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Serial port for g3 B&W/g4 yikes


looking for one of the following, either or:

griffin gport (not g4port) for use in g3 B&W

geethree stealth port for use in g3 b&W


geethree stealth

griffin gport (g3port)

found this posting of a serial port for a b&w g3
not sure if its still available for sale on this page? can anyone read this?

my g3 450mhz needs this!!!!!


heres another listing of hte griffin one


heres the stealth for the powermac g3..
this item is very hard to locate because most people probably believe its just part of the poowermac g3 itself
because its so small

so noone sells it as a seperate item
u literally have to find it in a powermac g3 by chance

my reason for obsessing over these
i was given 2 powermac g3s with very low mhz..
a 300 + a 350
i gutted them thinking they were worthless
and threw out the motherboards
only to my horror to find out thatafterwards what these parts were
i took them apart.. and tossed them in the garbage
quite literally
as i assume most people are doing when they gut systems for hackintoshes
etc (Which is what i was doing)
and i regret it horribly now!!!!!

both of these macs were given to me by a guy who used them exclusively for his music studio in the 90s
i literally threw out *2* of these lol
of course i had no idea at the time.. what those parts were i thought it was the modem
and i remember making a joke.. ha.. wont be needing this *toss*


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