(marginally system 9 questions i guess, but it involves 9.2.2 and my G4 potentially/ultimately,
if that's too off topic for this board feel free to delete tho, sorry)
my g4 is a mdd, single cpu 1.25ghz, with FW400x2
got a bunch of old mac system 7 hdds and syquest disks+drive that connect to my 68k mac thru DB25-to-CN50
i want to copy them for safekeeping onto redundant dvd-r backups
my 68k mac has no usb or ethernet, just scsi and serial port and floppy
i also have a g4 (but it has no SCSI ports/cards as of now) so i have multiple routes for backups and i figured since this forum has users with much experience at this sort of thing, if there were any precautions or problems, or a best method, i could get some help please
as far as i know, i can either:
1. get some newfangled scsi-to-sd/sata thing that's made in small batch (if they aren't sold out already) and hook that into my CN50 chain on my 68k and backup everything onto that, then just make copies from there (but which models would work best with transfering files and preserving resource forks when you want to burn those backups to DVDs on OS9 G4 or maybe windows?)
2. get a SCSI card or Firewire-to-SCSI adapter for my g4 (OS 9.2.2) then hook up my old drives to that and copy onto the G4, then hope i can burn dvd-rs from there
there are probably other options i dont know about?
the other reason i was considering option #1 is because (while i dont really understand how these new SCSI devices can be used) it seems like maybe you could also use them in reverse to present multiple volumes/disk images/cd images to OS7-9 machines instead of having to slowly download/copy everything? (specifically i saw one example that also had some neat cd audio and midi options but strangely the midi samplerate was some weird 38khz at 13bits or something? never saw that configuration before, other than that it looked cool tho)
so in that sense a homebrew scsi thing would be more of a useful multitasker than the vintage pci scsi card approach...although since the G4 has slow USB i guess i would still need a faster way to interface with the G4 than just plugging the SD card into a thumbdrive
i have an old scsi card that seems to fit PCI but it's HD50 (not CN50) and i have not yet tested it
so unless there are alternate approaches i havent discovered online i will go with one or some combination of those two options
never tried this stuff before so just wanted to get expert opinions on it
ok thanks for reading and your advice!
editing post to include that i also considered maybe some form of networking the two macs, but since the 68k only has serial ports for networking and the G4 only has USB/FW/Ethernet, as far as i know that would require adapter that may not have as much longterm usefulness as the other options... but im no expert and could be mistaken? anyway