Mac OS 9 Lives
Mac OS 9 Discussion => Hardware => Topic started by: part12studios on July 16, 2020, 10:02:12 AM
Hi everyone, I see someone selling one of the dual floppy Macintosh SE systems. Having no HDD, I take it you had to boot from a floppy?
I was mostly curious to know if the SE dual floppy version (i'm sure the answer is yes, but i defer to the experts) still has a HDD bay for an internal SCSI HDD?
I have an SE with a bad drive, but it has a good HDD so it boots up. Hoping i can approach this guy and test it with a 7.5 floppy (I think i have one somewhere)
If I don't have one do you think this "capone" floppy would work?
would i just unzip and copy the content into a blank disk? not like it needs some special boot sector magic applied to it?
The SE has two drive bays. You can stick a HDD or floppy in one of them, and a floppy in the other.
I do know of people that have shoehorned a low profile SCSI drive into the case outside of the drive bay, but this involves some hardware tweaking and increases potential thermal issues.
no ploytek/gotek solutions for mac?
what about a tiny SCSI to MicroSD drive? I've got a couple of those I use for my Peavey SP Sampler that uses SCSI.. those take up very little space.
So long as there is a SCSI ribbon inside the unit, I imagine it will be fine. I forget how terminators work with internal drives though.. IIRC i didn't have to think about it for the other external SCSI enclosures I put my SD devices into them. So long as the external ports had a terminator.. but in this case computers don't require terminators to be on the back of them.. so that's kinda unique.
but i must say i'm not sure i've ever seen a floppy disk use one of those 4 pin HDD power adapters. So if it's really designed for floppy only, how would an internal hard drive get standard 4 pin power?
i havent looked but i also only remember those for atari, amiga, musical instruments and industrial gear.
remember what for atari / amiga? gotek drives? SCSI to microsd?
@adespoton are you saying the 2nd internal drive bay was IDE? would it have the power connectors inside for a HDD? i haven't opened my
so the only difference tween the 2 drive SE and the one with HD is the 2nd drive disk slot is open? is that just some kind of back plate that can be removed or something special for 2 drive versions? the way it looks at face value that slot that's open seems permanent but I've not looked closely at that space on my HDD SE..
ah yes i should have googled that. i found one for the powerbook 190 recently that was fantastic.. breaking it all down. ok yea internal scsi.. glad it's no yucky IDE stuff :) SCSI all the way baby
remember what for atari / amiga? gotek drives? SCSI to microsd?
yeah. both, anytrhign which can replace the floppy.
the problem with this topic is that you need custom firmware for almost each different product.
speaking of the atari, they had a shrinked down version of dma controlled scsi, which is to my knowledge not comparable to normal scsi.
at least i have never seen an 80ies apple computer with anything else than the original drives, or anyone who would offer something like that.
interesting about firmware changes
yea the Amiga 1200 came out with IDE internal controller (1991) but the earlier amigas like the A3000 i'm pretty sure was SCSI all the way internal and external.. the A500 didn't have any internal HD controller built in
as for firmware changes to support it.. hmm. i would imagine those roms could still be bought by people burning them after-market.. much like eproms for various music gear I've seen. I haven't googled it but i do see your point that it would be a factor
I think I'll stick with my existing Mac SE and not bother with the dual one.
...or even hardware modifications, for example with atari computers or emu samplers you also have to take care about the serial voltage or pin layout.
for example nalbantov (which i accidentially called "ploytek" above) claims to support 600 different devices, and when you order a drive you have to explain what you need it for.
some emu samplers even have the + and - reversed at the power cable and if you connect a device like you normallly would, you destroy the machine.
it is not like the IDE2SATA story in mac/ps world, where you just plug any random converters and drives together and it will work in 90% of the cases. :)