Digital Audio Workstation & MIDI > Plugins (VST,TDM,RTAS,MAS)

Plugsound OS9 Installers?

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I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the correct spot - or if I'm allowed to post requests, periods - but I was wondering if anybody has the OS9 Installers for the Plugsound suite of instruments.  It turns out that the earliest version that I have is 1.8.7 - which is their first go for OSX. 


Didn't every Plugsound Volume has its own installers? f.e. VOL 1 "PS 01 - Keyboards" ? I've got this one...

1.83 is the latest one for 9. (i am on win here now)

Hi - Thanks for the replies.  Yeah, the original CDs did come with OS8-9 installers but, for some reason, when I archived my software, I didn't keep the CD images.  I kept the various .dat files (in fact, I have the 4 gig .dat files for Atmosphere and Trilogy as well) but not the OS9 installers. (I have the OSX installers for all of these files and can make them work, but not OS9). 

This has become something of an obsession for me over the past couple of days and I haven't been able to find the installers anywhere.  I've managed to rebuild most of my OS9 audio / midi environment but would really appreciate it if somebody could help me out.



PS01 Installers for MAC OS 9


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