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New website and forum are LIVE!

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Finally, after a lot of hard work it's finally here; Mac OS 9 Lives 2.0.
The new forum theme has been set to the default theme for everyone. If you want to revert to the old theme you can do so in your Profile --> Look and Feel settings.
All the links are now working and the rest of the downloads that used to be available through the forum are accessible over Hotline and Gopher. Don't know what does two are? Make sure to read about Hotline in our Hotlline section and about Gopher in the OS 9 and the internet article.

So what do you guys think of the new site? Missing something or want to contribute?Regardless, I hope you enjoy the new site :)

First impression - TOO BLEACHED OUT!

Just like when Apple changed to that fugly UI beginning with Mavericks.

Not enough contrast!

Not enough color!

Not enough color contrast!

All I see is white-ish piece of paper with lots of small text.

Very un-OS9 like. More like Windows 10.

Its all there, from the UI guru himself. Read it!

--- Quote ---* Principle: Aesthetic design should be left to those schooled and skilled in its application: Graphic/visual designers
* Principle: Fashion should never trump usability
* Principle: Do not strip away or overwhelm color cues in the interface because of a passing graphic-design fad.
* Principle: Text that must be read should have high contrast
* Principle: Use font sizes that are large enough to be readable on standard displays

--- End quote ---

Alright. Constructive criticism is good. What about the content, ssp3? :)

Content? I can hardly navigate to see content. Not enough visual cues.

I'll let you know in a moment when I have recovered from the shock.


--- Quote from: ssp3 on May 26, 2024, 10:59:47 AM ---I'll let you know in a moment when I have recovered from the shock.

--- End quote ---
Sending prayers for a speedy recovery.


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