Mac OS 9 Discussion > Mac OS 9 on Unsupported Hardware
Boot on modified OS9 machine--hesitation.
--- Quote from: Knezzen on April 13, 2015, 02:21:55 PM ---I experienced the same thing on my FW400 system when the optical drive was in "Slave" and the harddrive in "cable select".
Seems like you need to have EVERYTHING in cable select if you're going down that route, otherwise make sure that master and slave is set on each drive accoring to how you want it.
--- End quote ---
if u want to be sure its done correctly (without cable select) u need to make sure the furthest out is always the master and the middle connector is the slave.. see attached image
i just read in earlier versions of logic (circa 1994-1995) emagic instructed their users to ensure that the hard drive was not on the same ide channel as the cdrom... i guess this was to ensure easier loading of samples to the drive from the cdrom, in the days of the beige tower i guess it might have been common for them to be connected to the same channel by default?
Everything is set to cable select because I hate the slave/master setup. I have OS9 set as the start up disk. I even added a HDD to the system and installed into it as well, but I still have the hesitation when booting from that drive as well.
My DVD is on a different IDE chain than the hard drives are. The IDE drives are on the ATA 100 and my DVD drive is on ATA 33. The ATA 66 is empty--just a lonely little port saying "fill me too." I know extra drives can fit in the cage and use the ATA 66, but right now I have nothing in the cage.
Oh well, as I said it is not a deal killer, just have to be more patient when rebooting/booting.
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