I was just trying to extract it. The file is corrupted.
can u be a bit more specific
which file did u download?
and on which os using what program are u trying to expand/decode it?
be certain you arent right clicking and pressing save as on the link.
this does not work. u have to left click the link as tho going to a new page with your browser
for the download link to work correctly.
the sea.bin file needs to be expanded with stuffit expander on mac os 9
the img.sitx needs to be expanded with stuffit expander on mac os x, then u double click the img file to mount it.
make sure to copy the files directly to a new formatted partiton thats been formatted in 9 or formatted in X with the mac os 9 drivers option selected. could be a firewire drive or internal drive or partition.. doesnt matter.. any size will do aswell.. i think u could do this with as small as 5gb or maybe even smaller.