Installed here with only a few “bumps”.
Check your M-Audio OS9 installer to see if it matches this:
(If not, can upload this version for you.)

It loaded these extensions and this control panel below:

Here’s the Control Panel:

I changed Sample Depth, Latency and Optimize settings every way possible and it still worked okay (when it worked). However, it didn’t seem to like rebooting after I had removed it to insert a USB stick to load & move all the above screenshots for this post. Reboots, cold boots and turning off the power to my powered speaker all seemed a bit senseless except for maybe the power speaker OFF and then back ON ritual. Anyway, I moved all the extensions “up” in their load sequence by adding a space before their names hoping this might remedy this weirdness and maybe it worked (to some degree).

Just seems a
little wonky here. But when it loads and works, it’s great. (And I hadn’t yet trimmed the typical unnecessary control panels and extensions with Extension Manager as I always do.) Also, when it didn’t load after a reboot I got the same <Not Available> notations for Driver & Firmware in the Control Panel. I’d just shut it down completely and cold boot it.
Can hear a couple of clicks out of the speaker(s) when it’s going to load (and while it's loading) at startup.
You might delete all of the above files, reboot and rebuild your desktop… and then reboot & re-install again?
(With the Transit
not connected.) Good Luck!