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Author Topic: m-audio midisport - which are compatible with os9?  (Read 33844 times)


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m-audio midisport - which are compatible with os9?
« on: November 09, 2013, 04:41:55 AM »

please refer to this document to tell the difference between the old (compatible) and new (non compatible) os9 versions.

os9 compatible? YES

os9 compatible? POSSIBLY NO

os9 compatible? YES

os9 compatible? YES

os9 compatible? NO

os9 compatible? YES I BELIEVE SO

os9 compatible? YES confirmed by Knezz

os9 compatible? YES

larger image:
os9 compatible? YES

os9 compatible? YES

os9 compatible? POSSIBLY NOT

os9 compatible? YES confirmed by knezz
« Last Edit: October 03, 2015, 06:19:36 AM by superNova777 »


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Re: m-audio midisport - which are compatible with os9?
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2014, 12:59:21 AM »

Knez or Knezzen, whichever name you prefer, this post says that you confirmed that the MidiSport 2x2 Anniversary Edition (the device on the very bottom of the previous post) is compatible with OS 9.  Where did you find the drivers / how did you get this interface to work?  I have one of these and have tried it with my G4 running OS 9.2.2 with no avail.  I'm dying to use the Virus TDM plugin with my keyboard!  8)


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Re: m-audio midisport - which are compatible with os9?
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2014, 01:06:15 AM »

This post says that you confirmed that the MidiSport 2x2 Anniversary Edition (the device on the very bottom of the previous post) is compatible with OS 9.  Where did you find the drivers / how did you get this interface to work?

Im actually not the one who got it to work. I used to have the silver 4x4 midisport and it worked just fine with OS 9.2.2 and my MDD.
A friend of mine has the green 2x2 and it's working for him. Don't know if it's an early or late version though.

I'll have him look into it. Have told him to register here, but he don't like any website that requires registering  ::)
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Re: m-audio midisport - which are compatible with os9?
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2014, 01:11:08 AM »

I think they all are remakes of the same thing.
the 4x4 2x2 1x1 have all worked for me on macos9, they are all great midi interfaces.


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Re: m-audio midisport - which are compatible with os9?
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2014, 01:15:52 AM »

Yeah, they should all work, but for some reason some people have issues with the green/black anniversary ones.
The first generation (yellow and blue) and second (silver) have worked great for me.
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Re: m-audio midisport - which are compatible with os9?
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2014, 01:20:18 AM »

I agree, the older silver version and the green version "Anniversary edition" seem very similar. I was able to get the OS 9 software for the MidiSport 2x2 silver edition from the M-Audio site, but it failed to recognize the green edition.  It makes me wonder if the only difference between them is the device id or firmware and that the OS 9 init / extension for the silver MidiSport refuses to install a driver for a device that it doesn't recognize. Maybe some tweaking in Resedit could yield some results, enough to fool the driver into running with the green version.

I might just end up buying an older interface on eBay that is guaranteed to work.


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Re: m-audio midisport - which are compatible with os9?
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2014, 01:23:18 AM »

I might just end up buying an older interface on eBay that is guaranteed to work.

I have a silver Midisport 4x4 that I don't use anymore (since I got an AMT8) if you're interested :)
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Re: m-audio midisport - which are compatible with os9?
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2014, 01:31:44 AM »

I might be interested in that! :D Send me a PM!  I'll probably take a bit more of an in depth look into how the drivers for the midisports work in OS 9 just to see if I can get the green version to work.


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Re: m-audio midisport - which are compatible with os9?
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2014, 03:03:15 AM »

mt4 would be a good buy too  8) i plan on getting one for logic
plus apple still makes new drivers for each new os even mavericks has a driver for it!


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Re: m-audio midisport - which are compatible with os9?
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2014, 03:08:48 AM »

mt4 would be a good buy too  8) i plan on getting one for logic
plus apple still makes new drivers for each new os even mavericks has a driver for it!

