Search around on Ebay and Google. 99% of the time you'll encounter straight-through wiring on Mac serial cables.
ive never had a problem of having a cable that didnt work
all of the mac cables that i own all function the same way
both the ones that were packaged with my midi interfaces when i bought them
and the ones i bought from an electronics surplus store in my area
function the same
i dont need to worry about the pinout configuration
i pick up the cable and plug it in on both ends and thats the end of it;)
if u want to call them crossover cables then i guess u can call them crossover cables
they are all normal mac serial cables for me and they all work..
like i said in my other post i think u were given a cable that is wired differently for some other implentation or use other then with geoport/serial? table below shows the name and purpose of the various pins in the GeoPort-enabled serial connector when used in GeoPort, RS-422 (LocalTalk) and RS-232 modes.
Pin # GeoPort RS-422 RS-232 Name
1 SCLK HSKo DTR Serial Clock (out), Handshake Out, Data Terminal Ready
2 SCLK HSKi DSR Serial Clock (in), Handshake In, Data Set Ready
3 TxD- TxD- TD Transmit data (-ve signal)
4 GND GND GND Cable ground
5 RxD- RxD- RD Receive data (-ve signal)
6 TxD+ TxD+ Transmit data (+ve signal)
7 TxHS GPi CD Wakeup/DMA Request, General Purpose input, Carrier Detect
8 RxD+ RxD+ (ground) Receive data (+ve signal)
9 +5 V Power, 350 mA maximum
notice this table is detailing the difference between RS-422 specification and the RS-232 specification
both of which use the same pin scheme
i think that this is the source of your issues with cables.. u have been given a rs-232 cable instead of a rs-422 cable
or vice versa - i think this is kind of confusing to really get to the bottom of because its antiquated and there was alot of different
serial configurations for specific purposes.. i think that most of the normal mac serial cables did indeed have this crossover
rx -> tx and tx-> rx configuration.. maybe the straight thru cables were inteded as "Extension" cables of some sort? page is talking about some differences between the two specs
saying that 422 is builtin support for daisy chaining devices (referd to here as multi-drop?)
whereas 232 does not support this and also says that pcs dont come with rs-422 ports at all
with this info i think its safe to say that the mac port is rs-422
and thats the reason why the mtp's have this networking feature