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Author Topic: G3 L2 Accelerator  (Read 24904 times)


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G3 L2 Accelerator
« on: June 11, 2017, 10:34:50 PM »

Hello to this active forum! I've been actively following the hacking of Mac OS 9 to new horizons and beyond. While my question is not directly related to Mac OS 9 but X I hope to get some feedback from active developers as all the old school people I've reached over the emails do no longer possess the required information in their brain (or were too lazy to dig deep).

I'm looking into a way to enable G3 L2 (Sonnet Crescendo in my case) accelerator on TAM (an Alchemy based old world Mac).

First thing that I haven't found is to understand how the accelerator works. My assumptions are that at standard CPU uses some of the L2 cache commands to setup the  accelerator G3 CPU into correct state (in case of Sonnet which does not require a boot to enable the G3, the others Vimage, PowerLogix, etc. require a boot to enable the G3) and make the original CPU to do busy loop etc.

Assuming this is right, I have the following questions:
- MPC750 starts execution from certain address, which I assume to be the same as ROM address of Open Firmware, should Old World OF work with G3?
- How to decompile the existing Sonnet extension, I have access to MacNosy but it can not open Ptch resource type used by the extension to load whatever patch to start G3?
- Finally assuming a proper bootstrap code can be figured out, this code should be implemented as a part of Apple's BootX code, right? This can't be done at OF level I assume.

Let me know what you think. In the end my primary goal is to have TAM to be seen as an AirTunes end point to stream Spotify etc. to it.

Thanks and congratulations for everyone for such a great forum!



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Re: G3 L2 Accelerator
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2017, 12:45:49 PM »

The accelerator probably fits into a special connector on the motherboard. The main CPU is either physically replaced by the accelerator (if the CPU is on a card and replaced by the accelerator card) or overridden by the accelerator somehow (perhaps by permanently activating the bus request signal). The accelerator's cpu should be compatible enough for Open Firmware to run directly on it. The Sonnet Extension is not loaded until much later in the boot process. It probably sets up the caches for normal operation (assuming that the caches were not activated previously).

Just activating the caches without notifying the operating system would be a disaster. Address Space areas mapped to the PCI bus and other devices should probably have cache disabled. If they use DMA, some parts of main memory should also not be cached. If the accelerator cache is sufficiently different from the normal cache to require a custom driver, there should be some integration with the operating system to ensure that caching can be controlled.

For whether OSX can be run on it, I quote the TAM wikipedia page
Based on a PowerPC 603e processor, the TAM cannot run Mac OS X natively, but with the addition of a G3 or G4 aftermarket upgrade and the use of XPostFacto 4.0 software the TAM could run several versions of OS X, with some limitations.

Attempting to install Mac OS X otherwise can "brick" the TAM, and is ill-advised.
Apparently OSX thinks that it can't run on a TAM when it has a G3 upgrade but actually can. It just needs the boot checks to be overridden.

I was mostly relying on my intuition in this post, so there is no guarantee that any of this is reliable. Any corrections would be welcome. I have a 7300 with a 400 MHz G3 card in it so I am interested in reverse-engineering the extension. Here is my version of the extension. It may or may not be the same as yours.


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Re: G3 L2 Accelerator
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2017, 01:57:40 PM »

Hi Daniel,

The accelerator used by TAM and 6400 is a product of clever engineering where an existing L2 cache module is replaced with an accelerator. If you don’t run Mac OS with the extension it uses the regular 603e instead. In that way it is different from some of the other accelerator cards. PM 7300 has a spesific expansion slot CPU cards.

Running Mac OS X on TAM works fine although very slowly regardless what Internet says. AFAIR (it has been 10 years ago I tried it the last time) bricking is caused by a few different symptoms and are fixable:

An earlier version of XFP did not turn on the backlight so the screen appeared to be black. This can be fixed within OF but TAM defaults to modem port so you’d need another machine. OF can’t be used on the built in display.

And if you really got it messed up, unplugging all power for 10 mins or so gets it back running.



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Re: G3 L2 Accelerator
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2017, 03:28:51 PM »

So the replacement G3 is started up while the system is running? That is interesting. Could you attach the extension to your next message? I won't be able to read it but others might be able to. Also, could you run NKLogReader on the machine with the extension installed and send us the log?

Assuming that the extension actually swaps out the processor, it probably uses the RESET supervisor mode trick to take over control. It then probably initializes the G3 and sets the program counter to the return address of the function after messing around with various operating system structures to make everything work. As you said, the original cpu is probably put into an endless loop.

If OSX has no idea how to use the accelerator, it is probably faster to just have the L2 cache.


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Re: G3 L2 Accelerator
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2017, 06:03:00 PM »

Yes, Sonnet was only L2 G3 accelerator to do it without double booting. There was a lot of other manufacturers as well:

I would assume getting dual booting version to work would be a lot easier but I don't have access to such an accelerator and Sonnets are the most commonly seen in eBay.

My grand idea is to modify BootX (Apple) from XPostFacto ( to do the dual boot to have the accelerator visible in Mac OS X.

AFAIR Running OS X with L2 cache inserted was still awfully slow. I doubt it would be able to run Tiger even though it can be made to work with 603/604:

Then I could run Airfoil Speakers to have TAM as a remote speakers for Spotify :)

You were able to get the accelerator enabled on Linux:


The latest drivers v3.1 which I used on my decompiling efforts can be found here:

Just FYI, the comm slot ii card can be enabled on Mac OS X: (in German)

About NKLogReader, I don't currently have access to my TAM (it is packed away in the middle of house improvement work), and the CD-ROM drive is flakey so I have only Mac 7.6.3 currently on it.



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Re: G3 L2 Accelerator
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2017, 07:04:52 PM »

Hmmh... got somehow to look into the Ptch resources (apparently one needs put '>' character before the resource name in MacNosy).

The main resources are (again, I have limited knowledge of how extensions work, so please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) INIT which is executed by the OS and Ptch which contains the accelerator specific data. DRVR resources seems to implement some sort of default functions, which I assume to be irrelevant. The other resources are texts, icons and picts.
Code: [Select]
      13 resource types, data index =  100
Type INIT    att   indx  length
  ID    128   10      0        D4 
Type DRVR    att   indx  length
  ID    128   50     D8      1CA8 .Accel_604_Sonnet_Crescendo
Type Ptch    att   indx  length
  ID    128   10   1D84      2220 Main
  ID    129   50   3FA8       3A8
  ID    130   50   4354      18E0
  ID    131   50   5C38        C8 
  ID    132   50   5D04        1C

The main INIT resource is:
Code: [Select]
       0:                                 QUAL    INIT128 ; b# =1  s#1  =proc1

       0: 4E56 0000      'NV..'  INIT128  LINK    A6,#0
       4: 48E7 3C20      'H.< '           MOVEM.L D2-D5/A2,-(A7)
       8: 7A00           'z.'             MOVEQ   #0,D5
       A: 41FA 00BC      10000C8 lab_1    LEA     data1,A0    ; len= 12
       E: 2005           ' .'             MOVE.L  D5,D0
      10: E588           '..'             LSL.L   #2,D0
      12: 2230 0800      '"0..'           MOVE.L  0(A0,D0.L),D1
      16: 676E           1000086          BEQ.S   lab_7
      18: 558F           'U.'             SUBQ.L  #2,A7
      1A: 2F01           '/.'             PUSH.L  D1
      1C: A80D           '..'             _Count1Resources ; (theType:ResType):INTEGER
      1E: 381F           '8.'             POP     D4
      20: 4243           'BC'             CLR     D3
      22: 605A           100007E          BRA.S   lab_6
      24: 598F           'Y.'    lab_2    SUBQ.L  #4,A7
      26: 41FA 00A0      10000C8          LEA     data1,A0    ; len= 12
      2A: 2005           ' .'             MOVE.L  D5,D0
      2C: E588           '..'             LSL.L   #2,D0
      2E: 2F30 0800      '/0..'           PUSH.L  0(A0,D0.L)
      32: 3003           '0.'             MOVE    D3,D0
      34: 5240           'R@'             ADDQ    #1,D0
      36: 3F00           '?.'             PUSH    D0
      38: A80E           '..'             _Get1IxResource ; (theType:ResType; index:INTEGER):Handle
      3A: 245F           '$_'             POP.L   A2
      3C: 2252           '"R'             MOVEA.L (A2),A1
      3E: 0C91 534E 4E54 '..SNNT'         CMPI.L  #'SNNT',(A1)
      44: 662E           1000074          BNE.S   lab_5
      46: 204A           ' J'             MOVEA.L A2,A0
      48: A04A           '.J'             _HNoPurge ; (A0/h:Handle)
      4A: 204A           ' J'             MOVEA.L A2,A0
      4C: A025           '.%'             _GetHandleSize ; (A0/h:Handle):D0\Size
      4E: 2400           '$.'             MOVE.L  D0,D2
      50: 2252           '"R'             MOVEA.L (A2),A1
      52: 2011           ' .'             MOVE.L  (A1),D0
      54: E68A           '..'             LSR.L   #3,D2
      56: 6018           1000070          BRA.S   lab_4
      58: D0A9 0004      '....'  lab_3    ADD.L   4(A1),D0
      5C: 0A80 1234 5678 '...4Vx'         EORI.L  #$12345678,D0
      62: 22C0           '".'             MOVE.L  D0,(A1)+
      64: D0A9 0004      '....'           ADD.L   4(A1),D0
      68: 0A80 1234 5678 '...4Vx'         EORI.L  #$12345678,D0
      6E: 22C0           '".'             MOVE.L  D0,(A1)+
      70: 51CA FFE6      1000058 lab_4    DBRA    D2,lab_3
      74: 204A           ' J'    lab_5    MOVEA.L A2,A0
      76: A02A           '.*'             _HUnLock ; (A0/h:Handle)
      78: 204A           ' J'             MOVEA.L A2,A0
      7A: A029           '.)'             _HLock  ; (A0/h:Handle)
      7C: 5243           'RC'             ADDQ    #1,D3
      7E: B644           '.D'    lab_6    CMP.W   D4,D3
      80: 65A2           1000024          BLO     lab_2
      82: 5285           'R.'             ADDQ.L  #1,D5
      84: 6084           100000A          BRA     lab_1
      86: 598F           'Y.'    lab_7    SUBQ.L  #4,A7
      88: 2F3C 5074 6368 '/<Ptch'         PUSH.L  #'Ptch'
      8E: 3F3C 0080      '?<..'           PUSH    #$80
      92: A81F           '..'             _Get1Resource ; (theType:ResType; ID:INTEGER):Handle
      94: 245F           '$_'             POP.L   A2
      96: 204A           ' J'             MOVEA.L A2,A0
      98: A029           '.)'             _HLock  ; (A0/h:Handle)
      9A: 303C A09F      '0<..'           MOVE    #$A09F,D0   ; Power
      9E: A346           '.F'             _GetTrapAddress newOS; (D0/trapNum:Word):A0\ProcPtr
      A0: 2F08           '/.'             PUSH.L  A0
      A2: 303C A198      '0<..'           MOVE    #$A198,D0   ; HWPriv
      A6: A346           '.F'             _GetTrapAddress newOS; (D0/trapNum:Word):A0\ProcPtr
      A8: B1DF           '..'             CMPA.L  (A7)+,A0
      AA: 6704           10000B0          BEQ.S   lab_8
      AC: 7001           'p.'             MOVEQ   #1,D0
      AE: A098           '..'             _HWPriv 
      B0: 2012           ' .'    lab_8    MOVE.L  (A2),D0
      B2: A055           '.U'             _StripAddress ; (D0/theAddress:HLongInt):D0\HLongInt
      B4: 2040           ' @'             MOVEA.L D0,A0
      B6: 4E90           'N.'             JSR     (A0)
      B8: 204A           ' J'             MOVEA.L A2,A0
      BA: A02A           '.*'             _HUnLock ; (A0/h:Handle)
      BC: 2F0A           '/.'             PUSH.L  A2
      BE: A9A3           '..'             _ReleaseResource ; (theResource:Handle)
      C0: 4CDF 043C      'L..<'           MOVEM.L (A7)+,D2-D5/A2
      C4: 4E5E           'N^'             UNLK    A6
      C6: 4E75           'Nu'             RTS     

                                 ;-refs - INIT128   

      C8: 'PtchDRVR....'         data1    DC.W    $5074,$6368,$4452,$5652,0,0

I would assume it to determine if an accelerator is present, based on the found accelerator load the correct patch into memory and then execute that(?). So to further understand what the code does, all the memory writes (Ptch 128 and 131) should be decompiled as well.

