Mac OS 9 Discussion > Emulation
Mac OS 9 Cluster computing: Pooch
Just reading about a iMac G5 cluster in found that Pooch is a classic and universal app.
Look at 152 G4s (56 Power Mac Dual-Processor G4/533's + 20 Power Mac Dual-Processor G4/450's via 100BaseT Switched not gigabit ) getting about 200 Gigaflops on OS9
--- Quote ---The following demonstrates how to launch a parallel job using Pooch on both OS 9 and OS X 10.3.
After selecting New Job... from Pooch's File menu, you can begin setting up your parallel computing job by dragging your parallel application, in this case the Power Fractal app, from the Finder to the Job Window.
Then click on Select Nodes... to open and select nodes from the Network Scan Window.
Finally, click on Launch Job in the Job Window.
Congratulations! Your parallel job should now be executing.
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Power Fractal Software
--- Quote ---High-performance parallel software utilizing:
AltiVec, a.k.a. the Velocity Engine, Multiprocessing ("MP") and multi-Core, SSE & SSE2, Universal (Intel & PowerPC), MPI over TCP/IP, via MacMPI_XUB, Carbon (OS 9 & X)
New in version 1.4: As a Universal Application, this code can utilitze large, mixed clusters of PowerPC G3s, G4s, G5s and Intel Cores simultaneously, making this the first application to utilize Universal Clustering. (Requires Pooch v1.7.) See the the DR product line for more examples.
We also provide a Carbon CFM version of Power Fractal that requires Mac OS 10.2 or later, or Mac OS 8.5 or later with CarbonLib 1.2 or later,
New in version 1.3: This app's parallelization organization has been rewritten to be optimized for large clusters of PowerPC G5s, enabling it to achieve over 1.21 TeraFlop!
1 node
4 nodes
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More Parallel apps
Fresnel Diffraction for Arbitrary Two-Dimensional Apertures
--- Quote ---Also available are: A Carbon CFM version of Fresnel Diffraction Explorer v1.3 (Beta) (~248k, for OS 9 and X, parallelized for Macintosh clusters using Pooch). You can also download the the 680x0+FPU only version 1.2.1 (~208k).
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"Plug-and-Play" Parallel Computing:
Build Your Own Parallel Computing Cluster in Under an Hour
--- Quote --- Pooch requires networked Macintoshes running OS 9 with CarbonLib 1.2 or later or OS X 10.1 or later with 4 MB of available RAM and 2 MB of disk space.
Dauger Research, Inc., was incorporated and founded by Dr. Dean E. Dauger. Dr. Dauger is the award-winning author of Atom in a Box and Fresnel Diffraction Explorer and has co-authored the award-winning Kai's Power Tools software from 1992 to 1994. After completing his Ph. D. in physics, he founded Dauger Research, Inc., to bridge the divides between the scientifically and technically complex and the mainstream by making high-performance computation and visualization easy to use and accessible to users.
© Copyright 2001-2011 Dauger Research, Inc. All rights reserved. PO Box 3074, Huntington Beach, CA 92605 USA
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QuickTime Video Compression Acceleration using Clusters
--- Quote ---The new Pooch QuickTime Exporter plug-in automatically parallelizes video compression from video-editing applications, including high-definition. It extracts the source video data, partitions them, then assigns other nodes their data. The compressed video data is then returned for sorting and assembly into the final movie. Its turnaround time is faster than batch-scheduling because it accelerates the encoding of each movie.
Pooch QuickTime Exporter component - v1.3.1 (292 kB .zip download) Requires Pooch
Intel-based and/or PowerPC-based Macintoshes
connected with a 100BaseT Ethernet switch or faster (Gigabit for HD)
2 GB of RAM installed on source machine
OS X 10.4 or later
QuickTime 7 or later
Pooch v1.8.1 or later.
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Can OS9 be a "worker" (with pooch 1.8.1) for a cluster quicktime exporter?
It seems that every node has to be on Pooch 1.8.1 and have QT7 and OS X 10.4 or later. Or all this req. are only for the source machine?
Maybe the cluster can still be OS9 only and the source OSX machine is the only OSX part needed.
The only G4 that can hold 2Gigs of Ram is the Sawtooth. And in OS9 most say more than 1gig is counterproductive.
I would love to see a cluster making a symphony... ;D.
Maybe with a cluster MacTron would finally get enought polyphony for his works. ;D
ouch i wouldnt want to be paying the electric bill with too many g5's running in a cluster!!
--- Quote from: Protools5LEGuy on July 09, 2015, 06:33:04 PM ---QuickTime Video Compression Acceleration using Clusters
--- Quote ---The new Pooch QuickTime Exporter plug-in automatically parallelizes video compression from video-editing applications, including high-definition. It extracts the source video data, partitions them, then assigns other nodes their data. The compressed video data is then returned for sorting and assembly into the final movie. Its turnaround time is faster than batch-scheduling because it accelerates the encoding of each movie.
Pooch QuickTime Exporter component - v1.3.1 (292 kB .zip download) Requires Pooch
Intel-based and/or PowerPC-based Macintoshes
connected with a 100BaseT Ethernet switch or faster (Gigabit for HD)
2 GB of RAM installed on source machine
OS X 10.4 or later
QuickTime 7 or later
Pooch v1.8.1 or later.
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Can OS9 be a "worker" (with pooch 1.8.1) for a cluster quicktime exporter?
It seems that every node has to be on Pooch 1.8.1 and have QT7 and OS X 10.4 or later. Or all this req. are only for the source machine?
Maybe the cluster can still be OS9 only and the source OSX machine is the only OSX part needed.
The only G4 that can hold 2Gigs of Ram is the Sawtooth. And in OS9 most say more than 1gig is counterproductive.
I would love to see a cluster making a symphony... ;D.
Maybe with a cluster MacTron would finally get enought polyphony for his works. ;D
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Need a test run. Maybe apple incorporated this stuff in there cluster app :) look at the compressor for osx and the later builtin cluster functions.
--- Quote from: Protools5LEGuy on July 09, 2015, 06:33:04 PM ---Maybe with a cluster MacTron would finally get enought polyphony for his works. ;D
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Interesting ...
But it didn't worked for me ... :'(
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