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Author Topic: Website about customizing Mac OS 9?  (Read 12818 times)

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Re: Website about customizing Mac OS 9?
« Reply #20 on: December 29, 2016, 02:47:06 AM »

I read through all the posts, and I definitely like that most people seem to agree there needs to be better organization, somehow.  There is a lot of good technical and theoretical info in the discussions, and plenty of good downloads, but so much of it is scattered about, and would definitely be confusing to newcomers as well as people who frequent the site for a while.  I think that is the sentiment from several people anyway.

And it isn't specific to this forum either!  I think I recently said that in a post, that depending on the forum, the "search" function can be hit or miss, and you may recall having seen a discussion on a certain topic, but most of the search results can be somewhat irrelevant.  Sometimes you have to look carefully.  Some threads start off as a certain topic, but evolve into something else. 
Then again, the question also seems to be about the main page, not the forum?  That it is rather simplistic, and most of the deeper knowledge is buried in the forums, which may or may not be confusing to navigate, depending on what you want to find?  I agree on that.  And some of the posts have attachments that can only be seen if you're actually logged in, so a casual browser might miss something important.  Coming to mind right now are some benchmark charts involving various HDD speeds regarding eSATA cards and the like.

I guess I have nothing much to add, except I agree there needs to be a bit more cohesion, categorization and organization in both the main portal as well as the forum.  I think that's the main theme here, anyway??  ???

To get to the point, I encourage and support some kind of redesign and reorganization of both the forum and the main site!  :P



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Re: Website about customizing Mac OS 9?
« Reply #21 on: December 29, 2016, 11:57:05 AM »

Very Good Points here...

It would require a lot of work, but I envision the main page to have more information that needs to be gathered from the forum posts for both newbies and veterans in many of the areas of both hardware and software. 

To clarify, we could have a a sections/tabs on the main page that explain:
1) HARDWARE: CPU Upgrades, Video Upgrades, SSD Upgrades, SATA Cards
2) SOFTWARE: Model Specific information on Mac OS 9,
Unsupported Models that we have Mac OS 9 running on, etc.

There is so much great information here, but to read thru entire threads and then compile the info. into a clear read only format and post it statically on a web page is another story.  The Domain in paid for the next several years, but I would happily pass the work to a great Web programmer, since my time is about zero these days.


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Re: Website about customizing Mac OS 9?
« Reply #22 on: December 29, 2016, 12:40:27 PM »

those links should either contain articles written by members - or point to the appropriate forum section, which would have to be created first.
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Re: Website about customizing Mac OS 9?
« Reply #23 on: December 29, 2016, 01:55:38 PM »

Sounds good... any takers ?
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