Yeah, the old Emagic stuff are amazing. My AMT8 works fine in Mavericks with Logic Pro 9 as well.
Amazing how they continue to support it 14 years after it was introduced!
Pro Tools addict and staff member at Mac OS 9 Lives!, System 7 Today and Macintosh Garden.

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Re: m-audio midisport - which are compatible with os9?
« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2015, 01:55:46 PM »

 In case anyone is thinking of trying the M-Audio midisport 2x2 Anniversary Edition....  I can confirm they absolutely do not work with OS 9. 
     The M-Audio site no longer hosts OS9 drivers for midisports, and the archived M-Audio drivers I downloaded from this site (thx Chris..) didn't work- all I got was a dialogue- " software not found,search internet?".
    ...The Motu Fastlane I got for a song on ebay today worked flawlessly, with full OS9 support


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Re: m-audio midisport - which are compatible with os9?
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2015, 07:54:50 PM »

is the 2x2 anniv. the green + black one?
i think someone claimed this one works aswell
but it may require a different driver version?

i think this green one works:

and the black + green one that is the aniv. version does NOT work.. Only in X that one


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Re: m-audio midisport - which are compatible with os9?
« Reply #12 on: October 03, 2015, 06:20:36 AM »

i fixed the images above - which reveals that knez claims the black + green one does work in os9. so i would experiment with driver versions..
or perhaps that was an error on my part interpreting knez comments... ??


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Re: m-audio midisport - which are compatible with os9?
« Reply #13 on: October 04, 2015, 04:38:15 AM »

i fixed the images above - which reveals that knez claims the black + green one does work in os9. so i would experiment with driver versions..
or perhaps that was an error on my part interpreting knez comments... ??

I haven't used one, but my friend has with his iMac G4 and Mac OS 9.2.2. I can ask him what he used.
I know he picked his one up just as they started the Anniversary model. Don't know if they differ hardware wise from the newer Anniversary models. I know that he switched from Reason 2.5 and Mac OS 9 to a newer OS X setup for his music work. I'll give him a call :)

Like I stated in an earlier post:
Im actually not the one who got it to work. I used to have the silver 4x4 midisport and it worked just fine with OS 9.2.2 and my MDD.
A friend of mine has the green 2x2 and it's working for him. Don't know if it's an early or late version though.
Pro Tools addict and staff member at Mac OS 9 Lives!, System 7 Today and Macintosh Garden.


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Re: m-audio midisport - which are compatible with os9?
« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2015, 07:46:58 PM »

Friend or foe?

I happen to have the green Midiman. The supplied driver by M-Audio is an install of OMS2.3.8 and that's it.

Now I am totally new to OS9 and I must confess I feel a bit lost but if you allow me to make an analogy for Windows I see this OMS2.3.8 as the only supplied download for this hardware the way I would see a PCI audio card being shipped with an ASIO4ALL driver and NOTHING ELSE. Then the device manager would have no clue of how to allocate resources IRQs, memory etc as no recognizable driver was shipped with the card. ASIO4ALL will still do its thing and would pick up all available audio cards in the system but not the one it came with and the lack of actual hardware driver would put the device manager in the position of not knowing if it was dealing with an audio card or a digital vacuum cleaner.

Before and after I run the supposed driver being hosted on the m-audio server (the OMS2.3.8 installer) there's no difference under system profiler. It knows there's something in the USB jack but  it doesn't have a clue of what it is (as no actual hardware driver is in there) and no memory or any resources are assigned to it hence OMS can't pick it up.

I unstuffed the file m-audio hosts as "the driver" for the Midisport 2x2 and sent it as an attachment to someone from their tech support team and asked him if this was the only software that shipped originally with this unit. He claimed he will do his best to give me an answer but that they purchased m-audio from Avid in 2012 and that what they currently host as legacy drivers is what they've got from Avid themselves.

In the mean time whatever file they host in their server was very sloppily put together. You decompress the file and you get an OMS2.3.8 installer and another *.sit file that when decompressed renders yet ANOTHER OMS2.3.8 installer copy just like the one is already there so I am willing to bid that if our midisports aren't working the culprit is likely the lack of a real hardware driver not being supplied unless I am simply clueless on how Mac Os9 works which is also the case.

