Digital Audio Workstation & MIDI > Audio & MIDI Hardware
MIDI Interfaces connecting via USB (without audio i/o)
--- Quote from: user2020 on June 17, 2020, 04:39:45 AM ---I would be very interested in hearing how he got it to work, because it certainly doesn't work with my Anniversary Edition and the driver offered in the M-Audio driver thread.
--- End quote ---
I seem to recall the problem with the anniversary editions was that the hardware changed at some point during its production, and it was a dice roll if you got one that worked with OS9. the "surefire" way to get a working one was to find the grey/white/black version. Ive got one of those and its always worked great in both 9 and X.
I have a Digidesign MIDI IO (USB) that I replaced this week with the new MOTU 128 on my (OSX) PTHD Rig.
I can try the MIDI IO on OS9 as there are drivers available and post what I can learn.
The Opcode Studio 4 or Studio 5 (I would personally rather have 2 Studio 4s) are a great solution that I remember being rock solid back in the day.
Does someone has the driver for the Yamaha UX16 for OS 9.22? There not on the product page from yamaha any more.
steinberg usb-2-midi (midiman 2x2)
steinberg midex 3
emagic unitor 8
steinberg micromidi
motu fastlane usb
all work
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