ok an update.. the file that i did readonly/compressed will not mount easily on X and now reports an error.. so i deleted the file from my user directory..
not sure why it had an error i think it was because i tried to mount it while it was on my afp fileshare (DUH) and not on my desktop and actual physical hard drive.. but i nuked the file already ooops!
it seems that using diskutilty to do a restore from .img isnt going to work..
it seems easiest to just unstuff the .img from the .img.sitx (located in my user dir in the adrive ftp) and then after its extracted,
if you get any windows about username + passwords this may require u to go into system preferences -> accounts and click the lock in bottom left corner to AUTHENTICATE
then simply double click the .img file to mount
and drag these files from mounted .img (on desktop in X) to a prepared partition (formatted mac os extended non-journalled w disk utility ahead of time)
after the files are done copying -> system preferences -> startup disk and look for the folder with the 9 on it that says its on your target partition (look for the volume name that you named it, or "untitled")
ive just tested this and im rebooting into the freshdraginstall for the very first time ever!!
and im seeing the blue screen for new user "welcome" animation
but im skipping that so i did cmd-option escape to force quit the new user setup
which results in the glitch of the ui.. so i rebooted again using the button on the front of the mac
which on reboot gives me the screen "computer didnt shut down correctly" disk first aid check..
and im in the fresh drag install mac os background of 9.2.2!
its detected my usb keyboard + airport card right away
correcting my resolution using the apple menu -> control panels -> monitor control panel
checking "About this computer" shows now mac os rom 10.2.1
now changing network connetion under apple menu -> control panels -> tcp/ip -> selecting "connect via ethernet built in"
now i mount my AFP file server apple menu -> chooser -> apple share -> enter server ip 192.168.x.x
and it finds my media volume and mounts it on the desktop (just like the root drive)
copying my hardware drivers
installing shrinkwrap
installed stuffit deluxe 703
installed a-dock
installed classilla, dragged icon shortcut to the a-dock
put sherlock icon on the a-dock
set macos9lives.com forum as the home page in classilla
disabling sleep mode (due to freezing on my mdd due to 3rd party nec usb pci) control panel -> energy saver
installed ableton live 4.14 + authorized
installed m-audio delta driver for mac os 9.x
installed oms 2.3.8 (selected pcr oms document provided with edirol pcr keyboard as the current set up)
installed edirol pcr driver for usb midi keyboard
at the end of all this what i want to do is use diskUtility in X to create a .dmg of the mac os 9 partition and then this will be the mac os 9 install file..
and it will be very easy to install using the "Restore" from a .dmg to a partition technique in disk utility!!!!!!!!! and hopefully this will keep all program authorizations in working condition!