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Author Topic: On today’s date - 1976  (Read 2756 times)


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On today’s date - 1976
« on: April 11, 2024, 09:47:52 AM »


Steve Wozniak releases the Apple I
Just days after forming Apple Computer Company (now Apple Inc.) with his friend Steve Jobs,
computer hobbyist Steve Wozniak hand-builds and offers to the public a new machine
boasting a 1MHz CPU and 4KB standard memory, dubbing it the Apple I.

By Apple Computer Company, Palo Alto, CA. -
Scanned from page 11 of the October 1976 Interface Age magazine by Michael Holley
Swtpc6800, Public Domain,
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Re: On today’s date - 1976
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2024, 07:52:05 PM »

There's a burgeoning group of collectors who are building Apple Computer 1 reproductions, to re-create the experience of using the first Apples in 1976. Although not comparable to the $100,000s that genuine Apple I cost, this is getting quite expensive as the obsolete chips it used become harder to find.
More practical are functional copies like the redoubtable Vince Briel's "Replica I". Since the Apple II is based on many of the same concepts and uses the same CPU, it is also possible to use a card called a "Brain Board" to boot an Apple II into a mode that will load and run Apple I software. There are a couple dozen programs for the Apple I that exist, even though it was largely a failure as a product. Actually I think most of the programs were written in the last 20 years.


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Re: On today’s date - 1976
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2024, 10:46:27 AM »

$ 666.66

This is the kinda stuff that freaks me out from my Catholic up-bringing, I mean maybe a coincidence, or maybe Apple is evil (at least we know the marketing division is with that ad, lol)


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Re: On today’s date - 1976
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2024, 11:36:36 AM »

$ 666.66

This is the kinda stuff that freaks me out from my Catholic up-bringing, I mean maybe a coincidence, or maybe Apple is evil (at least we know the marketing division is with that ad, lol)

Considering Steve Wozniak was a freemason, I wouldn't be surprised if they meant it literally. Especially in later degrees (which are like "ranks"), of which there are 33, these guys genuinely love this and other numerals/hidden messaging, which matches in great part their whole duality and superiority complex thing they have going on. I remember back in 2021 and earlier I always dismissed these as either "jokes" (which, btw, quite many times people DO joke about, because they find it a joke themselves, as I did myself), or I dismissed people pointing out these things as "silly people who are jumping to too many conclusions" AKA conspiracy """theorists""" (which just about anyone is considered as these days, or at least an unprecedented amount of people more than before, especially in countries like Australia, with its government attacking its dissenters like never seen before), but it turned out it is actually completely well-grounded, and a big deal.

In Europe, for example, some banks' phone numbers are literally, and I mean literally, "666 666" (OTP bank in Hungary, most used bank in that country IIRC). Lots of beverages and other liquids are sold in amounts that are not the "usual" or "expected" multiples of 50ml or 50g, or of 100ml or 100g, but rather, for example, 660ml, such as Italian tomato sauce I have seen, among many other products. Another example I saw was a police recruitment poster, in which the yearly salary was written on it, and the salary was of an amount that literally ended with 6.66, with a policewoman flashing masonic hand signs on the poster. Crazy stuff. Same thing in airports full of posters explaining their founding and history, going on and on about how it's the 66th birthday when the posters were put up (and continue to stay up for many years since, something which no other anniversary of the airport has seen).

For some reason, these are NOT common at all in places like South America or many (but not all) Asian countries, which will as expected have liquids or food items being labeled with a volume or weight that is a multiple of 50 or 100 most commonly etc., and these and other related numbers don't appear as commonly, although freemasonry is a serious issue everywhere, especially among military and so on.

A lot of masonic literature explains why they do this and whatnot (and it's obviously not pretty when you dig them up, to say the least, with their whole "Order out of Chaos" motto from the 33rd degree or their definition of the word "profane" according to the masonic dictionary, or the description of what they do to members who leave or "betray" their order etc.), but yeah, those nutjobs are a thing, while pretending to be something else entirely in what they say publicly, dismissing all such easily-verifiable allegations.

Anyways... :) Sorry, I don't mean to derail the Mac-y focus here, and so I won't go into the nitty-gritty details, but if anyone is curious or wondering more about it, feel free to drop me a PM!

TL;DR Apple was probably evil then, and is definitely evil now, at least among their decision-makers, in a true sense. But sometimes people do wave around such numbers jokingly, too, since at the end of the day, a number is a number, when taking it at face value exclusively.


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Re: On today’s date - 1976
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2024, 03:03:47 PM »

TL;DR Apple was probably evil then
Are you saying it's not just a coincidence that "Markkula" sounds like "Dracula"?

Anyway, this is went in a pretty bizarre direction. You can't spell "evil" without Microsoft.


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Re: On today’s date - 1976
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2024, 12:52:44 AM »

$ 666.66

This is the kinda stuff that freaks me out from my Catholic up-bringing, I mean maybe a coincidence, or maybe Apple is evil (at least we know the marketing division is with that ad, lol)

Glad it wasn't just me :-) I, too, was concerned by it. Given from what I've read about Apple's early days it could be just a marketing scheme to grab attention. Maybe.

Maybe it could have been a sign too, indeed. To support what Jubadub wrote, free masons are much concerned about signs and their effects. I didn't know Wozniak was one of them, though? Got any more info on that? (feel free to PM me)


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Re: On today’s date - 1976
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2024, 11:47:45 AM »

Damn, I didn't just upset the Apple cart, I blew it up :)
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