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Author Topic: M-Audio Anthology (Complete Set of all M-Audio Drivers & Utilities for Mac OS)  (Read 21377 times)

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M-Audio Complete Anthology (All M-Audio Drivers & Utilities for the Classic Mac OS)
This is an exact replica (Toast Image) of the famous 120803 M-Audio CD (Last revision)


« Last Edit: July 05, 2021, 07:01:02 PM by DieHard »
Instructions: Most of our files have been encoded with MacBinary format (.bin) so that the data and the resource fork of the file will not be damaged when storing the file on a non-Macintosh file system. After downloading, if the file does not automatically decode by double-clicking, we recommend opening StuffIt Expander and Selecting "File" and "Open" to decode the downloaded file. StuffIt Expander is included in every Mac OS 9 installation. Additionally, once the StuffIt Expander app is open, check EDIT > PREFERENCES > INTERNET and "use stuffit expander for all available types"

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Disclaimer: Mac OS 9 Lives does not claim rights to any software on the site. To the best of our knowledge, these titles are classified as "abandonware" for having been discontinued by their publishers after Steve Job's public funeral declaring Mac OS 9 a "Dead Operating System". If you know otherwise, please contact us and we will remove them accordingly. Thank you for your attention.
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