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Author Topic: Modern Printers and OS9  (Read 1649 times)


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Modern Printers and OS9
« on: June 16, 2024, 08:21:30 PM »

I have two printers.
A rather mediocre inkjet (I don't think it will connect to 9, but I haven't really tried, and I don't like it anyway) and a quite magnificent machine, a Hewlett Packard 5100.
A tabloid laser printer around 25 years old at least.
I bought it (used) around 15 years ago, and it's been wonderful.
But: i worry about it lasting forever.
Is there a way to make  newer printers work 9.
interested in laser printers that will print on 11 X 17.
There are HP 5200s readily available, it's the update of the 5100.
I'd buy one, but no one has been able to tell me if I can connect it to and control from 9.
HP site only lists X, which may or may not be true.
And there's other newer printers.
But I don't want to buy one and not have it work. And even if is returnable, I don't want to deal with it: these beasts are massive....I think the 5100. WITHOUT the paper trays and the duplexer weighs 60 or 70 pounds or more: packing up and shipping things like that is something I (a frail old man) don't want to get involved in
« Last Edit: June 16, 2024, 08:32:18 PM by dkatz »


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Re: Modern Printers and OS9
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2024, 10:34:02 PM »

I think you're going to have the easiest go at it if the printer in question can serve as a "generic postscript" printer and can be connected to over the network. I found a post on Reddit where somebody has had some success doing this:

Also this link while not Mac OS 9 specific also seems to provide some great screenshots of about how to do this via LPD over the network:
Purchase a refurbished Mac mini G4 with an SSD and Mac OS 9 pre-installed from me at


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Re: Modern Printers and OS9
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2024, 11:17:28 PM »

Yes, any network PostScript printer can be used. Easiest if they still offer AppleTalk support (what many printers do, even if it is not advertized), but LaserWriter 8 can as well connect to IP printers over the network. So really every PostScript printer can at least print from Mac OS 9.

To be able to use every function of the printer (tray- or output selection, paper definitions, copies etc. etc.) you need to have a correct PPD (PostScript Printer Description). You can use Linux PPDs at Mac OS 9 (while Windows and later Mac OS X might most probably not work). So if your printer manufacturer is offering Linux support, you can be sure to be able to use every single possibility of the network PostScript printer. Simply download the Linux driver, unpack it and search for the PPDs there and select the one in your language and use it at your Mac.

Funfact: for 20 years people used the Mac OS 9 PPDs (not the Win ones) to use such printers at Linux with cups. Now we use the Linux PPDs :)


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Re: Modern Printers and OS9
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2024, 12:42:33 PM »

Just being able to print won't really do it. I have to be able to select printing on both sides, and which tray to use, etc.
When I look in my system folder I find a folder "parsed PPD"...which is only shows PPD for printers I've used. I know somewhere there's a list of PPDs but at the moment, I can't remember how to find it. But I don't think it had the one I wanted listed: HP 5200. I have tried and tried to find out if it would be compatible, but have never been able to. I've talked to some places that have refurbished HP 5200s and they can't tell me. I've looked at HP website: no help there. etc.
For that matter, I'd go newer if I thought that I could make it work.
I'm not sure if generic will work, as like I said, I need to be able to access the printer features, most importantly double sided.
I found this:
But I'm unclear as what I might need, or how to get it to my G4.


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Re: Modern Printers and OS9
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2024, 01:41:33 PM »

I am a little bit confused, … do you think that you can only use these standard PPDs that are included already in a Mac OS 9 installation? If so; no you can add just every PPD you like! Yours for the 5200 is the first search resoult duckduckgo presented: Go down to the bottom of the page and download it there. (Nice side effect you can view that PPD and see that textfile and how PPDs look like).

The Bizhub PPD would as well work fine at your G4 (as I told you above). In fact I am using several Bizhubs at my Macs! But are you sure, that you would like this "printer" aside your G4 at home?  ;))


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Re: Modern Printers and OS9
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2024, 04:33:05 PM »

Uh, no...there wouldn't be room for me if I had that printer. My HP5100 is big enough to create problems.
I downloaded the PPD file.
So I assume I can burn it to a CD and take to my G4 (I never use X with my G4, not even sure if I still have it)....I used to know how to install printers on my G4....and I have forgotten a lot of stuff I used to know, I'm getting dumber as I get older. Will I be able to tell if it will work with the G4 and therefore if the HP5200 would?
So, where do I add the PPD?
And thanks for the good info.
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