Mac OS 9 Lives

Mac OS 9 Discussion => Software => Topic started by: Knezzen on October 22, 2016, 02:58:28 PM

Title: MacTorrent - BitTorrent for Mac OS 9
Post by: Knezzen on October 22, 2016, 02:58:28 PM

UPDATE 2016-12-25
MacTorrent 0.2.0 is here! The first broad public release and the first release to include the source code. :)

Changes from the last public version:

There's still flicker in the listbox, but it's probably being sorted in the next release.
Will be focusing on adding DHT and Magnet link support now, which would make MacTorrent "on par" with modern BitTorrent clients.

MacTorrent is now hosted by SourceForge, so all future releases (and the current one) will be found here:

UPDATE 2016-12-04

Rushing out another release before the work week starts again.
We're att version 0.1.8 now and a few things has been sorted out.

Changes from the last public version:

What's still not working:

The biggest thing that's changed in this release is that the resource usage is WAAAY lower than in 0.1.7 and earlier.
We are now using around 20% CPU when downloading two torrents compared to 60-80% in the previous releases.
This is with the peer list visible.

Hope you enjoy MacTorrent as much as I love working on it ;).
Just wishing for some more feedback, but I know that the user base is a bit limited.

UPDATE 2016-12-03
Just compiled version 0.1.7 for all of you to test.

Changes from the last public version:

There are probably some more things that I have done but forgot about. Uses around 10% CPU on my 1.67ghz G4 when downloading two torrents. You need to choose the "Downloading" or "Seeding" menu item in the torrent list to get it using low resources like this. This is because of some truly terrible list redrawing code that uses around 60% CPU on it's own. This is what's left to fix before I start to add some more features.

What's not working:
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: devils_advisor on October 22, 2016, 03:48:27 PM
wow thats a cool addition. didnt know you can program
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: MacOS Plus on October 22, 2016, 05:09:25 PM
  I'd probably use it, now that Vuze updates are having issues with the outdated Java in OSX 10.5 PPC.  I'm also currently running Flud client on my Android phone, just for kicks.

  The most important feature for me would be that it's not a resource hog.  Keep it as simple and fast as possible.
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: geforceg4 on October 22, 2016, 07:01:57 PM
that kicks ass knezzen!  8)
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: Mat on October 22, 2016, 08:03:09 PM
Thats a missing link, if you get it to a state where it can be released, and works well. I had so many problems using the Bittorrent "Client" under Mac OS 9, as it is so commandline-style, ... so I never used it, except I really had to. If your one would work with all the torrents outside in a "Mac way" you´d be definitely my hero of the week, if not of the month! ;)
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: MacTron on October 23, 2016, 07:25:44 AM
Wow Knezzen! really great!
Awesome. I' wish to be a beta tester  ;D
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: Knezzen on October 23, 2016, 10:30:40 AM
Thanks for the kind words guys! Right now I'm backporting it from REALbasic 2007r3, which is the last version able to compile Mac OS 9 executable carbon binaries, to REALbasic 5.5.5, which is the last version to run on Mac OS 9. Im hoping to gain some speed and resources with a "native" Mac OS 9 binary instead of the pretty unoptimized "carbonized" version it is right now.

I will of course compile Mac OS X versions as well, but the focus is on Mac OS 9.

I will be needing some beta testers as soon as the backporting is done :)
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: geforceg4 on October 23, 2016, 10:37:20 AM
are u using Code Warrior 5?>
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: Knezzen on October 23, 2016, 10:37:59 AM
are u using Code Warrior 5?>

No. Realbasic.
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: geforceg4 on October 23, 2016, 10:47:33 AM

ok i was not aware of this package.
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: Knezzen on October 23, 2016, 11:29:54 AM
ok i was not aware of this package.

Now you are ;). It's very similliar to Visual Basic on Windows, so if one knows Visual Basic it's very easy to use Realbasic :)
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: Knezzen on October 29, 2016, 05:05:26 AM
The backporting is done! Now I need some volunteers for the closed alpha/beta release. What I need some help with is trying it with various torrent sites and trackers. I want to know of any stability issues and issues in general.

