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Author Topic: OS 9 stability after power outage  (Read 5312 times)


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OS 9 stability after power outage
« on: October 18, 2016, 06:08:05 PM »

I have a Pismo G3 PowerBook that was on (and plugged in) before, during, and after a short power outage in my neighborhood this morning. I don't believe the outage lasted long enough for the battery to have drained, but I'm not sure, since it happened after I was at work for the day.

Since I got home tonight, the thing has been crazy unstable. I've had to hard reboot multiple times, and at least twice was greeted with a broken folder icon after hard rebooting. Option+Boot to make it boot the OS 9 volume works, at least.

I've reset the PRAM, as well as pulling the battery + power and letting it sit for about ten minutes without power. I haven't had problems with this machine at all, so I'm wondering if the power blip was responsible for something getting corrupted in the OS.


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Re: OS 9 stability after power outage
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2016, 06:47:01 PM »

Depending on what it was plugged into and the reason for the power outage there could have been a power surge that screwed some hardware.
I had the same thing happen on an iBook.  Same instability. Turned out that it wrecked the RAM.
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Re: OS 9 stability after power outage
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2016, 07:46:13 AM »

Blergh, I hope that's not what happened here.

We have a LOT of computers that are on all the time, and this is the only one that's been having problems since the outage. At least my TAM wasn't damaged. :O

I might swap out the RAM and see what happens.
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