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Author Topic: my Radeon 7000 (RV100) 64Mb Sapphire PCI VGA/DVI card (howfunkel? ebay?)  (Read 14019 times)


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ive posted about this card a few times
i believe it is a pc sapphire Radeon 7000 with 64mb ram that has been
flashed to work in a mac!

well i just managed to get this card to work again in a sawtooth AGP (running without an AGP card using a PCI slot)
under 9.22 -

just wanted to document my findings

at first i was connected via VGA and it appeared to work but it was showing a low resolution + it seemed to be showing
the extended desktop + not the primary display so i guess this card works but not 100% in that it doesnt seem to be able to switch
between the primary + secondary ports; VGA vs DVI; etc

so i guess you either have to use a DVI monitor with the DVI port..
or use a DVI-VGA adapter to connect to the primary display port
which seems to be stuck on the DVI connector

on the B+W g3 with os8.6 - GREY SCREEN (when connected to DVI via DVI-VGA adapter, or when connected straight to VGA connector)

it works;; but doesnt work ;) lol

this card has long been a thorn in my side;
i dont reccommend it at all! i just wanted to share my experience clearly here for others to be able to know what its good for (and not good for) because PCI graphics cards for mac seem to be quite thinly available as of late

i think i was able to get it to work under 9.22 on the b+w g3 - but it was a huge pain in the ass; full of major headaches and lots of reboots and wierdness + pram resets so do yourself a favor; if u want to find a radeon for a b+W g3; then make sure to get one that isnt one of these pc re-flash with 64mb ram + visually similar to the above image

**also this radeon 7000 card that looks like this; gets very  hot when used.. hotter than the other radeons i have.. maybe because of the passive heatsink?
« Last Edit: February 22, 2018, 01:46:46 AM by macStuff »


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Re: my Radeon 7000 64Mb Sapphire PCI VGA/DVI card (howfunkel? ebay?)
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2018, 07:47:26 PM »

some better choices:
i think that using the older green pcb options is preferred in the case of the yikes g4 and B+W g3

(2002 at the latest, 2001, 2000, 1999) dates
rather than (2003, 2004,2005 +)


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Re: my Radeon 7000 (RV100) 64Mb Sapphire PCI VGA/DVI card (howfunkel? ebay?)
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2018, 03:55:16 AM »

ive posted about this card a few times
i believe it is a pc sapphire Radeon 7000 with 64mb ram that has been
flashed to work in a mac!

well i just managed to get this card to work again in a sawtooth AGP (running without an AGP card using a PCI slot)
under 9.22 -

just wanted to document my findings

at first i was connected via VGA and it appeared to work but it was showing a low resolution + it seemed to be showing
the extended desktop + not the primary display so i guess this card works but not 100% in that it doesnt seem to be able to switch
between the primary + secondary ports; VGA vs DVI; etc

so i guess you either have to use a DVI monitor with the DVI port..
or use a DVI-VGA adapter to connect to the primary display port
which seems to be stuck on the DVI connector

on the B+W g3 with os8.6 - GREY SCREEN (when connected to DVI via DVI-VGA adapter, or when connected straight to VGA connector)

it works;; but doesnt work ;) lol

this card has long been a thorn in my side;
i dont reccommend it at all! i just wanted to share my experience clearly here for others to be able to know what its good for (and not good for) because PCI graphics cards for mac seem to be quite thinly available as of late

i think i was able to get it to work under 9.22 on the b+w g3 - but it was a huge pain in the ass; full of major headaches and lots of reboots and wierdness + pram resets so do yourself a favor; if u want to find a radeon for a b+W g3; then make sure to get one that isnt one of these pc re-flash with 64mb ram + visually similar to the above image

**also this radeon 7000 card that looks like this; gets very  hot when used.. hotter than the other radeons i have.. maybe because of the passive heatsink?

With the grey screen issue, it's likely the card doesn't have the full 128k rom, the one with the 'NDRV', you'll need the ATI ROM Extender installed on your boot drive, may or may not work with 8.6.

The ghost display issue is seen when the card deviates from the reference design, often seen with DVI-D rather then DVI-I cards.

It can be fixed with Rom edits.   


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Re: my Radeon 7000 (RV100) 64Mb Sapphire PCI VGA/DVI card (howfunkel? ebay?)
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2018, 11:21:31 AM »

by "ATI ROM Xtender"
are u meaning to refer to "ATI Rom Xtender 1.0.7"?
because this doesnt seem to have anything to do with the 9200/9250 cards?
Oct 2, 2001 -- maybe i need a later version?

here ive extracted the dates from the list of information from

ATI ROM Xtender 1.0 | 7 September 2000
ATI ROM Xtender 1.0.3 | 22 January 2001
ATI ROM Xtender 1.0.7 | September 2001
ATI ROM Xtender 1.0.9 | January 14, 2002
ATI ROM Xtender 1.1 | February 2002
ATI ROM Xtender 1.1.2 | June 2002
ATI ROM Xtender 1.1.3 | July 2002
ATI ROM Xtender 1.1.3 | October 18 2002
ATI ROM Xtender 1.1.3 | November 2002
ATI ROM Xtender 1.1.7 | July 2004
ATI ROM Xtender 1.1.7 | January 2005


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Re: my Radeon 7000 (RV100) 64Mb Sapphire PCI VGA/DVI card (howfunkel? ebay?)
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2018, 12:02:03 PM »

I've got ATI Rom Xtender v1.2, it has support for ATY,Bugsy, I know that is the compatible property from some 9200's.

