Digital Audio Workstation & MIDI > Logic Audio by Emagic
best audio driver for my setup - advice please:)
Hi - I have the Pulsar 2 sound card, and am wanting to run Logic Pro 6 (and Cubase) with it.
I have installed the software for the card, and also logic, but not sure which driver I should be using. I had the card in a PC many years ago (and this is the first time I have attempted to set it up on mac os9) and used ASIO drivers.
There is an ASIO folder in the emagic folder, but its empty. Does it come from when I install the pulsar 2, or logic? I installed OMS too, but didnt really get very far either... a wee bit stuck here:)
on MacOS9, the folders for ASIO drivers and VST plug-ins are always per app and you have to / may install different things in different apps.
the installer will usually ask you where to install adn eventually already scan you disk for possible locations. then choose on and later make copies when needed.
you might have to run SFP first to do some settings there in order for the driver to be used by other apps.
Hi - I tried reinstalling the SFP software for the card - and itr now installs the ASIO driver, so far so good.
I can get a physical midi keyboard into the card, and run it using its own DSP and then through the physical out via analogue out or ADAT.
The trouble is now when I try to get any software on os( to interact with it, nothing happens... Not sure how to let either know they are there... Will ask on the pulsar forum too, but if there is an os9 trick, that would be good to know:) e.g. like the midi/audio panel in osx...
"midi setup" on OS9 only exists in the form of third party addons: OMS, freemidi, and midishare.
OMS is the most widespread, and if you for some reason need different enviroments at the same time, they will also interact which each other using virtual OMS drivers.
OMS allows to enable 2 virtual MIDI ports in order to send midi from one app to another.
In the beginning, there was a first-party solution for MIDI and communication between applications—the Apple MIDI Manager—but it was abandoned before System 7.5. On OS 9 you need OMS, FreeMIDI, or Midishare (Midishare is a MIDI kernel for multiple operating systems from and used by IRCAM programs like OpenMusic).
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