Ptch 129, 130 and 132 are already executable code:
Code: [Select]
       0:                                 QUAL    Ptch129 ; b# =1  s#1  =proc1

       0: 534E           'SN'    Ptch129  SUBQ    #1,A6
       2: 4E54 050C      'NT..'           LINK    A4,#$50C
       6: E105           '..'             ASL.B   #8,D5
       8:                        data1    EQU     *-1
       8: 17E1 B6FD      1000007          MOVE.B  -(A1),data1(A3.W*8)
       C• F1DD           '..'             ILL*   
Code: [Select]
       0:                                 QUAL    Ptch130 ; b# =1  s#1  =proc1

       0: 534E           'SN'    Ptch130  SUBQ    #1,A6
       2: 4E54 050C      'NT..'           LINK    A4,#$50C
       6: E105           '..'             ASL.B   #8,D5
       8:                        data1    EQU     *-1
       8: 17E1 B6FD      1000007          MOVE.B  -(A1),data1(A3.W*8)
       C• F1DD           '..'             ILL*   
Code: [Select]
       0:                                 QUAL    Ptch132 ; b# =1  s#1  =proc1

                                 param2    VEQU  8
                                 param1    VEQU  16
       0:                                 VEND   

       0: 6004           1000006 Ptch132  BRA.S   lab_1
                                 ;-refs - Ptch132   

       2: '....'                 data1    DC.W    0,0

       6: 4E56 FFFC      'NV..'  lab_1    LINK    A6,#-4
       A: 206E 0008      2000008          MOVEA.L param2(A6),A0
       E: 20BA FFF2      1000002          MOVE.L  data1,(A0)
      12: 426E 0010      2000010          CLR     param1(A6)
      16: 4E5E           'N^'             UNLK    A6
      18: 4E74 0008      'Nt..'           RTD     #8


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Re: G3 L2 Accelerator
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2017, 07:07:42 PM »

Ptch 128 and 131 for completeness sake

Code: [Select]

