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Author Topic: RETIRING PISMO  (Read 4173 times)


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« on: May 08, 2020, 10:35:53 PM »


I have a Pismo in great working order.. The reason is simple why I am selling it - Not that I want to sell it, but because of a few things:

1. can't browse the internet with it - I don't know about proxy servers and as a last resort I am willing to pay someone to get it set up with OS 9.. but if not, I don't want it.
2. Can't use iTunes on it.
3. This Nostalgia trip back to OS 9 has caused my misery, sleepless nights, thoughts of suicide because i want to go back to the past. 3. FAMILY ISSUES.

If someone can help me get this thing set up with a proxy server, I will BE GLAD to pay you for your time. i used to know how to do this shit, but I forgot.. I was 27 at the time I got the G4 Sawtooth and also got involved with mac in the first place as a PC tech working at CompUSA. Please, i AM ASKING for help here. I want to use OS 9.

Thank you.


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« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2020, 05:37:51 AM »

Roman, did you read what I wrote you on the Mac Garden on your iTunes issues? Check the iTunes entry and your guestbook ...

As for surfing the web, why don't you try Wannabe ? It ought to be very fast. Other than that, just use it to browse sites specifically designed to work with older browsers.

No need to give a good working Pismo away, though I'm sure there would be plenty of people (including myself) happily using it :)

(щас тебе еще ПМ буду писать ... )


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« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2020, 09:17:39 AM »

the best way to browse the web on an older mac right now, is IMHO by VNCing into a raspberry pi.  That way, you get access to the *full* internet, and can do just about anything a chromebook can do.
Mid-2011 11" MacBook Air | iBook G3 Clamshell | PowerMac G4 MDD | G4 MacMini | PowerBook G3 Pismo | PowerMac 7600 | PowerBook G3 Lombard

Mac OS 7.6, 8.6, 9.2, 10.2, 10.4, 10.13


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« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2020, 06:03:23 PM »


What is your preferred VNC client for doing this? Are you just running raspian with the default browser to do this?



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« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2020, 01:35:07 AM »

while I previously hadn't done it myself yet, I got the idea because I saw somebody on Reddit mention they used ssh to connect to their raspberry pi PC running Linux and viewed websites using something like lynx.  The original post has since been deleted unfortunately.

Anyway, because this is Sunday am, and my 7600 was the only classic mac currently a) plugged in, b) connected to the internet, & c) already boots up by default into (supported) pre-X OS I powered that up.

I installed VNC Viewer Fat, and connected to my MacBook Air (as a proof of concept).  And WOW, I do not recommend sending a Full HD screen over 10Base-T Ethernet.  I scaled that down immediately.  Loaded up iCloud in Safari--apparently High Sierra Safari is too old to access to iCloud.  Loaded up iCloud in Edge, logged in.  Screenshot. Profit.  (Then tried to convert PICT screenshot, and found out the 7600 doesn't even have enough ram for that)

While it's not the fastest, probably 10Base-T Ethernet doesn't help, it did work otherwise perfectly fine! A raspberry pi would just be a smaller package.  You could even connect it directly to ethernet if you set up internet sharing just right.

With a raspberry pi you shouldn't have the problem of hidden scroll bars.  And I imagine, any browser that can access and handle the full internet will do just fine.  You might get more support out of Firefox, but I guess that just depends on the websites.

With XFCE there are quite a few good platinum themes, like PlatiPlus.  All you'd really need to do is make the browser window full screen, probably 800x600 resolution (with website scaling), and hope that Firefox respects your theme scroll bars.
Mid-2011 11" MacBook Air | iBook G3 Clamshell | PowerMac G4 MDD | G4 MacMini | PowerBook G3 Pismo | PowerMac 7600 | PowerBook G3 Lombard

Mac OS 7.6, 8.6, 9.2, 10.2, 10.4, 10.13


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« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2020, 03:11:18 AM »

Roman, did you read what I wrote you on the Mac Garden on your iTunes issues? Check the iTunes entry and your guestbook ...

As for surfing the web, why don't you try Wannabe ? It ought to be very fast. Other than that, just use it to browse sites specifically designed to work with older browsers.

No need to give a good working Pismo away, though I'm sure there would be plenty of people (including myself) happily using it :)

(щас тебе еще ПМ буду писать ... )

Well, it looks like its not a Pismo issue anymore, but a PowerPC issue - now I can't use my G5 Quad which 3-5 months ago and before that used to run webkit and play youtube at 1080p to 1440p with no issues.. Now, it can barely get 480p.. The PB G4 1.67 also is dead.. useless as it can't even play youtube at all.. well, it used to play at 480p.. and with quicktime it was able to play even better, but cameron kaiser decided to DEPRECATE quicktime pluggin, so it does not work.. I ask the question - why are they doing this to us ? Why are they making us to goto intel macs ? The more I see intel and hear intel intel intel.. I just want to scream and punch my walls.. I HOPE ARM mops the floor with intel when those macs are released. TO AVENGE POWERPC and for what Apple did to us.
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