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Members Introduction... time to reflect on our past that got us here :)

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Hi from Japan. Long time Mac fanatic here. Started with an LC520 OS7.1 and used Macs ever since. Still have a pile of old Macs including a Color Classic II with an LC550 Mobo and the 13" resolution hardware hack. I've got a 5220, 7500, 7600 a couple of beige G3's and a couple of G4's. A stack of old PowerBooks 100, 145, 150, 520 etc.

I use a Mid 2007 iMac and a White Macbook Core2 Duo, daily. I'm not fond of the fragility of newer Macs.

I play a little bass, and like to DJ. Started practising some live PA on a Roland MC-303 Groove box, an Akai S2000 came my way and Mac OS9 and MESA was the perfect fit. I had a G4 with a SCSI card, so the only hardship was making a system disc on an old PC with a Win boot disc. Presently has a 230 MO dive as a start up disk. I'm just working on the backlight on an Akai S3000XL. New inverter from ebay 12V DC to AC Inverter for EL Lamp, seems to work OK from the internal 12V line. I'm going to use a resistor to dim it down a bit before fitting it permanently.

I'd like information about flashing Sound Cards. It seems there are plenty of good PC ones but not so many for the Mac.

I've go a MIDI Macman, without a power socket on it. Black lettering 1x3 that I haven't used yet.

Just repaired a Roland U-110 sound module, and I also have a Roland MT-120S that does GS. My keyboard is a Roland PC100 Mk II. I've got a Kawai Q80 sequencer that I've got to get my head round.

Ideally I'd like to write on the Mac and load samples, then use the hardware sequencer for performance. I think it's going to need a CF reader to replace the floppy though.

On the USB side I've got an Edirol UM-1 and an Akai LPD8 to play about with on my MacBook.

What I'd like is advice on easy to learn DAW software and moving data into/out of my sequencers and samplers.

Nice to meet you all.



--- Quote from: thebob on November 23, 2014, 07:18:12 PM ---Hi from Japan. Long time Mac fanatic here.

Nice to meet you all.

--- End quote ---

Welcome. We were praying for months for a Japanese user here. There are some Japanese pages that need human translations as the Mathey cards one.


--- Quote from: Protools5LEGuy on November 23, 2014, 08:07:42 PM ---
--- Quote from: thebob on November 23, 2014, 07:18:12 PM ---Hi from Japan. Long time Mac fanatic here.

Nice to meet you all.

--- End quote ---

Welcome. We were praying for months for a Japanese user here. There are some Japanese pages that need human translations as the Mathey cards one.

--- End quote ---

I'm not Japanese but I'll help where I can. Which pages are you having problems with?


--- Quote from: thebob on November 23, 2014, 08:43:54 PM ---
I'm not Japanese but I'll help where I can. Which pages are you having problems with?

--- End quote ---

I thought someone living in Japan should be Japanese...  :P  :-X

I think ChrisNova needed something about Mathey PCI SATA cards

Those were mentioned by him. Please reply to my question on other post to keep this introduction post clean. Sorry for been offtopic, again.  :-X

yep . i was going to post an introduction post but protoolsLeGuy ruined the thread with his offtopic  ::)

--- Quote ---I saw this thread at Thinkclassic
--- End quote ---

this link is now invalid... what was the thread about?


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