To begin - how large is the current HD within the eMac currently in use?
You might consider acquisition of a large enough, external Firewire 400 drive to backup (or clone) all of the files and programs to such a drive for security’s sake. Full stop.
After that, you might then renew your quest to resurrect the other (700 MHz) eMac. Here are the specs for that machine to help you in determining exactly which original set of disc(s) you might require.
https://everymac.com/systems/apple/emac/specs/emac_700.html#macspecs1You did not mention your geographic location but there are members here that: (1). might be nearby and (2). might have the exact discs that you need and could possibly provide you with working copies.
You say that the Apple Hardware Test CD ran fine. What did it report? Such a report might help to determine whether or not you should proceed with that effort OR if it might in fact be better to acquire a different OS 9.2.2 running Mac. Lots of faster Quicksilvers and MDDs still available and often very inexpensive.
Found this on Macintosh Repository that might be of some help (if you can figure out exactly what you need).
https://www.macintoshrepository.org/20984-691-3739-a-emac-mac-os-v9-2-2-install-disc-v1-0-cd- Perhaps much trial and error… or again, some member here might better guide you.
I do not have a 700 MHz eMac, only a 1.25 GHz model and it requires a very special approach (unlike the 700 MHz) in order to install & boot OS 9.2.
Best of luck to you and your boss BUT… I would definitely look into a faster G4 Mac (Quicksilver or MDD) to possibly increase productivity and reduce overall production & processing time… and at very little cost. I spent YEARS in a graphic production environment with a Mac Quadra 950 (33 MHz!)
[The Quicksilvers and MDDs are ROCKET-powered, in comparison.]
Do keep us posted of your progress and maybe someone here will speak up with those discs for the 700 MHz eMac?
Still have the original install discs for (the dreaded) Quark 4.1?