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Author Topic: imac g3 froze and had to be hard reset and now it wont start up the finder  (Read 2603 times)


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to start off i have an imac g3 running 8.6, it has a busted tray drive and i havent been able to find a replacement and if anyone knows where to get one dear god please let me know

anyways i was messing around with it and went to shut it off the other night but it completely hanged and had to be hard reset, now when booting up it says the finder couldnt start up because "draglb--setdragimage" cant be found. its asking to use the cd/floppy that came with it and to hold c while starting up.

since this is secondhand i dont have the disks that came with it, ive tried burning os9 onto a cd and using an external usb drive but it wont boot from it, its asking to install the drivers needed even though its a plug and play drive. i saw another person suggesting using a firewire cd rom but that wasnt for this particular case.

does anyone know what i can do? the computer is totally unusable as it is right now even though it had been working completely fine prior. am i out of options until i can repair the optical drive? because if so it seems impossible to find a replacement:/ i attached the error messages im getting


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"check in the Extensions folder in the System Folder on the hard drive. Look for either or both of these files in there
 - Macintosh Drag and Drop
 - DragLib
If found, throw them away and then try a normal restart."

The problem will be that you cannot boot at the moment. So try to boot without Systme Extensions (Shift Keys). If it doesn't work you will need to boot from an external source, be it an network device, or anything else (could the imac already boot from USB?). Last idea is that you have to get out the disc and mount it at another computer.

For the records, there was an Apple KowledgeBase article for this particular problem: but archive is not working at the moment (at least form my place). The background is: "both of the files DragLib and Macintosh Drag & Drop can be installed by older software. Those extensions are not compatible with OS 8.5 and higher, although OS 9.1 and higher have been programmed to ignore them."
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