Really to know, you have to boot into Open Firmware( Command+Option+O+F ) and do:

Code: [Select]
dev agp
dev ATY,xxxxxx
dev ATY,Display_A

You need to replace dev ATY,xxxxx with whatever ls returns, and dev ATY,Display_A with whatever ls returns.

The compatible property is the one we're looking for.

Armed with the compatible property we can make an 'NDRV' for the card that will work and load, and it should work in 8.6.

An  'NDRV' is really just a Native Device Driver for the Mac OS and it should work on any PPC Mac.

Some flashed cards don't have them in  the FCode Rom on the card because they only had 64k EEProms and it was removed to reduce the ROM. Even if you have an NDRV on your card, it's still better to make a driver that overrides it, from the Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.8 driver, because that would include fixes for your card to work better with some displays.

It will load between the "Happy Mac" and the first splash screen, the one before the loading bar.

As to the 7000, it is supported by the ATI Rom Xtender for OS 9, but we can make one from 10.5.8 that may work better. I don't know what Rom Xtender works with the 7000, all the ones after the date ATI started selling the 7000.

It would be better to add all the NDRV's from Leopard to the Rom Xtender, but resedit can't see the data fork, and one of the other resources doesn't render correct, and I need it too, so I can edit it.



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I flashed and sold a few score of those cards on Ebay back in the day and they worked perfectly on all ports.   

But...supporting DarthnVader's surmise, I replaced the small M25P05 chip with the larger M25P10 chip and used the complete firmware load, with no modifications.

Here's an image showing that I had dual monitor support operating:

The Sapphire was one of the best R7000 cards, in my opinion.

However, a lot of people just hacked a hacked firmware image into the too small Flash chip, and that leaves you with a compromised card.

I should check whether I still have some programmed M25P10s on hand.   I haven't fired up the chip programmer in years.



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I have a handful of these cards working nicely in various Macs. The eeprom chip is easy to replace, even for a novice, since it is isolated on the board well away from other components.

It also flashes nicely onto a virgin M25P10 with an old version of ATIflash for DOS without the need of an eeprom programmer device.


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I have a handful of these cards working nicely in various Macs. The eeprom chip is easy to replace, even for a novice, since it is isolated on the board well away from other components.

It also flashes nicely onto a virgin M25P10 with an old version of ATIflash for DOS without the need of an eeprom programmer device.

Are you saying, a "virgin" (damn I like that word), new M25P10 blank chip can be flashed for Mac via DOS Utility ?, sorry, just clarifying because we should make a list of cards that can perform this amazing feat.


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Are you saying, a "virgin" (damn I like that word), new M25P10 blank chip can be flashed for Mac via DOS Utility ?, sorry, just clarifying because we should make a list of cards that can perform this amazing feat.

There was at least one version of the Macintosh ATI flasher that would flash a virgin (blank from factory), newly installed M25P10 chip on the Macintosh.  No need for a trip to DOS land.

I would be more detailed, but it's been more than a decade since I worked on this, and the machine I did most of the work on isn't in a convenient position to boot and examine the contents, assuming it still boots...


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Yes. The various guides on the internet say this anyway. As long as DOS can detect the card and bios chip, ATIflash will write to it using the -f flag.


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Not to spam this thread but there are still a few listings for M25P10 chips from Poland and China on eBay if anyone was looking to get hold of some.


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The Trampoline parcels structure can be used to add properties to the device tree for certain devices. This is already done to insert 'NDRV's for some crucial devices before Mac OS 9 boots. If you don't want to replace the rom on the card, you could mess around with ELN's newworld-rom repo and make a Mac OS ROM file that inserts the correct 'NDRV'.


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The Trampoline parcels structure can be used to add properties to the device tree for certain devices. This is already done to insert 'NDRV's for some crucial devices before Mac OS 9 boots. If you don't want to replace the rom on the card, you could mess around with ELN's newworld-rom repo and make a Mac OS ROM file that inserts the correct 'NDRV'.

You can make an 'NDRV' extension, and it will load first, after the happy Mac and before the splash screen.

Best part it you can disable and update it without the need for a new Mac OS ROM.


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The Trampoline parcels structure can be used to add properties to the device tree for certain devices. This is already done to insert 'NDRV's for some crucial devices before Mac OS 9 boots. If you don't want to replace the rom on the card, you could mess around with ELN's newworld-rom repo and make a Mac OS ROM file that inserts the correct 'NDRV'.

You can make an 'NDRV' extension, and it will load first, after the happy Mac and before the splash screen.

Best part it you can disable and update it without the need for a new Mac OS ROM.
That works too.


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Re: my Radeon 7000 (RV100) 64Mb Sapphire PCI VGA/DVI card (howfunkel? ebay?)
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2018, 06:49:15 AM »

can anyone help me find the PC rom for this card? 64mb radeon 7000 pci from sapphire
im hoping to stick it into a pentium 75mhz


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Re: my Radeon 7000 (RV100) 64Mb Sapphire PCI VGA/DVI card (howfunkel? ebay?)
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2018, 10:52:18 AM »

did you ask that seller maybe he can give you what you looking for?


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Re: my Radeon 7000 (RV100) 64Mb Sapphire PCI VGA/DVI card (howfunkel? ebay?)
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2020, 08:41:45 AM »

i did manage to get that card flashed back to pc somehow eventually
the problem was the version of the flasher app
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