       0: 'SNNT..[T.|Ip.s.d'     data1    DC.W    $534E,$4E54,$914,$5B54,$C7C,$4970,$773,$8A64
      10: '.+.......Y..3...'              DC.W    $E2B,$A9B0,$DEB,$A9C0,$E559,$A9B3,$33F7,$1E17
      20: 'q...G.t..s...<..'              DC.W    $71C4,$B6A0,$478A,$74A0,$9873,$D592,$123C,$B5AD
      30: '.#..7[...s...9..'              DC.W    $223,$880B,$375B,$B806,$9873,$D592,$1239,$B5AD
      40: '.&.....>9..t..]^'              DC.W    $226,$8913,$19E9,$8D3E,$39F7,$B574,$FC8E,$5D5E
      50: '.zc, p.t.D...x).'              DC.W    $DB7A,$632C,$2070,$374,$C944,$1004,$1078,$29FD
      60: '..uCqp...j48o.u.'              DC.W    $EDE0,$7543,$7170,$2D0,$EE6A,$3438,$6FAA,$751C
      70: '..X.}.I......m4.'              DC.W    $C084,$58B0,$7DE7,$4904,$7F81,$31C,$E46D,$3480
      80: 'o.u......Y0,F..&'              DC.W    $6FAA,$7518,$AEED,$871C,$EF59,$302C,$46D7,$AF26
      90: 'x...0...\....yF@'              DC.W    $78C8,$B3E7,$30DF,$D497,$5CCD,$14D4,$E479,$4640
      A0: 'o.u |.3.c.V..p/.'              DC.W    $6FAA,$7520,$7CC3,$33F4,$63F0,$56EA,$F670,$2FE6
      B0: '.I.V..l"........'              DC.W    $1249,$F556,$FCC1,$6C22,$FD16,$D0EE,$E8B6,$A6
      C0: 'z.u..U.uF....-.@'              DC.W    $7AEF,$75E7,$9755,$8975,$46F1,$2E9A,$C2D,$DE40
      D0: '.Z.N..&.....b0U.'              DC.W    $D25A,$A84E,$91AE,$268C,$8206,$E6F8,$6230,$55F8
      E0: '.Z.....L..=..7..'              DC.W    $B25A,$A994,$19F5,$7F4C,$E9E0,$3D14,$1237,$EE8C
      F0: '2l>.<c.....;6..+'              DC.W    $326C,$3EF4,$3C63,$9CAC,$1E7,$B63B,$36F0,$9F2B
     100: '.Z....W...U.....'              DC.W    $EF5A,$A882,$E499,$5719,$F51C,$55FB,$16D3,$18BE
     110: '.........m.xZ..T'              DC.W    $E2AC,$CADD,$EB2,$1E89,$AA6D,$578,$5A88,$FB54
     120: '.?..2h>.<c..[..x'              DC.W    $113F,$EE8C,$3268,$3EF4,$3C63,$9CAC,$5BE7,$578
     130: 'Z..y.:.b..V..4U.'              DC.W    $5A8C,$BB79,$D13A,$E662,$B509,$568F,$B34,$55E2
     140: '..IH.z.....T...}'              DC.W    $FC8E,$4948,$DD7A,$1AA,$AFCF,$D054,$14DB,$BF7D
     150: '#?..rv.5ZD.7;...'              DC.W    $233F,$BBEC,$7276,$FB35,$5A44,$A437,$3BCF,$FE15
     160: '..e:.p..T.k8..x.'              DC.W    $3B3,$653A,$CD70,$EE8A,$54D0,$6B38,$EB83,$78F8
     170: '[email protected].;.fk'              DC.W    $1F44,$A190,$533,$7640,$141C,$361C,$3BCC,$666B
     180: '.s.........r..Q.'              DC.W    $C673,$E8BB,$EB01,$D5BE,$2BE,$472,$90B5,$512E
     190: 'A.2...&.Z:El..W.'              DC.W    $41D3,$32FD,$11B4,$260F,$5A3A,$456C,$E499,$571A
     1A0: '[email protected]..'              DC.W    $FE03,$1840,$E1C0,$CADD,$F46,$1E89,$AA6D,$51C
     1B0: '..>4.......}&...'              DC.W    $84D7,$3E34,$E10,$18E2,$E284,$B77D,$2690,$9DEC
     1C0: '@+}..BIH..W....A'              DC.W    $402B,$7DE5,$F042,$4948,$E499,$5719,$FE03,$1841
     1D0: '.....r..y..7..TM'              DC.W    $E1EC,$CADD,$F72,$1E89,$7903,$CB37,$C1E0,$544D
     1E0: '..W..W......1...'              DC.W    $EDD9,$5795,$1157,$17C1,$CA09,$1FAD,$31F3,$B61C
     1F0: '6.....&%,.E.....'              DC.W    $36D2,$A1FA,$A6F2,$2625,$2CFA,$458A,$FE10,$18DE
     200: '...}%...A=r6.4..'              DC.W    $E80A,$BB7D,$2512,$91EC,$413D,$7236,$D234,$9CC1
     210: '.z.}N..#...i....'              DC.W    $EC7A,$BF7D,$4EBD,$E523,$E2ED,$E69,$1D89,$18B1
     220: '..Hy..)7Xl.^..?z'              DC.W    $FFC1,$4879,$B5E1,$2937,$586C,$D95E,$E7D5,$3F7A
     230: 'T.fh....2d>.<c..'              DC.W    $54FD,$6668,$AB0B,$EE8C,$3264,$3EF4,$3C63,$A78A
     240: '.H..rCo.....\\..'              DC.W    $9F48,$D0AD,$7243,$6F1F,$AEF3,$CD82,$5C5C,$1F00
     250: 'Bq*.........]./P'              DC.W    $4271,$2A08,$2E11,$D986,$5AC,$CDC4,$5DB6,$2F50
     260: '.i.....}g....b..'              DC.W    $8669,$E994,$18CB,$BF7D,$67B2,$E07,$8D62,$FE
     270: 'G..........}....'              DC.W    $4797,$202,$9880,$D994,$FBB,$B47D,$1EF8,$215
     280: '..e:.p..T.k8..x.'              DC.W    $3B3,$653A,$CD70,$EE8A,$54D0,$6B38,$EB83,$78F8
     290: '.D...:x...Go ..='              DC.W    $1F44,$A190,$1E3A,$78D8,$B9D9,$476F,$20FE,$893D
     2A0: '*......H4.3f..Q.'              DC.W    $2AC5,$1114,$AEF3,$CE48,$34B4,$3366,$E5DC,$51BA
     2B0: '2~....V1...m..v.'              DC.W    $327E,$D202,$1214,$5631,$1208,$96D,$91AF,$762E
     2C0: 'M...-Gx..'.},.Q.'              DC.W    $4DB2,$D5ED,$2D47,$789F,$D327,$B37D,$2CF0,$51F9
     2D0: '...W.QAc.13f....'              DC.W    $EDCB,$B957,$1D51,$4163,$1031,$3366,$F8A,$FB15
     2E0: '..Z..|KP.3:8....'              DC.W    $E04,$5A13,$C7C,$4B50,$DF33,$3A38,$E803,$1EB0
     2F0: '0..9..t.;..Tn3B]'              DC.W    $30C6,$9E39,$212,$7405,$3B8E,$BE54,$6E33,$425D
     300: '..1yq,...s..u4..'              DC.W    $A38A,$3179,$712C,$F3F8,$EC73,$E7C6,$7534,$B4F8
     310: '...9..1yq2.hF7..'              DC.W    $B7B4,$A839,$A388,$3179,$7132,$CF68,$4637,$8B0
     320: '..-.p...[....a.G'              DC.W    $BAC5,$2DAF,$7011,$C918,$5B95,$1718,$B861,$B947
     330: '.X.b+s1.......%.'              DC.W    $CF58,$462,$2B73,$3180,$C888,4,$1118,$2500
     340: 'PTVr.4VZ"#w+.!U.'              DC.W    $5054,$5672,$E34,$565A,$2223,$772B,$9B21,$55F8
     350: '........<......)'              DC.W    $1213,$F38D,$11F7,$CC8F,$3CE7,$ABDD,$10D8,$1629
     360: 'h.7b.U.iG.z.T.G.'              DC.W    $680B,$3762,$9755,$8869,$47ED,$7A88,$548C,$4716
     370: 'C2..3j._...=.d.7'              DC.W    $4332,$D5E3,$336A,$85F,$11B5,$F73D,$1F64,$837
     380: 'D.X..{.v....1L.2'              DC.W    $44F3,$5800,$EB7B,$1D76,$B99B,$B704,$314C,$D232
     390: '...8...}Z-Gt..y.'              DC.W    $CCA5,$438,$140B,$FD7D,$5A2D,$4774,$1199,$797F
     3A0: '..L.......w&L.Q.'              DC.W    $141F,$4C80,$E3A0,$8B88,$91AF,$7726,$4C9A,$51C2
     3B0: 'L.U(.?.R.q.V..6.'              DC.W    $4C8B,$5528,$33F,$1B52,$E371,$856,$DFFB,$3680
     3C0: '..w:..U.L...3j._'              DC.W    $B086,$773A,$E18F,$55CC,$4CA0,$D5E3,$336A,$85F
     3D0: '...=.d.7<.7r.3.^'              DC.W    $11B5,$F73D,$1F64,$837,$3CF4,$3772,$EC33,$5E
     3E0: '..r|..o.&*p... .'              DC.W    $DDDA,$727C,$C015,$6F80,$262A,$708C,$DBB7,$20C5
     3F0: ' c=..r.....x..8.'              DC.W    $2063,$3DF1,$E372,$9CAE,$2EEF,$EE78,$AFD6,$3880
     400: '.A3...C........?'              DC.W    $9241,$33A8,$8216,$43B4,$E1AB,$A98C,$B2F5,$103F
     410: 'l.O9-_N..q...;.b'              DC.W    $6C0A,$4F39,$2D5F,$4ECA,$E371,$D7A4,$163B,$462
     420: '..Vh3t.~..`.t.v.'              DC.W    $130D,$5668,$3374,$1E7E,$C8AC,$6096,$7415,$761A
     430: '..S...M.:.....O9'              DC.W    $859E,$53A8,$EED4,$4DC2,$3A80,$E8EF,$14D1,$4F39
     440: '-_N..qX..`...3U.'              DC.W    $2D5F,$4EFE,$E371,$589E,$1260,$D40A,$1233,$55F8
     450: '...*..w&L..._...'              DC.W    $1210,$82A,$91AF,$7726,$4C9A,$D5ED,$5FFA,$AA1D
     460: '........z.B.....'              DC.W    $F8A,$FBD5,$C3A4,$16B7,$7A1B,$42E7,$F7EC,$4D8
     470: '........V.......'              DC.W    $4F4,$BEB4,$CCE2,$C999,$56E0,$C6AD,$16E4,$C9B7
     480: '....V........<..'              DC.W    $C3F1,$D2F4,$56E4,$B5F7,$FAA1,$BF9E,$EE3C,$D3AA
     490: '....?......."B..'              DC.W    $BFDD,$B3B2,$3FCC,$AEA7,$B59F,$E108,$2242,$A884
     4A0: '.|OD.s>8#.y<....'              DC.W    $C7C,$4F44,$F173,$3E38,$230D,$793C,$E8F1,$5D4
     4B0: '....z.v[.U6)J..V'              DC.W    $DCA5,$F30C,$7AFD,$765B,$9355,$3629,$4AF2,$2E56
     4C0: '.-....U..:...TL.'              DC.W    $C2D,$DDFC,$F7D8,$55C6,$F73A,$FFBA,$354,$4CBF
     4D0: '+(.A.?.h.p....).'              DC.W    $2B28,$D941,$33F,$1E68,$E370,$F692,$F1E9,$290C
     4E0: 'G?O...Y&+>'...V.'              DC.W    $473F,$4FAA,$E7D5,$5926,$2B3E,$271E,$11D2,$5617
     4F0: '..Vq+*V>...P..W.'              DC.W    $F4A2,$5671,$2B2A,$563E,$11EE,$A850,$E499,$577F
     500: 'y2nd....6.....V.'              DC.W    $7932,$6E64,$A61D,$B61C,$36CA,$BE01,$F91F,$561C
     510: ''              DC.W    $DB6D,$8964,$6FAA,$74F4,$8887,$CBB3,$4111,$6E36
     520: 'gt9...v..VS.A...'              DC.W    $6774,$3983,$B48B,$762E,$CB56,$53D9,$41E0,$D3D1
     530: './...W.8..s.....'              DC.W    $BA2F,$910C,$FA57,$EF38,$11F8,$73E4,$F1B8,$40E
     540: '.+.v.....'.G@)..'              DC.W    $B22B,$FE76,$81D3,$E2A7,$DE27,$CB47,$4029,$816
     550: '....P...5.....6.'              DC.W    $C9FC,$2E0F,$500F,$BFB9,$35EF,$B614,$EFFD,$3694
     560: '..z.!fG...E..4*.'              DC.W    $EEE7,$7A90,$2166,$4712,$CFF8,$45E2,$1234,$2A10
     570: './&8.^.7;..%+ W.'              DC.W    $132F,$2638,$125E,$9F37,$3BC4,$125,$2B20,$5714
     580: '...0......W.y2nb'              DC.W    $11E0,$A730,$11EB,$A994,$E499,$5781,$7932,$6E62
     590: '...!.{...+0.`...'              DC.W    $CEDA,$1F21,$DC7B,$1CCA,$BE2B,$30CA,$60F4,$F6DF
     5A0: '.......~........'              DC.W    $E9D4,$E617,$11E2,$A87E,$11EB,$A994,$11EB,$AA84
     5B0: '..Wyy2nf...I.{xF'              DC.W    $E499,$5779,$7932,$6E66,$CEDA,$1F49,$DC7B,$7846
     5C0: '.|...-........ .'              DC.W    $977C,$EED4,$142D,$D59C,$EBAD,$D5A8,$EDD4,$20D6
     5D0: '.5..*%........U.'              DC.W    $1335,$BCE6,$2A25,$931E,$DAA7,$B16,$EBD2,$55FA
     5E0: '3j.|.Ew".DU..@U.'              DC.W    $336A,$887C,$1245,$7722,$CC44,$55E2,$1340,$55EE
     5F0: '..V..<U.aI...a5.'              DC.W    $ECBC,$56CA,$133C,$5504,$6149,$4D2,$DE61,$351E
     600: 'o.v.|.3.....w.W.'              DC.W    $6FAA,$7604,$7CED,$33F0,$8B8,$A894,$77E1,$57D6
     610: '.....5.oE~9...*.'              DC.W    $B508,$FEFF,$8535,$D16F,$457E,$3908,$EEDA,$2A10
     620: '..$0xb.0..%2w...'              DC.W    $BBF7,$2430,$7862,$F430,$88BA,$2532,$770A,$98E0
     630: '.5..E~H...U..0[.'              DC.W    $8535,$D19E,$457E,$48CE,$EDD4,$55E2,$1330,$5B10
     640: '..H.@l6<.\.3[^..'              DC.W    $ECB0,$48F8,$406C,$363C,$BF5C,$333,$5B5E,$187
     650: '..%a3...........'              DC.W    $F48E,$2561,$331A,$AD89,$A1D2,$D59E,$ECC9,$D5A8
     660: '.....@ ..5..*)..'              DC.W    $EDC7,$D5A8,$EE40,$20D6,$1335,$BCE6,$2A29,$92C8
     670: '.\...|......./..'              DC.W    $F5C,$DFC,$977C,$EED4,$13AB,$D59C,$EC2F,$D5A8
     680: '.. ..5..*%...z.<'              DC.W    $EDD4,$20D6,$1335,$BCE6,$2A25,$85EA,$E67A,$F03C
     690: '....u.s*}..d.C..'              DC.W    $8A6,$A894,$75B5,$732A,$7DA1,$F864,$ED43,$E5D4
     6A0: '9ZB...s"...d.?..'              DC.W    $395A,$4286,$C6C5,$7322,$EEC3,$F864,$ED3F,$E5B6
     6B0: '9VBt..7t8VHx4/W.'              DC.W    $3956,$4274,$C6C1,$3774,$3856,$4878,$342F,$5794
     6C0: ').r...1.k@e..+B#'              DC.W    $2988,$721A,$86BA,$3116,$6B40,$6580,$C22B,$4223
     6D0: '4J......s.$.....'              DC.W    $344A,$F3AE,$C41A,$9C0,$7313,$24F0,$8E5,$CFC8
     6E0: '.........]......'              DC.W    $EDEF,$D09F,$2D2,$E2BC,$FB5D,$CC9,$F3E7,$A8B5
     6F0: '...........,..?.'              DC.W    $F1EB,$DAB0,$FEF1,$C0CE,$19F2,$F12C,$B217,$3F00
     700: 'n.........:.J...'              DC.W    $6E02,$B19F,$10ED,$909,$A10D,$3A0D,$4A15,$A6A0
     710: '................'              DC.W    $F3EF,$F19F,$7D9,$B3A5,$1E9,$EFC9,$FF1,$CBCB
     720: '.......I.....!.p'              DC.W    $B0C5,$B0C9,$EDC7,$D049,$A0F,$DB91,$1A21,$E470
     730: '..Vh.LWsi.U...$.'              DC.W    $1AE,$5668,$EE4C,$5773,$69F4,$5581,$CE08,$2405
     740: 'A...zR..0.m.....'              DC.W    $4105,$A21D,$7A52,$B3E7,$30BF,$6D8A,$1A7F,$ACBD
     750: 'B ...O.+5.t.O...'              DC.W    $4220,$18D0,$AF4F,$BF2B,$35E7,$74D3,$4FD2,$D9FC
     760: '.-...>...tL...V.'              DC.W    $C2D,$E3AE,$DD3E,$FF16,$374,$4CBF,$11DC,$5604
     770: '.a..K..I....t.$.'              DC.W    $1461,$DDDE,$4BEF,$F749,$B21F,$D300,$74BC,$2482
     780: '.@..;NVj..6p...S'              DC.W    $AB40,$1D10,$3B4E,$566A,$E8CE,$3670,$128E,$53
     790: '...M"2..E;.x.*.q'              DC.W    $118D,$F04D,$2232,$ACF8,$453B,$1078,$AB2A,$EA71
     7A0: 'u!.....+.2N.5R.8'              DC.W    $7521,$95C7,$FB1E,$62B,$A232,$4E0D,$3552,$2E38
     7B0: '..~.`,.....b....'              DC.W    $EAD0,$7EF3,$602C,$DE3,$AC99,$F662,$E86,$A984
     7C0: 'E.T..tS..46yN4.w'              DC.W    $45F3,$54FC,$B574,$53F9,$34,$3679,$4E34,$BC77
     7D0: '.|.6...,.q.ur..y'              DC.W    $37C,$C536,$C5ED,$D2C,$D171,$2E75,$72F0,$1E79
     7E0: '.1.w.1.|D./4....'              DC.W    $B31,$B677,$AA31,$D97C,$448E,$2F34,$E7B0,$F6F7
     7F0: '......x#..'m....'              DC.W    $8A9,$9D98,$CDF3,$7823,$EB02,$276D,$8BCC,$1105
     800: '...T:.fK.2N.X..:'              DC.W    $83B3,$EF54,$3AEA,$664B,$A232,$4E0D,$58B2,$93A
