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Author Topic: ProPinball BRUSA Help  (Read 1747 times)


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ProPinball BRUSA Help
« on: November 21, 2023, 06:56:09 AM »

First I wanna apologiese if my topic is in wrong place. I`m new on here  :) Some time ago I purchased iBook G3 800MHz with Tiger installed. According to EveryMac it should be Jaguar. So I made fresh install of MacOS Jaguar with Classic enviroment 9.2 Everything was superb untill few days ago I can not run Big Race USA anymore. I`m getting Error type - 39 of some reason. Probably I messed up something unintentionally. I`m new to Mac so maybe someone on here will advise me how to fix it please? I play games booting to MacOS 9( Lives ;) ) Literally everything else is working without problems. Same BRUSA toast image is fine in SheepShaver. Any Magician with advice for me?


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Re: ProPinball BRUSA Help
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2023, 11:07:10 AM »

If it ain’t broke… don’t fix it. (Too late, ehh?)

Sounds as if quite possibly, you should have left well enough alone?
[EveryMac also notes that 10.4.11 (Tiger) is the “Maximum MacOS” for the 800 MHz G3 iBook.]

And now you may be facing the “Nuclear Option” of beginning all over again with a fresh install of OS 9.2.2. AND Tiger (along with re-installs of whatever games). Mind you, it’s recommended that you initialize and two-partition your HD into two separate partitions… first one for OS 9.2.2 and the second one for Tiger. (Or Jaguar, if you prefer the oldest version of OS X that will run on that iBook, but why?)

For an extremely thorough (and at some points, a painful) examination of the above, do refer to and read this entire thread and you’ll likely know more than you ever really cared to:,5685.0.html

A quick survey of all the great wooly mammoths still grazing around here would yield that an overwhelming majority NEVER runs anything under “Classic MODE / Classic environment”. It’s either selectively booted into what some refer to as Classic OS 9 (partition #1) - or some flavor of OS X (partition #2). [NOT / NEVER the “Classic environment” running under any version of OS X.]

AND before you undertake the dual partition, multi-boot path… you may want to invest time researching Spotlight and how to prevent it from screwing you over in OS 9.2.2.

Have fun!  ;)

ADDENDUM: After reading that entire link above, be sure to go back and re-read Jubadub's summation:,5685.msg43246.html#msg43246

« Last Edit: November 21, 2023, 11:17:19 AM by FBz »


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Re: ProPinball BRUSA Help
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2024, 04:10:31 AM »

For whatever reason, Apple designed software reports errors as numeric codes instead of English. You need a cross-reference to understand what it is telling you.
The error -39 means EOF: End of file.

This points to some file that was accessed being truncated or corrupted.
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