@Nanopico and OS 9.3 team:
THANK YOU for inspiring the rest of the Mac Classic holdouts to keep re-inventing the old into new, or should I say newer

I may have next to zero-programming skills, but I enjoy everything mac-related from 7 to 9. I've set up an off-shore call center using Mac laptops running 7.x to X just eleven years ago and even now I'm very happily emulating 8.1 on both my chromebook and smartphone.. heck, I'm even skinning all my classic OSes in Sierra-themed icons and windows, lol!

All of your efforts are COMPLETELY appreciated by Mac lovers the world over so please include me in the long list of fans!!!
Finally, just a mini-interjection that may hopefully be of some use in your AWESOME endeavors:
While not endorsing to do so exclusively, reverse-engineering a few critical select pieces of the unsupported hardware puzzle, which looks like is the heart of this project, may very well
be used constructively to learn more about what can be made to work. So, say some rogue hacking gets the job done in a quick-and-dirty way, having these working elements can shed some new light on what (and where) to tinker with. Then the real work of re-achieving successful exploits really begins, at the very least with the revealed knowledge that it is definitely doable because it's already been done in a rogue fashion.
Ps. and if anyone wants to go Sierra on their old systems, purely for kicks of course, let me know and I can send over a cool little 'unfinished' gui package!

Pss. if it helps, I do have a 17" Powerbook G4 that I believe doesn't boot natively into OS 9 to test future compatibility-enhanced OS 9 builds and rom/boot tools.