It doesn't have support for magnetic links yet, but as soon as it's stable and fast enough it's next on my "to do" list.
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: MacOS Plus on October 29, 2016, 09:42:40 AM
  What level of CPU speed would you be targeting?  How far back in OS versions might this program still work?
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: Knezzen on October 29, 2016, 11:27:09 AM
  What level of CPU speed would you be targeting?  How far back in OS versions might this program still work?

I'm targeting whatever seems to be feasable. The binary should work with 9.0, but it will work with 9.2.2. Older than 9.0 I have no idea, so feel free to try so we can get some real life system requirements worked out.

There is no real CPU limit either, but it uses around 30-50% CPU on my 1ghz TiBook when downloading one torrent. I think this is due to some crappy que managing and will be fixed as soon as all the basic stuff works like it should. RAM usage is around 20mb when downloading, so that's not that bad at least.

I would say that minimum requirements would be something like this:

But I would love to get this verified in real the real world.
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: Protools5LEGuy on October 29, 2016, 05:41:21 PM

It's called MacTorrent and is based on a REALbasic torrent client called Torrantula.
It has been reworked to work with Mac OS 9 and is getting faster and more stable as time goes by.

Right now I'm backporting it from REALbasic 2007r3, which is the last version able to compile Mac OS 9 executable carbon binaries, to REALbasic 5.5.5, which is the last version to run on Mac OS 9. Im hoping to gain some speed and resources with a "native" Mac OS 9 binary instead of the pretty unoptimized "carbonized" version it is right now.

What troubles did you find reworking it for Mac OS 9 ? It should benefit future RealBASIC Mac OS 9 port projects  to know about the limits in both 2007r3 and 5.5.5

Where did you find Torrantula? Maybe another user is wishing to port more RealBASIC "little things"  ;D

What route would you have for torrents > 2Gb? For example, a DVD

I've read somewhere about a 2Gb. limit of size of a single file.
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: IIO on October 29, 2016, 06:36:14 PM
HFS 2 gb
HFS+ 2000 gb
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: Protools5LEGuy on October 29, 2016, 06:54:09 PM
Thanks for the reminder!
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: Knezzen on October 30, 2016, 11:41:11 AM
What troubles did you find reworking it for Mac OS 9 ? It should benefit future RealBASIC Mac OS 9 port projects  to know about the limits in both 2007r3 and 5.5.5

Nothing really. Some stuff doesn't exist in 5.5.5 but nothing really major.
The current release is built with 2006R1 since it's capable of building Mac OS 9 native binaries without modifying the code much.

Where did you find Torrantula? Maybe another user is wishing to port more RealBASIC "little things"  ;D

Can't remember how right now, but I Googled "realbasic bittorrent client" or something like that.

What route would you have for torrents > 2Gb? For example, a DVD
I've read somewhere about a 2Gb. limit of size of a single file.

What IIO said. It's a filesystem size cap, nothing to do with the client as such.

Im adding a screenshot taken moments ago. There's really no problem downloading a torrent and at the same time browse the web or do some work in Photoshop. So I think im satisfied with the speed for now.
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: Knezzen on November 06, 2016, 11:20:54 AM
I have decided to put out MacTorrent as a public alpha so I can get more testers. Theres no pressure to write something, but if any of you decide to give it a shot, please write a few lines about your experience if you have some time.

Please ignore the nag screen when starting. Im using a demo of a icon library, hence the nagging ;). Will register it as soon as I feel like MacTorrent is good enough for regular usage.

Some known issues:
If you open a local torrent file, the files downloaded through the torrent file will be put in the same directory as the file is located. If you open a torrent file from an URL directly, the files will be put in the same directory as the MacTorrent executable.

If you need to download something that only has a magnet link avaliable, use one of the many magnet to .torrent converters found on the web.[/b]

I haven't really given the memory settings a real test, so if you run out of memory please modify the memory settings (CTRL+click --> Get Info --> Memory, change "Preferred Size").