My unit works JUST FINE under Leopard so I know it isn't a defective unit.

« Last Edit: November 10, 2015, 08:11:32 PM by retromac »


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Re: m-audio midisport - which are compatible with os9?
« Reply #15 on: November 10, 2015, 08:30:23 PM »


its somewhat ambiguous to use the term "green" because there is the anniversary units that are green + black..
as well as the original oldschool unit which was green + blue.. the green + blue ones will work with os9 for sure. the anniversary ones.. i dont think they will
so guys.. try to include a picture with your posts.. for clarity purposes.. its easy to use a screengrab utility on mac (opt-cmd-4) or on modern windows ("snipping tool") if people could post an image when they post it would make things easy to communicate clearly + effectively!


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Re: m-audio midisport - which are compatible with os9?
« Reply #16 on: November 10, 2015, 08:44:02 PM »

Hey there SuperNova!!!!

It's the top one on your last post. Mostly green (vs. mostly black with green accents).

The thing is I'm deadly curious to learn if we have a copy in the forum of the disc that shipped originally with these units. As I mentioned above I'd like to confirm that just installing OMS238 these units get picked by the OMS238 setup without the need for an actual driver that would let the system profiler allocate resources to it so that OMS could actually see it in first place. I'm I mistaken in making these assumption as to my expectations on how the midi device hardware/driver/OS/OMS setup is supposed to work?


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Re: m-audio midisport - which are compatible with os9?
« Reply #17 on: November 10, 2015, 09:50:26 PM »

the american m-audio site is totally messed up because m-audio's brand name has been sold to a new company that literally doesnt know shit about the old stuff + thus commences the broken telephone effect when u have people who dont know re-arranging + re-publishing the content of the drivers etc

oms is not really a "driver" for the midisport unless it comes with the setup document..  which is a single file that should be somewhere in the files that is packaged with the oms.. if it was the correct driver package for it it should be present in the file archive package. if its a generic oms2.3.8 install lacking this document it should still be possible to setup .. if u know how to setit up.

as far as i know all the midisport units use the same oms document
check this pdf on page 10

u see all of this is instructions about the actual installer program that came on the midisport cd.. its an actual macos 9 app installer that u clearly are missing.