     810: '.3.q...q../X.e>P'              DC.W    $F033,$1271,$4AC,$1A71,$1D8B,$2F58,$E565,$3E50
     820: 'O.voN"Q-k..K....'              DC.W    $4F11,$766F,$4E22,$512D,$6B19,$EA4B,$1217,$D500
     830: 't$^..3g...._....'              DC.W    $7424,$5E91,$FA33,$671D,$ECEB,$1A5F,$F8A,$FBF5
     840: '..Z..|OP.s>8/../'              DC.W    $E04,$5A13,$C7C,$4F50,$E973,$3E38,$2FF6,$F2F
     850: '.....*$..b.+1...'              DC.W    $FAB7,$B8DB,$152A,$24F2,$BC62,$BF2B,$31AA,$D319
     860: '...>k..r.4......'              DC.W    $CCA1,$33E,$6BD5,$D072,$9A34,$1616,$EBBA,$D5E3
     870: '3f.c..W..\k...k.'              DC.W    $3366,$863,$1EED,$5784,$BF5C,$6B04,$131C,$6B08
     880: 'r5!|..2...X.....'              DC.W    $7235,$217C,$C3C0,$3284,$EC19,$58AE,$F1A8,$1CE6
     890: 't..|..F.R...c.u.'              DC.W    $74A3,$F27C,$AB94,$46B7,$5297,$BE3,$63F8,$75D5
     8A0: 'M....-...{w...Go'              DC.W    $4DE9,$E3FC,$C2D,$DDB1,$EB7B,$77F8,$B9D9,$476F
     8B0: '/cA...1.Y"..iY).'              DC.W    $2F63,$41A5,$F19B,$31EE,$5922,$83E6,$6959,$29B7
     8C0: '.]....xW..(Y...K'              DC.W    $9C5D,$FE15,$BB3,$7857,$B8C,$2859,$1099,$F54B
     8D0: 'A...|...A^t...y.'              DC.W    $41D7,$E5F7,$7CB7,$928A,$415E,$7404,$F90C,$79C4
     8E0: '..Goa.E.|...Y.x.'              DC.W    $B9D9,$476F,$6118,$45F7,$7CC8,$83C2,$5987,$78F0
     8F0: ').n..4E.........'              DC.W    $29F4,$6E16,$8634,$45E8,$EDD7,$E00A,$B30C,$C8F7
     900: '.N....%\..8...w.'              DC.W    $9C4E,$FE15,$3B3,$255C,$1BB,$3884,$C78D,$770C
     910: '4.Q.,..<..g^..$.'              DC.W    $34AC,$51B8,$2C1A,$843C,$1088,$675E,$EDAD,$240E
     920: '..s.........'4V<'              DC.W    $12C7,$73D6,$EBC5,$B5BA,$1383,$D5E8,$2734,$563C
     930: '..Vv..c... .'XVZ'              DC.W    $F21C,$5676,$DCAE,$630E,$120E,$20F4,$2758,$565A
     940: '..fP....3^.0.Fys'              DC.W    $DCAA,$6650,$ECA1,$E00A,$335E,$1030,$246,$7973
     950: ').y.........s-.7'              DC.W    $29DA,$7981,$11EB,$A984,$11EB,$AA80,$732D,$437
     960: '..T)......A..q..'              DC.W    $B0B2,$5429,$11EB,$A984,$141F,$4108,$DB71,$5C0
     970: '@.,....63e.T7.0n'              DC.W    $4009,$2C12,$82A4,$1136,$3365,$EF54,$37F6,$306E
     980: '..B~..zbL...s=..'              DC.W    $E80A,$427E,$91AF,$7A62,$4C96,$D0AD,$733D,$CFB3
     990: '....#;q..'.G@(..'              DC.W    $8CBA,$D0BC,$233B,$7115,$DE27,$CB47,$4028,$C9D0
     9A0: '.o+.>g7:........'              DC.W    $9E6F,$2B1C,$3E67,$373A,$83A8,$C502,$95DC,$C2FE
     9B0: '.Q...P.*r>b#;..I'              DC.W    $8F51,$C502,$250,$8D2A,$723E,$6223,$3BF7,$B949
     9C0: '.HT.....1.6 G..&'              DC.W    $DF48,$5494,$E5B9,$A890,$3106,$3620,$4703,$B226
     9D0: 'wh..1.....8O..<-'              DC.W    $7768,$B3E7,$31D3,$8490,$1CEC,$384F,$4C7,$3C2D
     9E0: 'Q..5.p..1....T2.'              DC.W    $511F,$A835,$8970,$B3E7,$31CF,$D4A9,$CA54,$32CA
     9F0: '.LR.y4V..?.Q.(.W'              DC.W    $134C,$52F9,$7934,$56CF,$F53F,$E551,$A28,$A757
     A00: 'T.d.A..H...g..W.'              DC.W    $54B4,$64A3,$41B1,$E848,$122E,$767,$13A2,$57D4
     A10: '..VX.4T...U..&W.'              DC.W    $10E0,$5658,$1234,$54A4,$1206,$55F8,$1326,$57AC
     A20: '.Pt.`....n49o.v.'              DC.W    $1150,$74AE,$6086,$1DF,$DE6E,$3439,$6FAA,$760C
     A30: '.....Z.V.b4..P..'              DC.W    $8287,$1AF0,$DD5A,$B56,$EB62,$34CA,$1350,$13F8
     A40: 'u4.$.%5..].V.~:.'              DC.W    $7534,$1724,$FD25,$351C,$9D5D,$1656,$EB7E,$3ACA
     A50: '.HG.u.X...G.u."0'              DC.W    $1348,$47FB,$751C,$58F5,$AB0C,$47FA,$7514,$2230
     A60: ';...n2.^..1j^...'              DC.W    $3B94,$BF18,$6E32,$EF5E,$3B4,$316A,$5E0E,$7FE7
     A70: '...w.(G.u04w...Y'              DC.W    $2FD,$AA77,$AB28,$47F9,$7530,$3477,$AC11,$C059
     A80: 'q..7...t@*....s.'              DC.W    $7111,$E137,$D21A,$A774,$402A,$E80D,$2F0,$73BB
     A90: ';J.......$s.;V..'              DC.W    $3B4A,$BED8,$AFF0,$7F95,$324,$73BA,$3B56,$BEDD
     AA0: 'n2. ..1T.}.L..1\'              DC.W    $6E32,$EF20,$682,$3154,$1D7D,$EF4C,$686,$315C
     AB0: '...T..1d...\..1l'              DC.W    $1D81,$EF54,$687,$3164,$1D80,$EF5C,$3B7,$316C
     AC0: '...d..1t...l....'              DC.W    $1CB0,$EF64,$3B6,$3174,$1C97,$EF6C,$606,$A894
     AD0: '{.W..55....V....'              DC.W    $7BB3,$57C8,$F635,$35AC,$9CFD,$1056,$EC0D,$FFE7
     AE0: '......y...o.=..+'              DC.W    $A5C7,$C0FF,$ABF0,$79E4,$4F5,$6FBD,$3DA5,$C12B
     AF0: '..y......1.r....'              DC.W    $ABF7,$79F0,$4F2,$7FFE,$FD31,$D672,$9C91,$FAFB
     B00: '..Ju}4V`.45..4.k'              DC.W    $118E,$4A75,$7D34,$5660,$F134,$35DE,$F034,$66B
     B10: '..x...[...N9./'S'              DC.W    $E3DA,$7887,$E95,$5B88,$FDC5,$4E39,$C02F,$2753
     B20: '.....hK..A.-."W.'              DC.W    $F03,$F08D,$CF68,$4B03,$1341,$8B2D,$F22,$57FF
     B30: '.j....f...W..dJ.'              DC.W    $CF6A,$13D3,$10A5,$66A8,$F204,$57FE,$CF64,$4A92
     B40: '..M..bk2S.......'              DC.W    $EE0D,$4DC1,$1362,$6B32,$53D6,$A9B2,$FD8D,$A9B0
     B50: '#........+...+..'              DC.W    $2311,$A9CC,$DEB,$A9CA,$E2B,$A9BA,$112B,$A9C8
     B60: 'p.g.LX. ....O.U.'              DC.W    $70B7,$6786,$4C58,$20,$1FBB,$9F01,$4FB2,$55FA
     B70: '%.....S.J..A.D..'              DC.W    $25C3,$406,$9BEE,$53DE,$4A85,$1841,$A444,$DC1A
     B80: '.B.... ...*.....'              DC.W    $1342,$D592,$121E,$20CA,$11FD,$2A08,$1213,$D5A3
     B90: ',...|.fK.B.[.+.B'              DC.W    $2CF5,$13BD,$7C9D,$664B,$CA42,$F05B,$C2B,$EA42
     BA0: 'P.0?..B$6J......'              DC.W    $5005,$303F,$91EE,$4224,$364A,$F3AE,$C3C1,$B6C2
     BB0: '\e......:%...$..'              DC.W    $5C65,$BFDD,$E411,$CDE7,$3A25,$D3F1,$1524,$CFF1
     BC0: '.......I..'/..?.'              DC.W    $F1EC,$CEE9,$9ACB,$D049,$A14,$272F,$FA04,$3FD6
     BD0: '........L....j4.'              DC.W    $B2A3,$C502,$95DC,$D2FE,$4CFC,$2D0,$EE6A,$3410
     BE0: 'o.t..[...6;.....'              DC.W    $6FAA,$74F4,$805B,$DB01,$8536,$3BC1,$CDED,$A4F4
     BF0: '..U.,.fm2.y..s.;'              DC.W    $BD1F,$55B0,$2C09,$666D,$329A,$7981,$C473,$33B
     C00: '....8......x..#z'              DC.W    $D5F1,$DFB9,$3803,$C308,$ACC3,$978,$F205,$237A
     C10: '...5v..'.IWfk&u8'              DC.W    $8988,$FE35,$762E,$227,$EE49,$5766,$6B26,$7538
     C20: '.....jF.o.t.....'              DC.W    $FCF2,$14E2,$E16A,$461E,$6FAA,$74F4,$8287,$DCC
     C30: '..CXC......t.tS.'              DC.W    $FE1A,$4358,$43E0,$E100,$CCB8,$9E74,$BB74,$53F9
     C40: '..1S..........s.'              DC.W    $D2B7,$3153,$86F8,$1218,$CF5,$5E2,$C1C0,$7395
     C50: './...6.MBx.{.,.0'              DC.W    $1D2F,$E5C1,$E736,$CD4D,$4278,$8A7B,$F32C,$1930
     C60: '..........R>...6'              DC.W    $CF5,$5E2,$E9DB,$F2DD,$D990,$523E,$8988,$FE36
     C70: '....^".3.]..0...'              DC.W    $8616,$D1CC,$5E22,$A533,$815D,$B3E7,$30BF,$BECB
     C80: 'Q. ...U.*.&d...`'              DC.W    $51AC,$20FA,$F29F,$55EA,$2AA3,$2664,$BAA4,$E660
     C90: '...;#..A..{$.?..'              DC.W    $CC89,$1A3B,$23B4,$A41,$F0BC,$7B24,$B3F,$D5F7
     CA0: '=...O#...]7..:.M'              DC.W    $3D0B,$D0CC,$4F23,$8F3,$815D,$3716,$163A,$CD4D
     CB0: 'Bx.7.....:......'              DC.W    $4278,$8A37,$DE5,$603,$A23A,$B6AB,$EDB9,$808E
     CC0: 'K...........z.}.'              DC.W    $4B7F,$1200,$E8F1,$5D4,$DC93,$F394,$7AEF,$7DA3
     CD0: '.........lL...V.'              DC.W    $B099,$8E9,$F2AC,$98BA,$36C,$4CBF,$11D4,$5604
     CE0: '._.$.k.w...v.IVl'              DC.W    $165F,$8624,$8E6B,$B677,$8186,$E676,$749,$566C
     CF0: '..5.G....f.6.N..'              DC.W    $CC8,$3506,$4704,$12C2,$DC66,$8936,$F94E,$F3DD
     D00: '.a.C<.'.........'              DC.W    $161,$CF43,$3C8C,$27D8,$F8A,$FBF5,$E04,$803
     D10: '..yV.1.....}"x.)'              DC.W    $EEE8,$7956,$E331,$E994,$1817,$B37D,$2278,$729
     D20: '.se8.\D...%.M..e'              DC.W    $E373,$6538,$175C,$4480,$C9E5,$25AF,$4DF5,$A365
     D30: '.b.v.eIn...x..[.'              DC.W    $C962,$F276,$8265,$496E,$93AA,$1C78,$159C,$5BC0
     D40: '..'.+O...L...s..'              DC.W    $C3C1,$27AF,$2B4F,$D318,$84C,$80D,$E173,$1395
     D50: '_....B.).).f...X'              DC.W    $5FA9,$DA7,$AE42,$C629,$D29,$D766,$DA0F,$D158
     D60: '!h.+.se6.\D...%.'              DC.W    $2168,$62B,$E373,$6536,$175C,$4480,$C9E7,$25AF
     D70: 'M..e.b.v.eIn...z'              DC.W    $4DF3,$A365,$C962,$F276,$8265,$496E,$93AA,$1C7A
     D80: '..k...G.U....,^.'              DC.W    $199C,$6BBE,$BFDD,$47AF,$55B3,$C6DA,$22C,$5EB6
     D90: '.t...s&^....H..o'              DC.W    $D574,$411,$373,$265E,$1CE8,$BDFA,$4813,$A16F
     DA0: '.*..#a.A..P?.QD.'              DC.W    $F72A,$4E7,$2361,$FD41,$CCE0,$503F,$1D51,$44E6
     DB0: '...NP.+...6*/..5'              DC.W    $E7B1,$A4E,$50CD,$2BA0,$BB04,$362A,$2FEC,$9635
     DC0: '..B.......1P..^5'              DC.W    $317,$42F6,$F581,$ECF3,$DD4,$3150,$F7C1,$5E35
     DD0: '......\..|L...5.'              DC.W    $81A,$F3AE,$E04,$5CCB,$C7C,$4C08,$AE7,$35FA
     DE0: '.....Awd........'              DC.W    $FE0,$A7FA,$1E41,$7764,$D3F8,$86AC,$AEDB,$1786
     DF0: '........3.......'              DC.W    $FEE9,$D39C,$EC11,$E28E,$3397,$97AC,$CAEF,$C5BA
     E00: '.i....0..;......'              DC.W    $1169,$D39C,$EC0A,$30B2,$33B,$F4AA,$FEE7,$D39C
     E10: '..0..3........0.'              DC.W    $EBF8,$30B2,$333,$F4AA,$FEE1,$D39C,$EC06,$30B2
     E20: '3tB.0.".......X.'              DC.W    $3374,$4210,$30F6,$22AA,$FE0,$A8BA,$EE19,$58F4
     E30: '.mt.C_......[...'              DC.W    $F26D,$74A0,$435F,$86AC,$AEDB,$1483,$5BA4,$7FAC
     E40: '.......f.{{.L..,'              DC.W    $B607,$BEAD,$11F8,$F766,$1A7B,$7BD6,$4CEC,$A2C
     E50: '.43..z.b...{..%S'              DC.W    $134,$33AE,$CD7A,$C062,$CEE2,$37B,$EC03,$2553
     E60: '..D9`.^Y&."=..'W'              DC.W    $888B,$4439,$60C1,$5E59,$26F1,$223D,$DFEF,$2757
     E70: '[email protected].'              DC.W    $33D7,$E894,$FD90,$9340,$F4D3,$5944,$EE4C,$4300
     E80: 'h.P..&*."Y$:;..v'              DC.W    $68FE,$50D4,$AB26,$2A10,$2259,$243A,$3BCB,$BC76
     E90: '[email protected]..'              DC.W    $B859,$3740,$5AF,$58F4,$9234,$55DA,$8A6F,$8DE2
     EA0: '.0}.7."$...}.tU.'              DC.W    $B730,$7DEC,$37F4,$2224,$209,$F27D,$C074,$55AF
     EB0: 'O.0n.2.8..8vC.sD'              DC.W    $4FF5,$306E,$432,$E38,$8C05,$3876,$43A9,$7344
     EC0: '..q<'              DC.W    $BE15,$713C,$9004,$F87E,$6E74,$F066,$6B8E,$429
     ED0: ''8'              DC.W    $428B,$E239,$6431,$F466,$6BB6,$5A26,$AC54,$2738
     EE0: 'n [email protected].'              DC.W    $6E20,$BD76,$BA59,$3740,$5AF,$58F4,$9234,$55DA
     EF0: '.p.../}.7."$...}'              DC.W    $8A70,$8DE2,$B72F,$7DEC,$37F4,$2224,$209,$F27D
     F00: '.tU.O.0n.2.8..8v'              DC.W    $C074,$55AF,$4FF5,$306E,$432,$E38,$8C05,$3876
     F10: 'C.s,..q$...~nt.e'              DC.W    $43A9,$732C,$BE15,$7124,$9004,$F87E,$6E74,$F065
     F20: 'k..*B..9d1.ek.Z''              DC.W    $6B8E,$42A,$428B,$E239,$6431,$F465,$6BB6,$5A27
     F30: '.['8n"..s.A...*.'              DC.W    $AC5B,$2738,$6E22,$D14,$730B,$41E4,$14F8,$2A0E
     F40: '..%<.S.z.,.r...D'              DC.W    $8CE6,$253C,$B953,$CA7A,$E2C,$CA72,$C9EF,$F44
     F50: '.r><.*h0...0...D'              DC.W    $1072,$3E3C,$B12A,$6830,$B5A1,$B30,$C8FB,$544
     F60: '0....M.Q.6..$..8'              DC.W    $3082,$1801,$F04D,$1351,$ED36,$E48A,$24AD,$438
     F70: '...Q&i2[*43...^.'              DC.W    $91F9,$F351,$2669,$325B,$2A34,$33C5,$B21A,$5EC4
     F80: 'r2).......V.O...'              DC.W    $7232,$29BF,$FF8,$1EB2,$13F9,$561C,$4F95,$AAF6
     F90: ' Ei..tU./....4nN'              DC.W    $2045,$6905,$C074,$55AE,$2F9C,$EAAD,$DE34,$6E4E
     FA0: '*.. ......V.....'              DC.W    $2ACA,$F620,$DCB0,$B61E,$EE19,$561A,$DA98,$D07
     FB0: 'S.O. Ei..tU./...'              DC.W    $53A4,$4FCB,$2045,$6915,$C074,$55AE,$2F9C,$EAAD
     FC0: '.G.V.l..,.`..m..'              DC.W    $1E47,$E56,$B56C,$B60E,$2CEB,$60F7,$9C6D,$D5FA
     FD0: 'S.O. Ei..tU./...'              DC.W    $5394,$4FCB,$2045,$6915,$C074,$55AE,$2F9C,$EAAD
     FE0: '.G.V.l...2U....L'              DC.W    $1E47,$E56,$B56C,$B602,$EE32,$55EA,$122E,$174C
     FF0: '....$..8...Q&i"i'              DC.W    $93FE,$E48A,$24C1,$438,$91F9,$F351,$2669,$2269
    1000: '*m.....}r>).....'              DC.W    $2A6D,$EE8E,$B1C0,$187D,$723E,$29CD,$1216,$1EB8
    1010: '$DV...Vz..a.....'              DC.W    $2444,$561E,$EEB4,$567A,$DACC,$6110,$122E,$1F12