I think that's all for now. And please don't redistribute this .sit file, it's not the finished product. There will be a website with screenshots etc when I feel like it's useable :)

I need help making a suitable icon!
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: Mat on November 06, 2016, 12:55:28 PM

First Reports are coming in! ;)

It is a well working Bittorrent client! The first one for Mac OS 9. And it is damn fast! I am stunned.
Here is a unsorted list of things that I recognised:

• The different tabs (peers, files, pieces, log) are somtimes not working correctly. Mainly the log is scrolling, and I have to switch from one tab back to the other  to see what should be displayed in  "peers" instead of the logs.

• "Progress values" are switching back and foreward, ... 5,1 MB, 4,8 MB, 5,9MB, ... that seems to stabilize after two minutes

• But that values are not correctly compared to what is downloaded in reality. All files I had, have been 3 times bigger than this progress values in the client are.

• the "knob" for resizing the window is over the button "inject peer" always on the right side, no matter how big the window is.

• nice would be a possibility to move the border between "downloading" and "main window space" to be able to see the enire names of the torrents, if someone likes to do so.

• missing is the functionality to "paste" from the menue or with the mouse. Recently only "Command v" works for pasting torrent urls.

• any "about dialouge" is missing

• when I klick at the menu bar, all downloading stops until I release it again, ... why?

• I do not understand "pice selection" what is it?

• I don´t understand the "markers" in the progress bar. It looks more than markers in ProTools then any progress. ;) They appeare in green everywhere. but without a bar, just a small stripe (about 20 to 30 of them). Perhaps a problem that updating doesn´t work like it should?

• Did I tell that it is damn fast? ;)

• I like the "classical" appeareance. Perhaps you could get rid of the "tabs" as well, and make it completely "Platinum like"? Or at least make the tabs also in Platnum look?
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: devils_advisor on November 06, 2016, 02:47:31 PM

First Reports are coming in! ;)

It is a well working Bittorrent client! The first one for Mac OS 9. And it is damn fast! I am stunned.
Here is a unsorted list of things that I recognised:

• The different tabs (peers, files, pieces, log) are somtimes not working correctly. Mainly the log is scrolling, and I have to switch from one tab back to the other  to see what should be displayed in  "peers" instead of the logs.

• "Progress values" are switching back and foreward, ... 5,1 MB, 4,8 MB, 5,9MB, ... that seems to stabilize after two minutes

• But that values are not correctly compared to what is downloaded in reality. All files I had, have been 3 times bigger than this progress values in the client are.

• the "knob" for resizing the window is over the button "inject peer" always on the right side, no matter how big the window is.

• nice would be a possibility to move the border between "downloading" and "main window space" to be able to see the enire names of the torrents, if someone likes to do so.

• missing is the functionality to "paste" from the menue or with the mouse. Recently only "Command v" works for pasting torrent urls.

• any "about dialouge" is missing

• when I klick at the menu bar, all downloading stops until I release it again, ... why?

• I do not understand "pice selection" what is it?

• I don´t understand the "markers" in the progress bar. It looks more than markers in ProTools then any progress. ;) They appeare in green everywhere. but without a bar, just a small stripe (about 20 to 30 of them). Perhaps a problem that updating doesn´t work like it should?

• Did I tell that it is damn fast? ;)

• I like the "classical" appeareance. Perhaps you could get rid of the "tabs" as well, and make it completely "Platinum like"? Or at least make the tabs also in Platnum look?

the progress values as you can see in the bar it is downloading pieces from everywhere and that doesnt mean the file comes in from start to end. it takes a few pieces here and there and puts it in place on your machine but not in order like the alphabet.
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: Mat on November 06, 2016, 09:53:19 PM
the progress values as you can see in the bar it is downloading pieces from everywhere and that doesnt mean the file comes in from start to end. it takes a few pieces here and there and puts it in place on your machine but not in order like the alphabet.
Now that you´ve explained it, it is absolutely logical.  ;)
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: Knezzen on November 07, 2016, 12:04:12 AM
• The different tabs (peers, files, pieces, log) are somtimes not working correctly. Mainly the log is scrolling, and I have to switch from one tab back to the other  to see what should be displayed in  "peers" instead of the logs.
Im thinking that this tab idea is a bad thing. Im thinking about putting the logs in a sepparate window that you can open through a menu and ditching the "pieces" all together. Logging is a good feature to have if your download isn't working, but otherwise it just eats resources.

