As far I can see the specs ( there could be some benefits but also some disadvantages by using the Gestalt of eMac vs G4 Cube:
+ almost identical specs to the Mac mini (same G4 processor PowerPC 7447, same GFX Radeon 9200, same ATA-100 interface, same WiFi)
+ no USB-amplified sound outputs
- original machine not able to boot Mac OS 9 natively
- slightly different audio output format (16bit vs. 24bit)
- eMac has audio input (is it a problem anyway?)
- different sound chipset ("Snapper" vs Mini's "Toonie")
The older eMac is maybe usable as base for ROM modding (instead using the Mac G4 cube), but there may be issues with the graphic card (can these be fixed with drivers?)
+ natively bootable with Mac OS 9
- hardware is one generation older (G4 7450, only ATA-66, older WiFI) (G4 cube's hardware is even older!)
- uses Nvidia GeForce2 as GFX instead of ATI Radeon
Can someone of the original ROM modder team have a look into creating a custon ROM from the eMac/2002 ROM? As far I know there exist already a ROM mod for the eMac/2004 in this forum.