    1020: '%ZVz..a7.6)..6..'              DC.W    $255A,$567A,$DAC8,$6137,$1236,$29CD,$1236,$1F08
    1030: '".Vj.JWl%4Ut..Vj'              DC.W    $2214,$566A,$E24A,$576C,$2534,$5574,$EE1E,$566A
    1040: '..q.....5NV\..p.'              DC.W    $DAD0,$7104,$1216,$2EFE,$354E,$565C,$EAB6,$70FE
    1050: '....5FVL..p.....'              DC.W    $1218,$2EF6,$3546,$564C,$EABE,$70F6,$11F8,$2EEE
    1060: '5>V<..p.....56V,'              DC.W    $353E,$563C,$EAA6,$70EE,$11F8,$2EE6,$3536,$562C
    1070: '..p.....PGa....5'              DC.W    $EAAE,$70E6,$11D8,$2EDE,$5047,$610B,$CFEC,$F735
    1080: '(2.v(1.o.44F.4\.'              DC.W    $2832,$BE76,$2831,$66F,$F034,$3446,$A634,$5CC6
    1090: '6p....'O...C..3.'              DC.W    $3670,$81BC,$C3EF,$274F,$1AAF,$F043,$E118,$33BF
    10A0: 'R6...Sd(.....5..'              DC.W    $5236,$F3B6,$2E53,$6428,$8DC1,$1E00,$1235,$A303
    10B0: '4/P..0....V0..3G'              DC.W    $342F,$50FC,$EC30,$A304,$1EB6,$5630,$E119,$3347
    10C0: '2..RD n...nQ.0..'              DC.W    $3287,$AE52,$4420,$6E90,$BA1F,$6E51,$F030,$A706
    10D0: '..~y......nQ.0..'              DC.W    $C2B4,$7E79,$7FF3,$88D0,$EDEF,$6E51,$F030,$A706
    10E0: '....i..../.4r).x'              DC.W    $C2B4,$10F9,$69B3,$1ABC,$EA2F,$F534,$7229,$A678
    10F0: '...{..6u..yx..?x'              DC.W    $C417,$7B,$DEAF,$3675,$3B4,$7978,$F507,$3F78
    1100: '...W....s~.3k...'              DC.W    $2D5,$1D57,$888B,$10E,$737E,$C33,$6B8F,$14F3
    1110: '.P+.K&....+.K&.['              DC.W    $F50,$2BA8,$4B26,$FCA9,$D511,$2BA8,$4B26,$FA5B
    1120: 'n..G?I.d+./.....'              DC.W    $6EAC,$CB47,$3F49,$664,$2BE8,$2F8E,$E9D0,$18
    1130: '.,...+..h.......'              DC.W    $E22C,$6DA,$EF2B,$CE9F,$68F7,$F0C,$AE04,$1D04
    1140: 'v.....&8.*.8Y..('              DC.W    $7603,$ADEF,$BBD4,$2638,$2A,$F438,$59ED,$C028
    1150: '....JT....9.....'              DC.W    $CACA,$BDDC,$4A54,$E204,$F6FA,$390C,$AFC5,$9C5
    1160: 'Sc...*.L..$^....'              DC.W    $5363,$EB13,$FF2A,$CF4C,$D5C5,$245E,$F7F4,$9F7
    1170: 'E....#......A...'              DC.W    $45F8,$BAB2,$523,$C3E9,$C6EA,$B5F7,$41AF,$FB03
    1180: '..-T....A.....6$'              DC.W    $B7F4,$2D54,$F7F3,$F3E7,$41F3,$B1E3,$B3F4,$3624
    1190: '[email protected],.8'              DC.W    $F7F4,$401C,$EFEA,$138,$F3DB,$138,$532C,$FE38
    11A0: '...R..5NB5W8..K8'              DC.W    $D7A6,$952,$FCF4,$354E,$4235,$5738,$BDB1,$4B38
    11B0: '..@...;.....W6..'              DC.W    $EB18,$401D,$1B0A,$3B19,$EDF4,$BDA,$5736,$BD94
    11C0: '.....K........K.'              DC.W    $11DA,$F0E4,$FF4B,$9ED,$B3,$9A0,$161E,$4BEB
    11D0: '.N.8....?....%..'              DC.W    $164E,$EA38,$C2A6,$C8F9,$3FF8,$B6B8,$C25,$C0F9
    11E0: '...6Z........%..'              DC.W    $C3F1,$DA36,$5AE5,$CF5,$1B3,$4B0,$525,$2F3
    11F0: '....Y...........'              DC.W    $C9F1,$16F4,$59B5,$D9B1,$FA2E,$CBB7,$BDE8,$CAA7
    1200: 'V....8..........'              DC.W    $56AF,$5A8,$E38,$15F2,$E8,$B7F0,$BDF,$3A7
    1210: '.......!..9%..J2'              DC.W    $BDD,$17E4,$C0D9,$21,$150A,$3925,$EFF4,$4A32
    1220: '_8.8....$.......'              DC.W    $5F38,$FD38,$E2F8,$B3F9,$2404,$CE11,$B3B0,$D311
    1230: 'D........8......'              DC.W    $44F4,$DE6,$C4F3,$F4E6,$1238,$CAE9,$15E9,$CDF4
    1240: 'Y...........F;E.'              DC.W    $59B5,$D9B1,$FA2E,$CBB7,$BDAB,$F6F4,$463B,$45F5
    1250: '..M..V.N..4)/...'              DC.W    $6A5,$4D05,$C156,$D94E,$FCCF,$3429,$2FEE,$17E8
    1260: '....T7.8....$...'              DC.W    $F3F4,$2F7,$5437,$1438,$E314,$B8F9,$240A,$CE11
    1270: '....8.... .'^..)'              DC.W    $B3B0,$D30F,$38F4,$DE8,$D120,$C27,$5EE9,$729
    1280: '..U.!5........9.'              DC.W    $E8AB,$55DA,$2135,$5E5,$B1DC,$FE1B,$F00A,$391B
    1290: '..<2\5H8....K...'              DC.W    $F8F4,$3C32,$5C35,$4838,$C6B3,$FF9,$4BF3,$A6D3
    12A0: '.4........9...@%'              DC.W    $134,$DFCF,$9DC,$F9D8,$C30A,$391B,$F8F4,$4025
    12B0: '..L%..<8)W..$...'              DC.W    $5F4,$4C25,$F4,$3C38,$2957,$F4F9,$240A,$CE11
    12C0: '...N..28..B8....'              DC.W    $B613,$AA4E,$FCCF,$3238,$FBE6,$4238,$7DB,$FDED
    12D0: '6.....]'..K8.@..'              DC.W    $36F4,$11D4,$B5F4,$5D27,$F7F2,$4B38,$1240,$5F9
    12E0: '$......N..@/).]!'              DC.W    $2404,$CE11,$B613,$F84E,$FCCF,$402F,$29EE,$5D21
    12F0: '...$....B4......'              DC.W    $F1F3,$F824,$AF3,$9EF8,$4234,$DFCF,$9DC,$F1F5
    1300: '.K........K.....'              DC.W    $FC4B,$9ED,$B3,$98C,$171E,$4BDF,$FD09,$F4F6
    1310: '....["98...8....'              DC.W    $B8E3,$F1EA,$5B22,$3938,$CDB,$638,$ED9E,$B1F7
    1320: '........[....V.N'              DC.W    $F1F3,$BAA7,$121F,$C4AF,$5BA0,$50D,$BC56,$D94E
    1330: '..48...8)E..$...'              DC.W    $FCCF,$3438,$DEE,$F38,$2945,$ACF9,$2404,$CE11
    1340: '...N...8..6.$.9.'              DC.W    $C0B0,$C74E,$AE5,$F538,$18E2,$361B,$24F4,$391B
    1350: '..G2....74......'              DC.W    $EFF4,$4732,$18F3,$DC0A,$3734,$DFC9,$9DC,$F7F5
    1360: '........A....:..'              DC.W    9,$F4F6,$B7EA,$B89F,$41D4,$DAA9,$C23A,$B6B7
    1370: '?...............'              DC.W    $3FA5,$F3,$AFF4,$F7,$1F3,$BAA7,$121F,$C4AF
    1380: '[....V.N..38...8'              DC.W    $5BA0,$50D,$BC56,$DA4E,$FCCF,$3338,$DEE,$C38
    1390: ')E..$......N...8'              DC.W    $2945,$ABF9,$2404,$CE11,$C0B0,$C44E,$AE5,$9B38
    13A0: '..+.%.9...G2....'              DC.W    $18E2,$2B1B,$25F4,$391B,$EEF4,$4732,$18F3,$DC0A
    13B0: '74.......j....F('              DC.W    $3734,$DFC9,$9DC,$B1AB,$F86A,$5E2,$B7C4,$4628
    13C0: '..8..<..Y..(....'              DC.W    $E9E4,$3815,$23C,$F21B,$59F3,$CC28,$E9AB,$18
    13D0: '..C./........,..'              DC.W    $E1F4,$43E7,$2FF4,$1DA2,$3E4,$EEF,$22C,$11F6
    13E0: '.......I.x)/..;.'              DC.W    $9DCB,$B2C0,$EC9F,$D049,$E78,$292F,$F304,$3BE4
    13F0: '.2$...%-.n.lj.TR'              DC.W    $1232,$2411,$132E,$252D,$1D6E,$F06C,$6AF1,$5452
    1400: '.Z.zq..>D./9..T.'              DC.W    $F55A,$A67A,$71D1,$1E3E,$44E8,$2F39,$1BC8,$5496
    1410: '/H?o....(.......'              DC.W    $2F48,$3F6F,$14FC,$9FE8,$2899,$AA86,$F790,$A9AE
    1420: '-...q...D...L.RR'              DC.W    $2D0E,$A9B2,$71EB,$1EB4,$44EA,$B40A,$4C0F,$5252
    1430: '....../.N4V4..V:'              DC.W    $E11B,$C602,$FFC0,$2FFC,$4E34,$5634,$93B4,$563A
    1440: 'R4V4..V...U..JWf'              DC.W    $5234,$5634,$8D9D,$56D6,$E9E2,$55F6,$EE4A,$5766
    1450: 'j..0...0,..,./p;'              DC.W    $6AE0,$130,$BF06,$230,$2C08,$E02C,$52F,$703B
    1460: '=m.w.0.B.....a6.'              DC.W    $3D6D,$C077,$9030,$1042,$D09,$4D2,$DE61,$3616
    1470: 'o.t.|.3.....u.W.'              DC.W    $6FAA,$74FC,$7CED,$33F0,$8B7,$A98C,$75E2,$5788
    1480: '.....E..q.D<.o..'              DC.W    $B31A,$A806,$E045,$9706,$71F5,$443C,$B86F,$1DC
    1490: 'c....y....j.}...'              DC.W    $63F1,$7E4,$E579,$A3A8,$D6DB,$6A8B,$7D8C,$CCD0
    14A0: 'zo..r;3.w.F..u6.'              DC.W    $7A6F,$FAD1,$723B,$3318,$77C5,$467F,$8D75,$367F
    14B0: 'r.I...iy..?'....'              DC.W    $7282,$4981,$8D80,$6979,$FBFF,$3F27,$AEFC,$7F5
    14C0: '............r2..'              DC.W    $EF,$860F,$17EC,$BC01,$8AC3,$C9B4,$7232,$B6BC
    14D0: '[email protected]...'              DC.W    $8DC5,$C9B7,$2D35,$4039,$FB6A,$7338,$4CD5,$9C4
    14E0: '.....E..r.D<.1..'              DC.W    $BB1A,$A6E2,$E045,$9706,$72F5,$443C,$C631,$AD9C
    14F0: '#,...`4L....&...'              DC.W    $232C,$BCE6,$C660,$344C,$EDDD,$EC8F,$2618,$DB9
    1500: '&...9....3J....$'              DC.W    $26CC,$C4F8,$39F2,$A9F8,$B033,$4AF6,$DCF3,$C724
    1510: '.......C7....0..'              DC.W    $E2F3,$1EDD,$8EB4,$D143,$37B4,$9FC,$FA30,$C516
    1520: '...."B2*R4Vt....'              DC.W    $EDE2,$DEBE,$2242,$322A,$5234,$5674,$B10A,$8714
    1530: '..U."U.,..2.(.bJ'              DC.W    $9AA7,$550A,$2255,$22C,$F019,$321C,$28CB,$624A
    1540: ''              DC.W    $C96E,$EA90,$80B2,$7E37,$E5B3,$7477,$86B2,$18B8
    1550: '.i..-R.u.f.p..2*'              DC.W    $B69,$D1F7,$2D52,$A675,$FB66,$C870,$F9BF,$322A
    1560: ''              DC.W    $5234,$5674,$31F0,$A9A2,$5F05,$A9BC,$F91F,$6672
    1570: '.....'.........8'              DC.W    $EDE8,$95E8,$1227,$F5AC,$EDE5,$9ACA,$EDF7,$F938
    1580: '...7a.,..(/..js8'              DC.W    $12D3,$AF37,$61B6,$2CED,$BD28,$2F80,$FB6A,$7338
    1590: 'L.....#.....F/4w'              DC.W    $4CD5,$C80,$FBA8,$2304,$AF96,$14F9,$462F,$3477
    15A0: '.....h'8[.R...{.'              DC.W    $86B2,$18B8,$B68,$2738,$5B19,$52F9,$1586,$7BF8
    15B0: '..>|[email protected]&.'              DC.W    $C5B8,$3E7C,$815A,$A99F,$80EB,$5640,$E77A,$2614
    15C0: '"U.,..2.(.bJ.n..'              DC.W    $2255,$22C,$F019,$321C,$28CB,$624A,$C96E,$EA90
    15D0: ''              DC.W    $80B2,$7E37,$E5B3,$7477,$86B2,$18B8,$B6A,$34EC
    15E0: '"@2*R4Vt1..._...'              DC.W    $2240,$322A,$5234,$5674,$31F0,$A9A2,$5F05,$A9BC
    15F0: ''......'              DC.W    $F91F,$6672,$EDE8,$95E8,$1227,$F5AC,$EDE5,$9ACA
    1600: '..<4Zxz.rSfzD...'              DC.W    $EDF8,$3C34,$5A78,$7A98,$7253,$667A,$44DF,$DF0A
    1610: '-R......-S......'              DC.W    $2D52,$D16,$AED3,$DF0A,$2D53,$C4D6,$AECC,$B401
    1620: '{..2''              DC.W    $5A61,$FF69,$6FB2,$5ADE,$681F,$447B,$EDC0,$3227
    1630: '...D......$....:'              DC.W    $12ED,$FF44,$11D0,$2E1A,$ECB4,$240A,$D2C2,$2E3A
    1640: '.p.riR.+...u.f.p'              DC.W    $8070,$1372,$6952,$E02B,$838D,$A675,$FB66,$C870
    1650: '..2&.fk..Ll4/YV.'              DC.W    $6FF,$3226,$B066,$6B10,$124C,$6C34,$2F59,$5698
    1660: '.rfL.T;...'.....'              DC.W    $B072,$664C,$1254,$3B0E,$EDD6,$2716,$EDE9,$DD0B
    1670: '/.PG....R+....kU'              DC.W    $2F95,$5047,$E8D8,$A9A0,$522B,$A9B4,$EC07,$6B55
    1680: '[....n7f]...E...'              DC.W    $5B95,$E6F7,$C06E,$3766,$5D06,$A9B8,$4518,$A9B0
    1690: '2.kR..<4Zhz.rS.K'              DC.W    $3206,$6B52,$1D85,$3C34,$5A68,$7A88,$7253,$F4B
    16A0: '..........j.@...'              DC.W    $11F6,$16D8,$A2A3,$D8AE,$E2DB,$6AC8,$4015,$1E11
    16B0: 'q.....p....5.H.7'              DC.W    $71D6,$89E8,$EDE3,$70CD,$10C5,$535,$EB48,$F37
    16C0: '.B...>.o.+.G...8'              DC.W    $BB42,$1D18,$F93E,$156F,$902B,$A047,$17AD,$1C38
    16D0: '.6.w.D.x...sb4fo'              DC.W    $E636,$E677,$1244,$D678,$C5B8,$E73,$6234,$666F
    16E0: '..Z62..F.......3'              DC.W    $1AB4,$5A36,$32D9,$CD46,$80EB,$A9A2,$E4C1,$1433
    16F0: '.;.0.4U..O..E.V.'              DC.W    $FE3B,$BC30,$E34,$55B6,$9C4F,$B9,$4502,$5689
    1700: 'kCydU1Ji..JJC..L'              DC.W    $6B43,$7964,$5531,$4A69,$12BE,$4A4A,$43B3,$CD4C
    1710: '=.....`..Zr..#N.'              DC.W    $3DB7,$FEEA,$4BC,$60E8,$105A,$72FC,$FB23,$4EDE
    1720: '...._...........'              DC.W    $E4E8,$CEDD,$5F12,$A20D,$F8A,$FB15,$E04,$803
    1730: '.}ix.e....S_..2.'              DC.W    $C7D,$6978,$E965,$15D6,$FDA4,$535F,$615,$32C9
    1740: ';.D.<.*..R...a$o'              DC.W    $3BFF,$44CE,$3CF7,$2A06,$D752,$97A6,$AB61,$246F
    1750: '#L.8.....D....YP'              DC.W    $234C,$8938,$E0B3,$16A0,$1244,$1091,$B1F0,$5950
    1760: '[email protected].....&G.*k'              DC.W    $71D8,$4057,$B26A,$D61A,$B490,$DA26,$47BD,$2A6B
    1770: '.3Vd..=`(..j...x'              DC.W    $C133,$5664,$888,$3D60,$28E8,$CC6A,$B18F,$D678
    1780: '.c.x...x]......<'              DC.W    $1263,$D678,$12B7,$C578,$5D12,$E684,$F8B,$1B3C
    1790: '[email protected]$o'              DC.W    $DE3,$1604,$B3BE,$F036,$4052,$97A6,$AB61,$246F
    17A0: 'j4W.vT.<;..x....'              DC.W    $6A34,$57F5,$7654,$13C,$3B9B,$DD78,$C38F,$14D0
    17B0: '.>.(./.(.....6..'              DC.W    $123E,$D228,$122F,$D228,$1217,$D3F7,$1236,$1091
    17C0: '..o..........0f{'              DC.W    $B1F0,$6F7F,$1215,$F802,$D1D6,$807,$B230,$667B
    17D0: 'C.y..|f}..y..|f}'              DC.W    $43FC,$7983,$A7C,$667D,$F58B,$7983,$A7C,$667D
    17E0: '..y..|f}..y.`...'              DC.W    $F58B,$7983,$A7C,$667D,$F58B,$7983,$60A4,$C8D2
    17F0: 'q.q.... .*..y...'              DC.W    $71E4,$71FF,$8CA7,$CC20,$E2A,$EDF3,$79AD,$A3B2
    1800: '......$e..Y...X.'              DC.W    $C38F,$12AF,$14D3,$2465,$CA87,$59C8,$CDF5,$5819
    1810: '.n...!..#...,...'              DC.W    $9C6E,$E7D6,$521,$C81E,$23F2,$403,$2C02,$101F
    1820: '..g.......2.<...'              DC.W    $D3F2,$671D,$E0B2,$2E80,$1BB9,$3210,$3CF7,$7FD8
    1830: '.4.KP.Vs..Vl..V\'              DC.W    $9934,$7F4B,$509B,$5673,$DF4,$566C,$DF4,$565C


