So the moral of the story is... <snip> or a FW800 drive...
Au contraire mon ami.Well, dunno ‘bout the USB route / haven’t tried that yet (or have I?).

Anyway, had exact same problem trying to install Tiger from a FW800 drive.
Same result. Until… from page ten of
ye Holy Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger - Installation and Setup Guide(nah, no iPhone screenshot of that screen). Booted yet again from the FW800 drive and the resident
Tiger installer there and after Selecting a Destination (that partition in the mini) for OS X AGAIN.
Clicked on “Options” to arrive at this, below.

Chose “Erase & Install” and then enjoyed one of the fastest installs of Tiger that I have ever
experienced. Then left the (yes, bus powered) FW800 drive on and connected for the reboot
and when prompted, filled in all of those on-screen requisites (lies mostly) and then the mini
booted into Tiger. Viola! et Voilà!
Hopefully this concludes this major deviation of this thread and if not,
it’s time to open another one elsewhere.
In the meantime, that’s my 666th post as FBz!
Sayonara y’all.