Mac OS 9 Discussion > Emulation

NoSTalgia 0.65 - ATARI ST emulation in MacOs9 with OMS support

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yes of course;
MIDI patch editors = accessory use?

there is really a large amount of them for download online

if they really allow mac users to use atari midi warez on a real mac with a real midi port it will be very interesting!


--- Quote from: macStuff on September 05, 2017, 03:19:51 PM ---
MIDI patch editors = accessory use?

--- End quote ---

I could make the kawai xd-5 librarian work on the mac using the NoSTalgia 0.65, it did the bidirectional MIDI communication well  ;)

Don´t remember well, but think Yamaha 4op editor worked too.

Accesory use = utilities that works on this platform (it´s a matter of try-error to check what are those that runs, fitting your needs.  For me, random note generators, fractal generators, etc, are really nice.


Can you ask the developer if we can post it here as a download ?

He did say "friends" don't know how many...


--- Quote from: DieHard on September 06, 2017, 08:10:18 AM ---Irisman,

Can you ask the developer if we can post it here as a download ?

He did say "friends" don't know how many...

--- End quote ---

Authorization granted by kind developer Mr. Gèrin 👏👏👏.

He will join us as soon as membership is approved 👍 for personal authorization.


i´ve tried that about 20 years ago, but the main problem is that the copyprotection schemes of old atari software usually dont work in emulators. i didnt even got an editor program working which only requires a serialnumber.


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