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Re: G3 L2 Accelerator
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2017, 07:10:08 PM »


Code: [Select]

    1840: '.+U..M..+3U..D.F'              DC.W    $102B,$55F2,$D44D,$F5A4,$2B33,$55CA,$1044,$B746
    1850: '9.4....t"7..."..'              DC.W    $39CD,$34A4,$C3C2,$F674,$2237,$1809,$EA22,$807
    1860: ';....n..."..;...'              DC.W    $3BEB,$A982,$D06E,$180F,$EA22,$807,$3BEB,$A982
    1870: '.n..."..;....n..'              DC.W    $D06E,$180F,$EA22,$807,$3BEB,$A982,$D06E,$180F
    1880: '."..;...`...q.q.'              DC.W    $EA22,$807,$3BEB,$A982,$60A4,$C8D6,$71E4,$71FF
    1890: '... .*..y.......'              DC.W    $8CA7,$CC20,$E2A,$EDF3,$79AD,$A3B2,$C3B1,$12AF
    18A0: '..$e..Y...X..p..'              DC.W    $14E9,$2465,$CA87,$59C8,$CDF5,$5819,$9C70,$E7D6
    18B0: '....#...,.....g.'              DC.W    $51F,$C81E,$23F2,$403,$2C02,$101F,$D3F2,$671D
    18C0: '......2.<....4.K'              DC.W    $E0B2,$2E80,$1BB9,$3210,$3CF7,$7FD8,$9934,$7F4B
    18D0: 'P.Vs..Vl..V\.+U.'              DC.W    $509B,$5673,$DF4,$566C,$DF4,$565C,$102B,$55F2
    18E0: '.M..+3U..D..9.*|'              DC.W    $D44D,$F5A4,$2B33,$55CA,$1044,$BA1E,$39CD,$2A7C
    18F0: '...t"7^Q.1N.C..@'              DC.W    $C3C2,$F674,$2237,$5E51,$E231,$4E0F,$43FC,$A940
    1900: '.n..,B....N.C..@'              DC.W    $D06E,$1811,$2C42,$FE0,$C3C3,$4E0F,$43FC,$A940
    1910: '.n..,B....N.C..@'              DC.W    $D06E,$1811,$2C42,$FE0,$C3C3,$4E0F,$43FC,$A940
    1920: '.n..,B....N.C..@'              DC.W    $D06E,$1811,$2C42,$FE0,$C3C3,$4E0F,$43FC,$A940
    1930: '`...q.q.... .*..'              DC.W    $60A4,$C8D8,$71E4,$71FF,$8CA7,$CC20,$E2A,$EDF3
    1940: 'y.........$e..Y.'              DC.W    $79AD,$A3B2,$C3AD,$12AF,$14F5,$2465,$CA87,$59C8
    1950: '..X..J......#...'              DC.W    $CDF5,$5819,$964A,$E7D6,$6FD,$C81E,$23F2,$403
    1960: ',.....g.......2.'              DC.W    $2C02,$101F,$D3F2,$671D,$E0B2,$2E80,$1BB9,$3210
    1970: '<....4.KP.Vs..Vl'              DC.W    $3CF7,$7FD8,$9934,$7F4B,$509B,$5673,$DF4,$566C
    1980: '..V\.+U..M..+3U.'              DC.W    $DF4,$565C,$102B,$55F2,$D44D,$F5A4,$2B33,$55CA
    1990: '.D.R9.4....y.%&u'              DC.W    $1044,$B752,$39CD,$34A6,$C3C3,$679,$1A25,$2675
    19A0: ';....n..."..;...'              DC.W    $3BEB,$A982,$D06E,$180F,$EA22,$807,$3BEB,$A982
    19B0: '.n..."..;....n..'              DC.W    $D06E,$180F,$EA22,$807,$3BEB,$A982,$D06E,$180F
    19C0: '."..;...`...q.q.'              DC.W    $EA22,$807,$3BEB,$A982,$60A4,$C8D6,$71E4,$71FF
    19D0: '... .*..y.......'              DC.W    $8CA7,$CC20,$E2A,$EDF3,$79AD,$A3B2,$C39D,$12AF
    19E0: '.8'...X......7..'              DC.W    $D138,$27D5,$CDF5,$5819,$9C18,$E7D6,$537,$C81E
    19F0: '\L...}I@.%7F..1F'              DC.W    $5C4C,$803,$C7D,$4940,$D125,$3746,$882,$3146
    1A00: 'H....'.....O|fv]'              DC.W    $48ED,$1210,$227,$E91F,$E3D7,$84F,$7C66,$765D
    1A10: '.tYY.T.Q.#.G..'h'              DC.W    $CB74,$5959,$CB54,$C751,$1223,$D947,$CCA,$2768
    1A20: '4.W.Z...e(.G.r..'              DC.W    $3406,$57B6,$5A97,$18E1,$6528,$CB47,$1572,$C099
    1A30: '<....7....p@{O..'              DC.W    $3C84,$DDFB,$E737,$F58A,$EE00,$7040,$7B4F,$1404
    1A40: '....U....\U.).6.'              DC.W    $D0A4,$D2E3,$55C4,$C9D,$AE5C,$55B0,$29B8,$361E
    1A50: '..Y...I...0\..+8'              DC.W    $11FC,$59FA,$F1E0,$49F0,$7F8E,$305C,$ECD0,$2B38
    1A60: '.8.7..'o|ft]....'              DC.W    $338,$B237,$D3CB,$276F,$7C66,$745D,$CBD3,$ED18
    1A70: '....,. .....2 ..'              DC.W    $D5C7,$C5EC,$2CDB,$2013,$C41B,$C0AA,$3220,$86DE
    1A80: '....C.....Aw.u.Q'              DC.W    $1D16,$99D5,$4396,$CFD6,$DC88,$4177,$375,$D051
    1A90: '.".G..G3s.U...I.'              DC.W    $1222,$D947,$CE6,$4733,$731B,$55E5,$9D13,$4906
    1AA0: '.3.J........C..:'              DC.W    $E333,$F84A,$13EE,$9EDB,$B9D4,$8CD5,$43AA,$BE3A
    1AB0: 'L.1:..'n|ft]....'              DC.W    $4C01,$313A,$D3CB,$276E,$7C66,$745D,$CAE3,$ED18
    1AC0: '.i.#x.v].../.3zB'              DC.W    $C669,$FD23,$78FC,$765D,$CB16,$892F,$D633,$7A42
    1AD0: '..'p4.T.W.4.CX..'              DC.W    $FE1A,$2770,$3406,$540C,$5711,$340C,$4358,$A510
    1AE0: '}.....,.!....8%.'              DC.W    $7DF8,$CBCE,$EBE9,$2CCC,$21BF,$E5B7,$EE38,$25D4
    1AF0: '.........L......'              DC.W    $1DA,$14D0,$FAC1,$B1B2,$F04C,$E0A2,$4E2,$AFEF
    1B00: '.../..7.....0F..'              DC.W    $BBA4,$FA2F,$DCC,$370A,$F502,$C6E4,$3046,$E8B2
    1B10: '..........F...K.'              DC.W    $9A0,$CFAF,$C3E3,$F5F1,$FFD3,$4612,$EFFD,$4BC7
    1B20: '.0|.P....._.8...'              DC.W    $EB30,$7C0C,$50D5,$A984,$E80A,$5F84,$388D,$A088
    1B30: 'q.."D$..#e...4S.'              DC.W    $71EB,$1E22,$4424,$B5A9,$2365,$B6E3,$C134,$530E
    1B40: '..........A..EW.'              DC.W    $1EBD,$DBC0,$AFA,$80FC,$18F2,$41BE,$E645,$579E
    1B50: '.._*.LV*.4S.....'              DC.W    $1FB4,$5F2A,$F04C,$562A,$C134,$530C,$1EBD,$DBC0
    1B60: '.......j..v8..D@'              DC.W    $AF8,$8106,$1A99,$EF6A,$E91C,$7638,$11F2,$4440
    1B70: '.K$X......g...".'              DC.W    $B4B,$2458,$9A19,$A8AC,$CCB3,$678C,$AE08,$2200
    1B80: ''              DC.W    $8F2,$6378,$1AF5,$F4B0,$1AC9,$EF4C,$4C,$5626
    1B90: '.<.0.3.<..W2..O.'              DC.W    $1F3C,$A030,$1233,$AA3C,$E719,$5732,$E6AE,$4FF6
    1BA0: '..../'W*...."...'              DC.W    $12EC,$A2F0,$2F27,$572A,$AF98,$17E5,$22EC,$10DF
    1BB0: '..MDF.dN..T.$...'              DC.W    $EFE2,$4D44,$4602,$644E,$8310,$540B,$24D3,$8F13
    1BC0: '..S...]x..4.....'              DC.W    $BFAC,$530C,$1EBD,$5D78,$AF9,$3480,$11F0,$84E8
    1BD0: '.Ic...O/(...q.}p'              DC.W    $F49,$6301,$19B4,$4F2F,$289A,$9FB6,$71DA,$7D70
    1BE0: 'EKMG.3.@S^Zi.|J.'              DC.W    $454B,$4D47,$1B33,$F640,$535E,$5A69,$C7C,$4A9A
    1BF0: '*M...YWF5l.`..Q.'              DC.W    $2A4D,$8A1C,$D359,$5746,$356C,$A960,$F0D0,$51DA
    1C00: '..Pd+HU...&t;o.~'              DC.W    $E9A9,$5064,$2B48,$55FC,$D8B4,$2674,$3B6F,$E67E
    1C10: '..VR..VR=......$'              DC.W    $1208,$5652,$E898,$5652,$3D18,$138C,$BD85,$D824
    1C20: '.......... .....'              DC.W    $138F,$D598,$120B,$D59C,$ECDC,$20D6,$1314,$D5A3
    1C30: '...EiHRd=8...)..'              DC.W    $BAD5,$1045,$6948,$5264,$3D38,$1D92,$E329,$D598
    1C40: '.'.... .........'              DC.W    $1227,$D59C,$ECF8,$20D6,$1312,$D5A3,$BAD6,$F4D1
    1C50: 'D{...o.G.r..<...'              DC.W    $447B,$B9A7,$F6F,$CB47,$1572,$BC99,$3C84,$F9E9
    1C60: '.dVX.....q.I.e.P'              DC.W    $C364,$5658,$1214,$180E,$EC71,$D049,$E65,$C650
    1C70: '.....!Y7..:(.1.J'              DC.W    $98FF,$1D18,$CA21,$5937,$AC2E,$3A28,$1231,$F84A
    1C80: '.S.x.4.8r....}..'              DC.W    $ED53,$D578,$1334,$1238,$728C,$84AC,$D17D,$F7BD
    1C90: '........KP.!....'              DC.W    $121B,$D5E7,$F1CC,$D5F3,$4B50,$D921,$1808,$F3D0
    1CA0: '....{.v.._6..;V>'              DC.W    $C9AD,$E102,$7B0A,$761C,$8B5F,$3600,$113B,$563E
    1CB0: 'A.dF.6d.......Vm'              DC.W    $4182,$6446,$A236,$648B,$1AE5,$95B6,$1AB4,$566D
    1CC0: '0.w4.2U...4.....'              DC.W    $30F4,$7734,$A232,$55C4,$120E,$34DC,$121E,$13F0
    1CD0: '. $...5...$.#tV:'              DC.W    $1220,$24D1,$11F6,$35C3,$1215,$24DE,$2374,$563A
    1CE0: '*..F..W`..Vn. o.'              DC.W    $2A99,$A946,$F0AB,$5760,$EBF2,$566E,$C20,$6F04
    1CF0: '....b0.4.2U...,.'              DC.W    $11B0,$1D00,$6230,$7F34,$A232,$55C4,$120E,$2CDC
    1D00: '..vJ=*Yb+Zy...W.'              DC.W    $121E,$764A,$3D2A,$5962,$2B5A,$79C4,$11DF,$57AC
    1D10: '..V$...2q.'V...*'              DC.W    $11D4,$5624,$11E0,$A932,$71B4,$2756,$AFF,$42A
    1D20: '.Z4....RD)....K.'              DC.W    $905A,$3400,$19F6,$FC52,$4429,$FEF6,$FDEA,$4BFE
    1D30: '..Y/.}6...Vl.dVX'              DC.W    $F8B,$592F,$F7D,$3615,$CF5,$566C,$C364,$5658
    1D40: '.....q.I.e......'              DC.W    $1214,$180E,$EC71,$D049,$E65,$EE91,$D0AE,$1516
    1D50: '.lU.".6$..VdPMd<'              DC.W    $146C,$55BA,$2212,$3624,$EFF4,$5664,$504D,$643C
    1D60: '..8...G.........'              DC.W    $81FB,$38FC,$ED0C,$47D6,$EDF3,$90D6,$12F4,$94FD
    1D70: '.....El...)...4('              DC.W    $1FFA,$180F,$8F45,$6C11,$19DC,$290F,$1316,$3428
    1D80: '.(.. ...Q9d6[.S.'              DC.W    $1228,$9411,$2001,$C617,$5139,$6436,$5BD1,$530A
    1D90: '0N.....4..WP..7n'              DC.W    $304E,$D61E,$1D18,$AA34,$F4AB,$5750,$88FD,$376E
    1DA0: 'B......G.r..<...'              DC.W    $4218,$B9A7,$10BF,$CB47,$1572,$BC99,$3C84,$C210
    1DB0: '.;......).....Vg'              DC.W    $DB3B,$D69B,$DBB9,$CCBE,$29AE,$15B6,$E0F4,$5667
    1DC0: 'l8r*.0...r.../v2'              DC.W    $6C38,$722A,$FC30,$D2A6,$CB72,$B5DD,$132F,$7632
    1DD0: '6.V.=,VPx.6pm8..'              DC.W    $360F,$561C,$3D2C,$5650,$7887,$3670,$6D38,$1782
    1DE0: '.........%....0.'              DC.W    $ABDF,$D386,$119D,$E282,$B225,$A800,$F9D9,$3096
    1DF0: '..,.Q.V...V.0.V.'              DC.W    $8A1B,$2CFA,$51A6,$561A,$EF83,$5604,$3085,$569A
    1E00: '.bV...v}.jL...6.'              DC.W    $F762,$5612,$E8BA,$767D,$126A,$4CFB,$11B0,$36C8
    1E10: '....S.V...U...W.'              DC.W    $11E5,$1D00,$53CD,$56D6,$F982,$55DC,$8C4,$570C
    1E20: '.<T..4U.%4V2..Vj'              DC.W    $F03C,$54DD,$1234,$55F9,$2534,$5632,$1718,$566A
    1E30: '.t.?3[t...#.^..`'              DC.W    $1174,$F63F,$335B,$74A1,$AB2E,$23D0,$5EE5,$1A60
    1E40: '.b]V..C..<=..l.^'              DC.W    $F62,$5D56,$EEC1,$430D,$E33C,$3DF3,$1E6C,$CA5E
    1E50: 'j..:Y..(.D....0.'              DC.W    $6AD9,$AA3A,$590C,$2E28,$9144,$FC6,$DCC4,$30D0
    1E60: '.~Vl..r.8"T...).'              DC.W    $1F7E,$566C,$6E1,$721B,$3822,$54A9,$E91F,$2908
    1E70: '..dg6b....+.=95y'              DC.W    $EC9C,$6467,$3662,$F3ED,$EDD1,$2B05,$3D39,$3579
    1E80: '.u$j.,Wdq.Ay."..'              DC.W    $E75,$246A,$E12C,$5764,$71EC,$4179,$D722,$4C7
    1E90: '......p'..P..K..'              DC.W    $88D,$3C8,$CCA,$7027,$FCC,$5008,$144B,$F819
    1EA0: '&......S#.%w..P.'              DC.W    $261B,$CDCD,$ADE5,$CA53,$23A4,$2577,$A9A,$5008
    1EB0: '.K..&.....%..:..'              DC.W    $144B,$F819,$261B,$CDCD,$7E6,$258B,$A03A,$F50A
    1EC0: '..5...#...B.m...'              DC.W    $1216,$35B6,$1212,$23F1,$FCAC,$42B7,$6DC5,$1809
    1ED0: '......Z..r..\D..'              DC.W    $DD3,$C998,$B384,$5A87,$FE72,$1989,$5C44,$C998
    1EE0: '..)@...D.,.b.4M.'              DC.W    $DD4,$2940,$C3CA,$F644,$122C,$1062,$1234,$4DC3
    1EF0: 'J.Vp.Y.E,.u.K...'              DC.W    $4A9B,$5670,$C959,$F445,$2C0A,$75C3,$4BC1,$C708
    1F00: 'e.......Q...=.V.'              DC.W    $65EB,$8196,$12A7,$E289,$511A,$8917,$3DE1,$56F8
    1F10: '.....J'...6.....'              DC.W    $2ED5,$17E5,$8A4A,$27FB,$12E7,$3610,$E80E,$1FB5
    1F20: '...h.....,)tS.B.'              DC.W    $11D8,$8168,$121B,$BCCB,$F22C,$2974,$53CE,$42E6
    1F30: '..V..?....."*...'              DC.W    $FD1,$56B0,$1E3F,$F5E2,$E894,$B622,$2A84,$17A6
    1F40: 'J.....(..!5`Q...'              DC.W    $4AFB,$D62E,$FA01,$289A,$8A21,$3560,$51B8,$A7D8
    1F50: '].W\.L...WW...f:'              DC.W    $5DE1,$575C,$C04C,$A8F2,$CD57,$5700,$F0B0,$663A
    1F60: '...L.+(r6......L'              DC.W    $1212,$2E4C,$122B,$2872,$362E,$120A,$EE16,$E24C
    1F70: '<c..0..|.bFt..Vx'              DC.W    $3C63,$DFB8,$30A8,$D67C,$F62,$4674,$C3BF,$5678
    1F80: '.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx'              DC.W    $1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678
    1F90: '.4Vx.4Vx\b....v.'              DC.W    $1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$5C62,$A988,$13D6,$7610
    1FA0: '...X..%i.4...1~\'              DC.W    $A912,$F858,$71E,$2569,$1234,$C21B,$1231,$7E5C
    1FB0: '?eBd..Vt.^{)..M.'              DC.W    $3F65,$4264,$1208,$5674,$C05E,$7B29,$EDC8,$4DCD
    1FC0: '.D|.2PV.<;t..8.4'              DC.W    $1244,$7C1A,$3250,$568E,$3C3B,$7410,$9F38,$1434
    1FD0: '\n.M.\.I..'W..X.'              DC.W    $5C6E,$154D,$F45C,$F849,$DFDC,$2757,$8FB2,$5899
    1FE0: '...o.........a'O'              DC.W    $D810,$E66F,$F2E2,$E3C9,$181,$9798,$AB61,$274F
    1FF0: '..&.2A.f...N.,V*'              DC.W    $1212,$26FB,$3241,$F666,$120B,$B64E,$22C,$562A
    2000: '..V2=lV....j....'              DC.W    $1AC,$5632,$3D6C,$5614,$DCC5,$186A,$E39B,$7AC
    2010: '\.Vb.xVB.;.a=..e'              DC.W    $5C99,$5662,$8E78,$5642,$F33B,$F661,$3D8B,$B665
    2020: '..V`.+.1<....[D.'              DC.W    $DD85,$5660,$F32B,$231,$3C85,$1FD8,$B15B,$4408
    2030: 'F..]kp.v.,....E.'              DC.W    $4616,$15D,$6B70,$CF76,$A2C,$18EE,$B99F,$459F
    2040: '.ZD. K.ZT..>.2M.'              DC.W    $B15A,$4408,$204B,$EC5A,$54D1,$A63E,$B32,$4DF8
    2050: '.....Y..$U.i....'              DC.W    $FCE2,$D3E0,$D359,$F490,$2455,$A369,$CDA5,$81FA
    2060: '....-.VQ....\bZ.'              DC.W    $F5AA,$FF6,$2DE0,$5651,$1117,$E9F7,$5C62,$5AE6
    2070: '.$gH..$.#LV\....'              DC.W    $E424,$6748,$F1EB,$24F2,$234C,$565C,$E0C0,$1CCA
    2080: '.!..Q..T.rVTA..N'              DC.W    $1221,$E6BA,$51D3,$EF54,$EE72,$5654,$41B4,$F64E
    2090: '....pAkjr...0Z..'              DC.W    $E3C4,$988,$7041,$6B6A,$721F,$DAE6,$305A,$B899
    20A0: ':.%.._U..7....3.'              DC.W    $3A86,$2588,$C35F,$55E8,$1237,$F3F0,$BBD2,$33C0
    20B0: '...I.....4Vx.4Vx'              DC.W    $988C,$F849,$C1E5,$7A8,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678
    20C0: '.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx'              DC.W    $1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678
    20D0: '.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx'              DC.W    $1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678
    20E0: '.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx'              DC.W    $1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678
    20F0: '.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx'              DC.W    $1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678
    2100: '.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx'              DC.W    $1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678
    2110: '.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx'              DC.W    $1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678
    2120: '.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx'              DC.W    $1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678
    2130: '.4RV_d.*....=..$'              DC.W    $1234,$5256,$5F64,$22A,$C8C9,$C70C,$3DE6,$1524
    2140: '..Vx.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx'              DC.W    $C214,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678
    2150: '.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx'              DC.W    $1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678
    2160: '.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx'              DC.W    $1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678
    2170: '.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx'              DC.W    $1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678
    2180: '.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx'              DC.W    $1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678
    2190: '.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx'              DC.W    $1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678
    21A0: '.4Vx`[email protected]:...m'              DC.W    $1234,$5678,$6034,$4640,$9EA5,$2D3A,$DA2,$EB6D
    21B0: '?40k.4.7....PN.M'              DC.W    $3F34,$306B,$D34,$E337,$A02E,$F8CC,$504E,$CA4D
    21C0: '.h.~XF......f.$V'              DC.W    $AB68,$C57E,$5846,$EE0A,$B5EC,$EEB7,$66F8,$2456
    21D0: '......D@[email protected]} ..'              DC.W    $717,$D5A1,$B3A7,$4440,$1040,$378,$7D20,$D3E6
    21E0: '.(W....;Q.....W"'              DC.W    $328,$57E6,$B1ED,$D73B,$519C,$88E1,$EF82,$5722
    21F0: '..VQp..|r..I....'              DC.W    $2ED3,$5651,$700C,$197C,$7206,$1949,$11FD,$D8CD
    2200: '......f..s$..?..'              DC.W    $8CC4,$7D5,$937F,$66D2,$CD73,$24E4,$B23F,$197F
    2210: 'r..I....wP..'...'              DC.W    $7205,$1949,$11FD,$D8CD,$7750,$EF00,$2709,$909

