Mac OS 9 Lives

General => Off Topic => Topic started by: Protools5LEGuy on March 11, 2019, 04:38:24 PM

Title: Is a 1997 Mac PowerPC OS9 still usable in 2019
Post by: Protools5LEGuy on March 11, 2019, 04:38:24 PM

Title: Re: Is a 1997 Mac PowerPC OS9 still usable in 2019
Post by: GaryN on March 11, 2019, 07:20:37 PM
That guy's a jackass.
Title: Re: Is a 1997 Mac PowerPC OS9 still usable in 2019
Post by: Astroman on March 12, 2019, 04:14:08 AM
And an idiot running the thing on 128 MB of Ram with virtual memory on ::)
Title: Re: Is a 1997 Mac PowerPC OS9 still usable in 2019
Post by: Naiw on March 15, 2019, 04:28:42 PM
Well I don't know if he's a jackass, he's at least not funny or very entertaining- despite the exaggerations and childish reactions he make.

But regardless most of the points he make are valid, a ~20 year old mac isn't much of a competition for what's available for very cheap today.
Then there may be individuals who enjoy their workflow and may be more productive on a system they are aware of, but anyone denying that modern hardware runs circles around ~20 year old hardware is lying to themselves, there is no competition.

However old macs are funfor nostalgic or novelity reasons...

As for virtual memory- on powermacs you want to use virtual memory as it in fact accelerates a lot of operations due to the filemapping support it adds as it's enabled, application launch times improve- memory usage decreases etc.
Title: Re: Is a 1997 Mac PowerPC OS9 still usable in 2019
Post by: GaryN on March 15, 2019, 08:35:24 PM
Well I don't know if he's a jackass, he's at least not funny or very entertaining- despite the exaggerations and childish reactions he make.
On that, we agree.
But regardless most of the points he make are valid, a ~20 year old mac isn't much of a competition for what's available for very cheap today.
Then there may be individuals who enjoy their workflow and may be more productive on a system they are aware of, but anyone denying that modern hardware runs circles around ~20 year old hardware is lying to themselves, there is no competition.
Now… not so much.

Let's review: the TITLE: "Is a 1997 Mac PowerPC OS9 still usable in 2019"
This has nothing to do with: Can modern hardware run circles around ~20-year-old hardware… Of course it can!
But that's just a misunderstanding on your part… Paul Chato is a jackass for a different reason entirely.

In that video, he has either stupidly / ignorantly (in which case he's just stupid and/or ignorant) OR deliberately (in which case he's a YT troll)
presented a Mac 9600 - a computer with 12, count 'em, twelve RAM slots allowing a maximum of 1.5Gb of memory.
While he makes sure to not reveal exactly how much memory is actually installed in it, he does reveal he's running it with virtual memory ON and the available memory is… wait for it… 128Mb!

Since he has just booted it and NO apps are running, one can pretty accurately guess there's no more than 256Mb on board - possibly less!
So, it's clear that to run almost ANYthing, you're going to need that virtual memory ON and it's going to be working its ass off.
And it does! He shows all of the Adobe apps and such, bemoaning how long it takes Photoshop to open and display a pic onscreen (as it fetches and writes, fetches and writes).  He shows a QT movie unable to run - instead rendering a series of stills as the system renders what it can fetch from disk as fast as it can.

This is the equivalent of making a 20-year-old horse run a lap hopping on one foot without a shoe, then saying "tsk, tsk, look how long he took - he could never run in a race today".

Which brings me back to: "Is a 1997 Mac PowerPC OS9 still usable in 2019"
Of course it is. You just have to do real work on it.
Of course it is. All of us around here can testify to that.

Of course it is - But you'd never know it watching this jackass.
Title: Re: Is a 1997 Mac PowerPC OS9 still usable in 2019
Post by: FdB on March 15, 2019, 09:26:14 PM
The reverberating cacophony und echo of many nails simultaneously being hit squarely upon the head. ;)
Title: Re: Is a 1997 Mac PowerPC OS9 still usable in 2019
Post by: Protools5LEGuy on March 16, 2019, 09:44:13 AM
It is sad that a veteran can make that may misconceptions...

As his last video shows, he were selling Macs on Canada since 1984...
Title: Re: Is a 1997 Mac PowerPC OS9 still usable in 2019
Post by: Protools5LEGuy on March 16, 2019, 09:58:12 AM
Chris Nova777
16 hours ago (edited)
its actually very usefull for select tasks.. but not for using the modern day internet no. but theres many things that its still usefull for if you have knowledge of the software and arent an idiot. for example this guy failed to explain that this is the only mac with 6 pci slots; so if u have proprietary pci based hardware from the 90s then this is the machine for you (ie: pro tools)
Title: Re: Is a 1997 Mac PowerPC OS9 still usable in 2019
Post by: OS923 on March 18, 2019, 04:34:15 AM
We could ask the question alternatively like:

Is a new PC more practical to type and print my letter compared to a PowerMac?
Title: Re: Is a 1997 Mac PowerPC OS9 still usable in 2019
Post by: OS923 on March 21, 2019, 06:10:00 AM
I know the two or three people that liked Word for Macintosh.