0100 to USB Mouse adapter in OS9
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2018, 11:46:39 PM »

You may try a PS/2 to USB converter (cheap) if you match the 9 pin serial output of the Apple mouse to the PS/2 cabling (which is also serial).
I vaguely remember that we used some OS/2 gear on Mac, back in those days...
(not all of these converters are created equal, though)

I'm not shure if ball-controlled USB mice ever existed in relevant amounts, but you'll shurely find a PS/2 model. In that case you can mod the Apple electronic with the PS/2 part that does the communication. The encoders are functionally identical.

Another option would be the electronics of a USB trackball, which also uses this encoding.


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Re: Arduino Micro as M0100 to USB Mouse adapter in OS9- Failure
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2018, 08:48:34 PM »

Nah I just said "Screw it" and did a hard mod with a Mac Pro Mouse board, some dremeling, and Hot Glur.

Case clothed without even starting
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