Code: [Select]

       0: 'SNNT....R.VJqwVx'     data1    DC.W    $534E,$4E54,$1EE6,$802,$5289,$564A,$7177,$5678
      10: '.4Vxr4V:R.V6q.Vx'              DC.W    $1234,$5678,$7234,$563A,$52BD,$5636,$71AB,$5678
      20: '.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx.4Vx'              DC.W    $1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678,$1234,$5678
      30: '.4Vx......-.P.S.'              DC.W    $1234,$5678,$E6CC,$1E9F,$DDBC,$2D19,$501A,$53CC
      40: '..0<2$....7P....'              DC.W    $F86,$303C,$3224,$1390,$F204,$3750,$EDA7,$D6B9
      50: 't..&.D..Y.G..f.v'              DC.W    $74C9,$C726,$AC44,$CB2E,$59D0,$47C3,$E766,$E976
      60: '...K....1......y'              DC.W    $D8A,$D74B,$EFE2,$8D98,$31D4,$E606,$C7DE,$BB79
      70: '....~......T.N.B'              DC.W    $F496,$381,$7EAD,$8BE7,$11CB,$B654,$C74E,$B042
      80: '..U^;.Q..oTm....'              DC.W    $EF9,$555E,$3BAB,$5107,$D6F,$546D,$F494,$A9EE
      90: '-....^UQ.f....Uz'              DC.W    $2D06,$1711,$C5E,$5551,$E766,$E9AA,$FA2,$557A
      A0: '........1......z'              DC.W    $FDC,$D3A5,$EFE2,$8D98,$31D4,$E606,$C7DE,$BB7A
      B0: '....~......T..Z.'              DC.W    $F496,$380,$7EAD,$8BE7,$11CB,$B654,$F5EB,$5AE7
      C0: '........'                      DC.W    $80C,$160A,$B4A4,$E9F9


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Re: G3 L2 Accelerator
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2017, 07:24:13 PM »

Very interesting. I honestly can understand almost none of it. I am not all that good at reverse-engineering assembly (yet).

