But than i noticed the CPU is a MC7447B and than HX1500QF. Does this means it is a 1.5 Ghz CPU? Could not find anything about this cpu.
From old freescale pdf (MC7447AQUAL.pdf):
"Device No./Rev.: MC7447A/B Rev. 1.1/1.1.1/1.2
MC7447A Commercial/Industrial Tier
MC7447B Node4b Commercial Tier
MC7447B Node4b Commercial Tier (RoHS)"
and four number after HX or VS means specs speed, but what means that QF, none with that in Qualification Report.
Underclockers might intrest insrustrial CPU MC7447AHX1000NB, max temperature 105C and nominal vdd 1.1V for passive cooling mac mini.
Overclockers might intrest MC7447BVS1700ZG, nominal vdd 1.32V -100/+50mV, but have to remember max temperature 85C.