Testing Al 867Mhz Powerbook G4 with 9.2.2 right now..
I've installed a mSATA + JM20330 green adapter combo - no problems so far and getting speeds in 78-82 MB/sec range.
At first I used ROM file from "Unsupported ..." CD, then changed it to my own version (similar to one I made for 17" 1GHz machine).
The strange thing is that mine runs at 533 MHz (!) instead of 867 MHz, no matter which ROM I use.
Apple System Profiler, PowerLogix CPU Director and NewerTech Gauge PRO all report the same, slower than it has to be, speed. Norton System Info test confirms it - this machine scores lower than PowerMac G4 400MHz.
The "feel" using it, especially with processor intensive applications, is similar. Seems to be slower than TiBook 667.
EDIT. I don't know what I did, I think I switched from Apple CPU Plugins 4.0.1 to version 3.5 and suddenly the machine runs at 867 MHz, as expected. Disk transfer speeds also went up a bit.
I've been copying contents of this 9.2.2 installation from one SSD to the next one all the time. I might have mixed something or picked up the wrong Apple CPU Plugins during my experiments. I'll investigate and report back. Stay tuned..