Swapping out which CPU is in use might actually be easier than double-booting (assuming that we can figure out how to swap the cpu). We would have to modify BootX to perform a few checks early on in the process. If it detects the right conditions, it will do the crazy CPU swap thing. The rest of BootX would then continue on, unaware that the CPU was swapped out from under its feet.

We have not made proper introductions. Welcome. I am the most recent crazy tech person. While I am often wrong, I try to be wrong in interesting and insightful ways :)


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Re: G3 L2 Accelerator
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2017, 07:55:13 PM »

Nice to meet you,

I'm happy to discuss these things as it is very boring trying to do it on your own. As said I did exchange emails with Ryan Rempel (guy who wrote XPostFacto) and some former Sonnet engineer but they were busy with other things. I do write day-to-day embedded code, iPhone and Android stuff and even have done some NewtonScript in early 2000. One thing I'm not familiar with is how Mac OS 9 works as it is very different from modern day OS and the guys investigating how to expand the memory limit is very interesting and insightful read.

Alas, I haven't done assembly since university (some 18 years ago) and definitely we didn't do m68k or PPC asm. I do understand the basics how a CPU work, which helps with assembly reading but I'd assume there are much more proficient guys around here. But reading assembly is very much brute-force method of understanding how it works. Better and sometimes faster is to create an assumption how it should work, find evidence in the decompiled code that it supports your assumptions limiting the amount of code to be understood to a minimum.

E.g. if the G3 accelerator is somehow commanded using L2 cache commands in the decompiled code there should be some references to signals (pg. 63 in the PDF). E.g. L2_PRSNT I would assume is the first check. Does the L2 module exist at all? Then one would read something known to determine if it is a real L2 cache or an accelerator.

Now, I don't know how L2_PRSNT signal is checked in assembly, so I don't yet know what to look for in the decompiled code



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Re: G3 L2 Accelerator
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2017, 10:37:37 PM »

Based on page number 386

Code: [Select]
ROM traps control the enabling, disabling, and flushing of the cache card. These functions are called using a selector from the HWPriv (A098) trap. See Table 18-2.

Table 18-2 Cache control trap

See INIT line AE. The code sends selector 1 which is undefined. Also it calls GetTrapAddress which should not be used with PPC, go figure. Anyways the INIT code will load Ptch 128 (lines 88-92) and start executing it at B6 and in between does something with cache and power management.

I need to figure how I could load the Ptch 128 (and 131) as decompiled code with MacNosy. Those interested there is an article how to use it at


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Re: G3 L2 Accelerator
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2017, 09:42:37 PM »

Turning Ptch 128 into code was as simple as pressing c on review. It doesn't do the work perfectly (assuming ILL*, PPC_emul instructions are something that it has been misidentified) but it seems that Ptch 128 more or less prepares Mac OS to the new environment (i.e. running on G3) as many of the toolbox instructions called are related to setting up Mac OS again.

I never saw any references to the other Ptch. It also seems weird that the original CPU does all the Mac OS rewiring but it does call JMP (A0) after loading the patch in the init code.

If my findings are correct and not naive enabling the G3 accelerator should be as simple as sending 1 to HWPriv trap. The Power trap is also invoked but I haven't figured that one out what it actually does.

The next step would be to see from the ROM what does HWPriv actually do along with Power.

If anyone knows please let me know! Thanks.


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Re: G3 L2 Accelerator
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2017, 08:31:24 PM »

How is the HWPriv trap called? (Sorry, can't check myself, at uni.) If it's one of those 68k traps that get mapped to a PowerPC trap instruction, it might be completely implemented in the NanoKernel. This'd be good, because I have already disassembled a lot of that code.

Nice project, by the way! Mind sharing your MacNosy tips as you go? I'm keen to give it a try.

Is the ptch resource the only code that supports this card?


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Re: G3 L2 Accelerator
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2017, 11:00:39 PM »

Thanks, to me the whole extension looks like pure 68k code. I've looked at Vimage's extension and that is in mixed mode. I put the relevant part of HWPriv call below but it is a A-trap. Prior to calling that however the address for A09F trap is looked up and compared to the HWPriv address. And if they are equal the HWPriv is executed. Regardless if HWPriv is executed the patch is jumped to.

Code: [Select]
      9A: 303C A09F      '0<..'           MOVE    #$A09F,D0   ; Power
      9E: A346           '.F'             _GetTrapAddress newOS; (D0/trapNum:Word):A0\ProcPtr
      A0: 2F08           '/.'             PUSH.L  A0
      A2: 303C A198      '0<..'           MOVE    #$A198,D0   ; HWPriv
      A6: A346           '.F'             _GetTrapAddress newOS; (D0/trapNum:Word):A0\ProcPtr
      A8: B1DF           '..'             CMPA.L  (A7)+,A0
      AA: 6704           10000B0          BEQ.S   lab_8
      AC: 7001           'p.'             MOVEQ   #1,D0
      AE: A098           '..'             _HWPriv 

The further I think about it and read some other sources like which explains how to modify the extension to overclock the accelerator. The interesting part of this is that the modification is done to PREF resource and I've been looking to find any reference to it from elsewhere in the extension without much of luck.

They claim ( that this modification works regardless of the type of accelerator as long as it is manufactured by Sonnet. So it is possible that HWPriv vs. Power address comparison is just a check for a certain type of accelerator which is then triggered with that trap call.

I also looked at the decompiled code for earlier version (1.2.4) of the extension which shouldn't support the L2 accelerator but with a glance the INIT seemed to do the same things and there was similar amount of Ptch resources.

After understanding what HWPriv does internally, it would be wise to run the accelerator on a real computer and see with a debugger what it does (or where you enable to log that with NKLog?)


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Re: G3 L2 Accelerator
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2017, 05:31:33 AM »

Maybe the accelerator has a rom in it that is run by triggering HWPriv? Maybe the rom loads the pref file and the other ptch? That seems to be the most likely course of action that they took given what we know. It would also be super annoying for running it in BootX because we might have to emulate parts of OS 9 to get it to work.


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Re: G3 L2 Accelerator
« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2017, 10:20:27 AM »

Your finding is aligned with

Hi it´s me again from germany,
here are the reasons why the overclocker could not run. unlike the 6400/6500 Mainboard, the 4400 needs no extra programming for the bus. That means a L2 G3 Card for the 4400 does not need the custom chipset that is needed for compatiblity with the 6400/6500. The bus ratio for the 4400 is hard wired and not changeable. The Sonnet clocker works fine with 6400/6500s because it can patch the custom chipset (the cards firmware) by software. You can double check this by starting a 4400 with L2 G3 Card with ext. off. This results in starting with the G3! (only the cache is disabled). Starting the 6400/6500 with L2 G3 and extension off results in starting with the base 603e cpu.

As a background later revisions of Sonnet L2 G3 accelerator were compatible with both 4400 and 6400/6500 (

Dear Reviewer,
I'd like to update you on new developments with the Crescendo G3 L2/PCI upgrade card that you are reviewing.

1. All three cards are now also compatible with the Power Mac 4400, and the Star Max clones.
2. The low-end 240Mhz speed is sold out. We have replaced it with a 250Mhz card, at the same low price of $399.
Not only does our card now run in more models, but it's just the one card for all the compatible models. Also, we offer a faster speed for our low-end card, but have kept the price at $399.
Thank you. - Joy Hsu

How does comparing A09F and A098 trap addresses reveal you that if you have an accelerator or not?

What if it does reveal you if the code is ran within an accelerator or not? If they are equal the code is running in an accelerator no need to turn the accelerator on. In both cases the execution is continued from Ptch 128.

If the HWPriv turns on the cache i.e. the accelerator, how does it know where to continue with the execution?
Could it be possible for HWPriv trap never release the bus, i.e. leaving the original CPU waiting for bus release from the 'cache' and the accelerator then would boot up 'normally' while the user is waiting with the screen from original CPU visible? Once the accelerator is in the Sonnet extension it would take control of the computer by doing ADB reset and video sync etc. which I can see happening in Ptch 128.

This would sort of explain this user comment about overclocking the accelerator

This what it looks like
Sonnet's extension loads right away and in a blink of an eye the G3/G4 profiler over writes it , a very short wait (a lot shorter than before) and all the rest of the extensions come on. G3/G4 profiler reports Back side Cache disabled but Gauge pro reports a 512 enabled. I noticed there is no more poping sound from my speakers when sonnets extension loads up. The PCI timing extension doesn't show up at the bottom of my screen at boot up but its on

He refers there is wait time on loading the extension (you are waiting because G3 is loading everything from scratch?). I can be totally wrong with this one as well.

If this is indeed what would be going on, could we test this with some boot time trickery? Having a counter in somewhere which would tell us how many times the code has been executed?


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Re: G3 L2 Accelerator
« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2017, 10:37:25 AM »

If the accelerator has a rom, some of it is probably run long before the extension is. Maybe all L2 caches are supposed to have roms which are run automatically early in the boot process. Perhaps the initial rom code patches those two traps in a way that leaves some sort of signature in their addresses? Just having them point close together might be enough to indicate that there is an accelerator. When the HWPriv routine is called by the main cpu, it sets some sort of trigger in the accelerator and locks the main cpu in an endless loop. It might have to save some of its registers and other data in a well known location first. When the accelerator "wakes up", it reads those values to get the necessesary state information and loads the other patch using the resource manager.


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Re: G3 L2 Accelerator
« Reply #17 on: June 16, 2017, 11:02:29 AM »

If that would happen it would need to happen during OF. Two CPUs can’t really(?) access the same devices / RAM at the same time. You are correct there that G3 can be initialized meanwhile. Also the accelerator wouldn’t know where to look for the extension if it is loaded by the main CPU. Finally the Ptch 128 is excited regardless what the trap address comparison result is. It only affects should HWPriv be called.

The main Ptch I assume loads Sonnet logo under the Mac OS logo regardless if there is accelerator or not. You can see this by installing the extension on sheepsaver.


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Re: G3 L2 Accelerator
« Reply #18 on: June 16, 2017, 12:08:21 PM »

The pre-extension loading part of the L2 rom is almost certainly run by the main cpu. Think of it as an option rom.  When run, it replaces HWPriv with custom code that manages the processor swap.

The accelerator could totally find the extension if it is set up correctly. The HWPriv stuff will copy all relevant information to a data structure. It will either insert the address of this data structure in one of the registers on the G3 or put the data structure at a certain location relative to the program counter it initializes the G3 to start up at. Once it loads that data, it can do everything the main cpu can.

On a slightly off-topic note I have few questions for ELN or NanoPico:
How advanced is the Multiprocessing setup for the NanoKernel? Does it require all processors to be identical? Can there be two or more different models of cpu in a system? Can you dynamically add and remove cpus from the system? Also, what is the level of compatibility between PowerPC processors? Supervisor registers seem to vary but I can't notice any Userspace differences between models (aside from AltiVec). Is there any particular technical reason why the later versions of OS 9 have to run on G3 or better processors? There doesn't seem to be one.


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Re: G3 L2 Accelerator
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2017, 01:48:08 PM »

Okay, I tried couple of things to just verify some of the very basic assumptions:

Code: [Select]
AA: 6704           10000B0          BEQ.S   lab_8
I replaced with

Code: [Select]
AA: 6604           10000B0          BNE.S   lab_8
This effectively switched around the behaviour that HWPriv is called or not. On sheep shaver it didn't have any effect. No crash, nothing. I shall eventually try it on TAM to see if it will disable the accelerator.

Code: [Select]
B6: 4E90           'N.'             JSR     (A0)
I replaced with

Code: [Select]
B6: 4E71           'N.'             NOP
This eliminated the execution of Ptch 128. As expected no Sonnet banner underneath the Mac OS start up window. Additionally, no icon for the Sonnet extension either.
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