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Down the rabbit hole?

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I've started playing with SVP 4.5.1 on my G4 under OS 9.2.2 and it's got me intrigued. I like what I've seen but I can also see there's going to be a bit of a learning curve... At this stage I'm wondering whether it's going to be worthwhile for me to learn it properly. I'd welcome thoughts/opinions, although what I'm about to write is a bit of a meander around my thoughts which probably doesn't explain what I'm after too clearly. Basically I want to dedicate some time to learning a MIDI sequencing package on OS9 and I want to decide which one...

Some context. I've been a bit of a dabbler in making weird Warp records-esque electronic music since the late 90s, but I get distracted easily and don't finish much. I started out MIDI sequencing with Cakewalk on a PC, but have also spent time with older (pre-VST versions) of Cubase on Ataris, Macs, and PCs. In most cases I've found Cubase a faster and more musical way to build compositions, although Cakewalk seemed easier to integrate with MIDI kit and set up instrument/patch definitions. I usually felt that Cubase had better timing, especially in non-PC versions. I also felt that while neither was perfect, perhaps Cakewalk had the edge for manipulating CC data. In both cases I've always sought more precision in this area.

I enjoy working with varied time signatures and Cubase seemed to allow me to do this easily.

Weirdly I never spent much time in Cubase's drum edit mode - I've usually tended to just use the normal note edit mode - probably because I didn't get round to setting up my instruments properly in Cubase and I was already used to working with percussion in Cakewalk's piano roll...

I've tried Ableton Live, Reason etc, but didn't mesh with either. I got comfortable with Pro Tools for an audio-only project a few years ago but haven't used it in a while - Reaper (on a PC) would be my go-to for audio recording/mixing these days. I've also played with Octamed on an Amiga, which I enjoy. I don't get on so well with modern fully fledged audio+midi DAWs as I find them too vast and confused. I'm happier in an environment where sequencing is the primary mode of operation.

I've recently been using Cubase 2.8 and Audio XT under Windows 98, but have come around to OS9 recently and been playing with VST 5.1. I'm quite comfortable doing basic sequencing with this as the MIDI side is very similar to the older versions I've used before, but there's still a learning curve if I want to use it properly. I've not yet worked out how best to integrate it with my MIDI gear and set up instrument/patch definitions. I appreciate the option to work with VST instruments, but my intention is to work primarily with hardware...

I've got a bunch of MIDI gear (synths and samplers) but I'd particularly like to have access to (ready made?) instrument definitions and an editor for my JV-1080 and also an editor for my Yamaha DX-11. I've found one for Windows that works well... haven't had any luck getting sound diver to work though..

I'd like to be able to record multitrack audio - mainly for "printing" the output of MIDI synths, especially analogue ones without preset memories, but also for later export and mixing (perhaps out of the box using a multiple output soundcard). I wonder if the audio side of SVP is up to this?

I'm going to stop rambling now, my iPad battery is about to run out...

SVP is well know by GaryN, our resident SVP expert.

Protools has more followers, and Cubase. Logic some, and Ableton Live is loved too. Reason and Rebirth too.

We have also the counterpart of Cakewalk for Mac, called Metro, but no users AFAIK.

Cakewalk Metro Version 5 (Created by Sagan),1777.0.html

I would start with a complete Instant DAW restore for a good VST Cubase instrument/plug set, and would also test:

Protools Free



Logic 4.x

Aside Studio Vision


--- Quote from: G40 on March 19, 2023, 01:23:44 PM ---
I enjoy working with varied time signatures and Cubase seemed to allow me to do this easily.

Weirdly I never spent much time in Cubase's drum edit mode - I've usually tended to just use the normal note edit mode - probably because I didn't get round to setting up my instruments properly in Cubase and I was already used to working with percussion in Cakewalk's piano roll...

--- End quote ---

I believe you can have Cubase + Metro synced and use both apps, maybe using 2 sound cards.

You could also use 2 machines, one with cubase + one with Metro.

Thanks guys, perhaps I wasn’t clear, mainly looking for opinions on the merits and limitations of SVP (hence posting in that section) for my needs compared to those sequencers I have more experience of, for me at this stage the choice is between further exploring Cubase VST 5.1 versus jumping in to SVP (perhaps using Galaxy to control my synths).

I think for now I am done with Cakewalk/Sonar (on balance I prefer Cubase) but if I want to use it again it will be on a familiar PC version.


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