Mac OS 9 Discussion > Mac OS 9, Hacks & Upgrades
Hard Drive Icon
I am running OS 9.0.4 on SheepShaver. Everything works great, but the only "problem" is that the HD icon is wrong. It isn't like the other icons on the desktop, rather, it is a "flat" icon, precisely the same icon as used to be in System 7. Does anyone know why this is happening, or alternately, where in the system I might find the correct icon so I may copy it?
Thanks in advance
these system icons are in the system folder file. but the reason why it is not displayed properly most likely lies in the desktop database or the file catalog. i would not bother fixing it, rather i would just apply some nice custom icon(s) to the HDs.
It's happening because that's the way SheepShaver works…
SheepShaver doesn't emulate SCSI or IDE, the SheepShaver "hard disks" appear to the OS as "floppy disks".
There is an archive on MacintoshGarden with the proper icons, you can copy paste them to your disk.
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