• "Progress values" are switching back and foreward, ... 5,1 MB, 4,8 MB, 5,9MB, ... that seems to stabilize after two minutes
I think this one you might have to live with. MacTorrent don't calculate the overall transfer speed, it just tells you the speed it got the last "piece" or segment of the download, and that's why you might get a "jumpy" transfer rate.

• But that values are not correctly compared to what is downloaded in reality. All files I had, have been 3 times bigger than this progress values in the client are.
This is because the Mac OS finder is a bit cruel in it's calculation of the file size. It just looks at the start and end of the file and assumes that the file is full of data. But because BitTorrent downloads are non linear, it might download the last bytes of the file first, and then jump to the middle and then to the beginning of the file etc. This makes the Mac OS finder THINK that the whole file is full, even though only it's start and end points are written. Im having a hard time explaining, but I hope you understand. Try downloading an ISO file from somewhere and stop the download after 10-15 seconds or so. Look up file size of the downloaded file in the finder and it will probably tell you that it is several hundred megabytes in size. So don't trust the finder in this case ;)

• the "knob" for resizing the window is over the button "inject peer" always on the right side, no matter how big the window is.
Will fix this ASAP :)

• nice would be a possibility to move the border between "downloading" and "main window space" to be able to see the enire names of the torrents, if someone likes to do so.
Will look if this can be done without messing up the GUI too much.

• missing is the functionality to "paste" from the menue or with the mouse. Recently only "Command v" works for pasting torrent urls.
Will take a look at it.

• any "about dialouge" is missing
Not prioritized, but will be added in the near future ;)

• when I klick at the menu bar, all downloading stops until I release it again, ... why?
The download doesn't stop, the OS just stops updating the main window. I can't do anything about this without any major surgery, so it wont get solved.
This is only visual, everything keeps running in the background, so no harm is done to your downloads :)
Pro Tools does the same thing when opening a menu while you play your session. It keeps playing, but the main window stops being updated.

• I do not understand "pice selection" what is it?
This is a visual update of what you see in the progress bar. It's the data blocks of the file or files your downloading.
It does nothing except taking up resources and looks sortof cool. Will probably be removed in the future to gain some speed.

• I don´t understand the "markers" in the progress bar. It looks more than markers in ProTools then any progress. ;) They appeare in green everywhere. but without a bar, just a small stripe (about 20 to 30 of them). Perhaps a problem that updating doesn´t work like it should?
Like devils_advisor explained this is because of BitTorrents non linear nature. You download what's avaliable to download regardless if it's the beginning or the end of the file. Some user might have the end of the file and some might have the beginning. I don't think I will remove it. You have the procentage number ticking up to show you the overall progress, the bar shows you what blocks or "pieces" you have downloaded so far.

• Did I tell that it is damn fast? ;)
I guess this is a good thing :P

• I like the "classical" appeareance. Perhaps you could get rid of the "tabs" as well, and make it completely "Platinum like"? Or at least make the tabs also in Platnum look?
Im thinking of redesigning the interface and make it more "Macish" when all the fuctionality is where it should be :P

Did you run out of memory? Did you see how much memory MacTorrent used? Preferred size is set to 64mb now, but I don't know if it's too low.
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: Knezzen on November 09, 2016, 09:32:14 AM
So, I have updated MacTorrent a bit again :)


I guess that's all for now. Tell me what you think and give me some more feedback!

Same thing as the last time. Don't spread the file, it's not finished yet :)
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: Mat on November 09, 2016, 04:48:10 PM

I am just reporting about the remaining or new problems! Be sure I appreciate your work a lot and it is already working great!

-) First I had a strange problem that the log always got displayed, even if it shouldn´t anymore at all, if I am right? But it was there at the Peers and the Files window. While the log scrolled the whole time, the GUI of the client was unusable. Completely.

-) Is the "check filesystem" new? Should it make it possible to resume downloads? I tried the same dl after I stopped it, and after a check, the client told me "pices not matching" or similar?

