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Author Topic: Is there a computer program that shows keyboard chords...  (Read 7464 times)


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Is there a computer program that shows keyboard chords...
« on: April 23, 2014, 08:47:19 PM »

There are computer programs that show you the notes/chords for string instruments but it's not for me because I don't play string instruments.

Is there a computer program that shows Keyboard Chords and Popular chord progressions for all the scales for keyboard instruments  ?

At the moment I use a book by John Brimhall but it's a huge pain in the studio flipping thru the pages to find the chords and chords for both hands.

There was such a program I used in OS 9 but it's lost unless it shows up  by off chance in a  back up of some of OS 8 and 9 hard drives.
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Re: Is there a computer program that shows keyboard chords...
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2014, 12:45:43 PM »

Is there a computer program that shows Keyboard Chords
ChordLab, ChordStudio...
But I use Ballade 1.1 for this :)

and Popular chord progressions for all the scales for keyboard instruments  ?
Chord progressions are very particular... and I don't know if such a program exist...

There was such a program I used in OS 9 but it's lost unless it shows up  by off chance in a  back up of some of OS 8 and 9 hard drives.

Try to remember... I'll be interested in it  too.
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Re: Is there a computer program that shows keyboard chords...
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2014, 01:41:42 PM »


       But I use Ballade 1.1 for this :) 

Quick lesson please, i.e. where in Ballade ?  Must admit have not used this since...albeit it was my very first DAW software when I purchased my LC520.  Roland developed/sponsored a great piece of music software.
LC520(my first iMac @ 25 MHz ), 8500/SonnetG4, Performa6360, QuickSilver PowerPC G4 ( 933MHz ), iMac PowerPC G3 500 MHz ,iMac @ 3.06 GHz, AND a plethora of midi/audio/recording gear and software and oh! let's not forget all those acoustical music instruments


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Re: Is there a computer program that shows keyboard chords...
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2014, 11:41:15 AM »

Make sure Ballade is correctly instaled and working. And that is connected to a real or virtual instrument.

1. Select the arrow tool.
2. Select the "show in score" tool
3. Choose the chord root note.
4. Choose the chord type.
5. Click on the loudspeaker icon to hear the chord.
6. Choose the chord/note duration.
You can click on the red arrows/triangles to make chord inversions!
... and then click on the"return" icon (the one down the loudspeaker icon ) to insert the chord on the score.

You can repeat the same procedure to insert so many chords as you want (chord progression) and hear how it goes...
« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 12:03:39 PM by MacTron »
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Re: Is there a computer program that shows keyboard chords...
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2014, 11:47:27 AM »

I do not want to be oftopic, but with Logic, when you "play" a chord with an midi instrument, On transport you can see the name of the chord, even having 4-5 notes.
A friend told me that the chord it shows is the "more simpler" way to notate them.

I see you want that the software tells you where to put the fingers to play the chord.
Logics tell you the name of the chords you play.
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Re: Is there a computer program that shows keyboard chords...
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2014, 12:36:00 PM »

I do not want to be oftopic, but with Logic, when you "play" a chord with an midi instrument, On transport you can see the name of the chord, even having 4-5 notes.
A friend told me that the chord it shows is the "more simpler" way to notate them.
As so other DAW... :)

I see you want that the software tells you where to put the fingers to play the chord.
Logics tell you the name of the chords you play.

That's the point, but just in part...

For me the chord name isn't important and "where to put the fingers to play the chord" is instrument player business mainly :)
The most important thing to me is hear the chords and to see the notes of the chords  without the need to remember how to build them. And of course hear how the chords progression sounds!
So this little and old app Ballade takes you to the heart of music writing, without years of Harmony studies :)  (well, more or less...) LOL
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