Mac OS 9
This release version of the MIDISPORT driver requires Macintosh operating
system OS 9.2.2. Some updates are offered free to Apple owners.  Please check
the Apple website at for update information.
After assuring that your system’s operating system is up to the above
specification, you must first install OMS, a MIDI management program developed
Opcode. This program is required to run the MIDISPORT on the Macintosh
platform and it is important that it is installed before running the MIDISPORT
Installer.We have included OMS on the CD for your convenience, and also offer
it as a free download from our website.
Locate the OMS installer program on this CD in the OMS 2.3.8 folder, and
simply double click its icon to install OMS.You will need to restart after installing
OMS. Once this has been successfully completed, you can move on to the next
step- the MIDISPORT Installer.
If you power up your Mac with the
MIDISPORT attached, you will receive a message that an “unknown USB device
has been detected.”  Click OK and proceed with the driver installation.You may
get a prompt to search for the drivers on the internet. You do NOT need to
search for drivers on the internet as you already have the drivers CD.
Alternately (and recommended), you may also install the drivers first, and then
plug in the MIDISPORT.
1.   Insert the Driver Software CD.   Open the MIDISPORT folder, then the USB
folder. There you will find the MIDISPORT Installer program.
2.   Run the MIDISPORT Installer by double clicking on it. This installs all of the
MIDISPORT’s extensions as well as the MIDISPORT OMS Driver. However,YOU
PROGRAM.  Otherwise, the MIDISPORT OMS Driver will not be placed in the
OMS folder.
Once installed, you should have two new files: “M-Audio USB MIDI Support” in
your Extensions folder and “M-Audio USB OMS Support” in the OMS folder,
both of which reside in your System folder.
Go to the Chooser under the Apple Menu, and make sure AppleTalk is turned
off  (this is recommended, although OMS will sense that it is on and prompt you
to turn it off).  If you are installing your MIDISPORT driver and configuring OMS
for the first time, follow these instructions to configure OMS.
First Time OMS Configuration Instructions
1.   Make sure that the MIDISPORT interface is connected to the computer’s USB port.
2.   In the Opcode folder, which you will find on your hard drive, locate the OMS
Applications folder, then OMS Setup.  Double click on OMS Setup.
3.   OMS will inform you that it has not yet been configured.  Click OK.
4.   The Create A New Studio Setup dialog box now appears.  Click OK.
5.   The “OMS Driver Search” box asks you to choose the port to which you’ve
attached the MIDISPORT (either Modem or Printer).  DO NOT choose a port
(since we’re using USB), just click “Search.”  OMS begins searching.
IMPORTANT: If the USB cable is not correctly hooked up to the MIDISPORT,
or the MIDISPORT is not switched to USB mode, the setup will fail.
6.   “OMS Driver Setup” shows the MIDISPORT in a list when OMS successfully
finds the driver.   Click OK.   OMS will now define (shows “Identifying”) the
MIDISPORT output ports.
7.   The “OMS MIDI Device Setup” dialog box will appear showing the MIDISPORT’s
output ports with an open check box to the left of each port. You will now have
to check these open boxes to enable the output ports.  Click on OK.
8.   Next, the “My Studio Setup” appears with a File Save dialog box over it. You will
now need to name (or you can use the default name) and save your new Studio
Setup before you can assign instruments to the MIDISPORT’s outputs. After
assigning your instruments (this step optional) you are finished with OMS
configuration and your MIDISPORT is ready for use.
You can run the OMS ‘Test Studio” utility by going to the “Studio” menu and
releasing the mouse on “Test Studio.” Playing a note on your keyboard will give
you an audio message from your computer, “MIDI received,” while the arrow
pointing away from the keyboard icon flashes. Clicking on a keyboard icon with
the mouse pointer will send a tone cluster to the MIDISPORT’s respective
output port. The sound modules connected to the MIDISPORT’s MIDI output
ports should play the chord.You may also see the MIDI IN LED lights constantly
flickering indicating some sort of MIDI activity, although no notes are being
played. This is normal for most MIDI devices as the device is sending Active
Sensing data to show users that a device is connected and working properly.
You may now exit OMS Setup by quitting the application. The rest must be
configuration within your music software. Generally, this means selecting “OMS
Compatibility,” or “Open Music System” for your MIDI system setup


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Re: m-audio midisport - which are compatible with os9?
« Reply #18 on: November 10, 2015, 10:00:11 PM »

download the m-audio driver file archive that i created here:

contains drivers for the following devices:
Delta 1010
Delta 1010LT
Delta 44
Delta 66
Delta DIO
Delta TDIF
Delta RBUS
Delta Audiophile 2496
Dman 2044
Firewire 410
Firewire 1814
Firewire Audiophile
Audiophile USB
Midisport 1x1, 2x4, 4x4, 8x8, uno
Omnistudio USB
Quattro USB
Sonic Theatre USDB
Sonica USB
Transit USB

Ekeys controller
Keystation 49e controller
Keystation pro 88 controller
UC33e controller
Xsession controller


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Re: m-audio midisport - which are compatible with os9?
« Reply #19 on: November 14, 2015, 07:06:48 PM »

Dude! You go above and beyond that's insane. I finally succeeded in getting my midiman to get recognized thanks to your assistance. At one point I almost expected the doorbell to sound and see someone saying: "Hi, I'm SuperNova777 Where's your MDD?" Helpful replies came in FAST and I was up and running as soon as I had time to implement all suggestions: Priceless!

 I am brainstorming on giving back to this  community without further endangering my already critically perilous finances.

Maybe you could post a page with a bunch of ads for some of us to click for a few minutes a week?

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