My PowerPC Macs are my main computers, so any computing tasks I do, I do through either them or my cheap, terrible cell phone, but the phone is only on YouTube and router duty because the web on phones sucks. I'm writing this post right now on my iBook G3 booted into 9.2.2, honestly astounded by the fact it reports another 39 minutes of battery life left, about an hour overall. I should get an SSD in it sometime to try to get that number even higher before I get around to repacking the battery, which I want to get done at some point, this laptop is probably my favorite laptop I've ever used. Though, I am considering eventually coming into a posession of a 14" G4 1.42 and using that for OS X, leaving this one for OS 9... I'll have to see if I can get one under $60.
The iMac is currently being used to draw graphics and access more strenuous, JS-heavy websites that even 10.4Fx couldn't handle. Stuff like Google web-apps and all that, but I feel like something is wrong with it because A. it's strangely sluggish compared to even Tiger on my other machines that are generally considered not super amazing Tiger computers (or YouTube videos of iMac G5s running Linux) even on lightweight WMs like IceWM, and B. it has a strange RAM reading of 1870 MB... which I can't really seem to make with any combination of common RAM sizes.
On the PMG4 front, a couple days ago, I got a GeForce4 MX 440 that was pulled from probably a QS, that said it was a working unit, and technically it booted when I threw it in my G4 with higher refresh rates and resolutions (sure, the MX 440 isn't a great card, but it's better than the Rage 128 with a whole 8 MB VRAM that probably is broken because I can't find reference online to anyone else that has an 8 MB Rage 128 card) but Quake III wouldn't run and trying to install the Nvidia drivers in OS 9 makes it freeze during boot. Also, blue and yellow lines show up all over the screen. So I wouldn't exactly call it "working", the most benefit of the doubt I can give it is that it got bumped in the mail. $15 I suppose could have been far worse, but it'd have been nice to receive a card I can install and forget.