this one of the threads u read? im googling now trying to find "pci sata audio dropout"
because if u read it, it says the guy solved the problem, and this was with an OWC Sata card..
i think they mention the seritek card tho (which is the same card as the sonnet as i mentioned previously!)
To be honest
i know diehard has mentioned this many times
and i know he based this on problems he experienced..
but from the research ive done, the whole 'pci bus saturation' stuff is more of a myth
because the pci bus can handle alot more data then that.. as mactron demonstrated with his
experiment using the seritek 1v4 width 2 ssd in raid formation to acheive a speed higher then 133mb/s
the pci bus can handle alot more then whats being thrown at it in =any= pci based computer... so this whole pci saturation explanation for audio dropouts doesnt cut it for me
we should know how easy it is for buggyness to occurr (with mac os 9 IN GENERAL I mean) and based on the amount fo times ive seen other people be incorrect about the cause of a problem
and myself personally.. its easy to make a mistake and think u know what the problem is.. or to make an assumption and even easier still to be totally incorrect
about that assumption.
theres no fuckin way simply having your hard drive connected to a pci card doing everyday bullshit clicking around is gonna cause dropouts
look at my post i just made about data rate of recording.. and compare it to teh bandwidth provided by these cards too.
its not even needing 25% of what it can do..
and remember knez comment about easily taking care of all his tracking needs with a 7200 IDE drive on the built in ata bus of a g4 (which is ata-66)
the real reason u get a performance boost using the sata drive is the actual drive u are using afterwards
and like mactron pointed out on knez post about DOM module.. the *access* time of the device is where the huge gain is.
the g4s already have ata-66 .. when u use ata-66 with a wickid good performing hard drive. = great performance!
but the old 600 series powerpcs.. they have like ata-33 + shitty internal scsi.. its more worth it on those machines
+ kind of neccessary to bypass the ata-33 or internal scsi or wahtever it has that is SOOO dated
did u already buy this thing? or are u just talking conceptually?? are u going thru with this? cpu upgrade to g3/g4?