-) The client now can block my Mac (this time a G4/733) for 10-20 seconds. If the client is heavily working, the Finder or other programs sometimes do not react anymore for 10 seconds. The former version didn´t block the system that way. I did another test right now, it is even worse. I cannot type here in Classilla anymore. The machine needs at least 20 seconds for one character. Switching back to the client and stopping the download even took me 3 minutes right now. ;)
Perhaps some "overmotivated" multitasking adjustment for your quite fast machine?

-) The progress bar is now displaying nothing 60% are white, 40% are green an that´s it. Where is the progress?

-)  The "About" is damn cool – very Macish! ;) But you can keep "THE" in normal letters "The" is more true and less marketing, as it is simply the only one, and you do not have to show the following generations that you had to be recognized below 20 clients. It is simply the only one ;)

Keep up that good work!
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: Knezzen on November 09, 2016, 10:22:32 PM
-) First I had a strange problem that the log always got displayed, even if it shouldn´t anymore at all, if I am right? But it was there at the Peers and the Files window. While the log scrolled the whole time, the GUI of the client was unusable. Completely.
I can't reproduce this. Did you have any torrents remaining from the last version of the client in the list?

-) Is the "check filesystem" new? Should it make it possible to resume downloads? I tried the same dl after I stopped it, and after a check, the client told me "pices not matching" or similar?
It was there before. It checks your files connected to the torrents to see where it should begin downloading again. This is so you can resume downloading after you quit the client.
Pieces not matching might be related to torrents remaining in the list that you started with the last version of the client. Could you try it "fresh", that is without any torrents in the new client, add one, let it download for a while and then quit. See if it comes back when the application is restarted.

-) The client now can block my Mac (this time a G4/733) for 10-20 seconds. If the client is heavily working, the Finder or other programs sometimes do not react anymore for 10 seconds. The former version didn´t block the system that way. I did another test right now, it is even worse. I cannot type here in Classilla anymore. The machine needs at least 20 seconds for one character. Switching back to the client and stopping the download even took me 3 minutes right now. ;)
Perhaps some "overmotivated" multitasking adjustment for your quite fast machine?
This is strange. Im currently downloading two torrents when Im writing this in Classilla without any issues. The fans don't even come on. According to "ProcessInfo" the new client is using way less CPU resources than the last version as well. Did you have any "left over" torrents that you started downloading with the last client? Might have something to do with it. I started mine fresh with the new one and so far no issues, so I can't reproduce your issues. This is on a 1ghz PowerBook G4 Titanium with 1gb of RAM.

-) The progress bar is now displaying nothing 60% are white, 40% are green an that´s it. Where is the progress?
No idea. Did you run out of seeders for your torrent perhaps? I just finished one of my downloads and the bar is fully green and by the text in the Progress fileld is showing the full file size of the file and "100%". I need more details to be able to reproduce.

-)  The "About" is damn cool – very Macish! ;) But you can keep "THE" in normal letters "The" is more true and less marketing, as it is simply the only one, and you do not have to show the following generations that you had to be recognized below 20 clients. It is simply the only one ;)

Allright boss ;)

I do need some better icons, so please help me find some! :)

I did something ugly when removing the log function. Should be fixed in the next version.
I wonder if this is why you had speed problems... Will email you a new binary to test.
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: MacTron on December 03, 2016, 08:08:19 AM
I'm testing MacTorrent, and with some files everything work OK, but with others I'm having most of the issues Mat wrote about.
I did something ugly when removing the log function. Should be fixed in the next version.
I wonder if this is why you had speed problems...

Please post the next version as soon as you can.
Anyway thanks for this great work!
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: Knezzen on December 03, 2016, 08:23:29 AM
I have made alot of improvements so far, so the versions here are very old. Will post one tonight :)
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: Knezzen on December 03, 2016, 02:18:25 PM
Added the newest binary as well as a changelog to the first post in this thread.

Check it out! :)
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: Knezzen on December 04, 2016, 11:23:39 AM
Added MacTorrent 0.1.8 to the first post as well as a small change log.

Enjoy! :)
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: MacTron on December 07, 2016, 10:16:31 AM
Added MacTorrent 0.1.8 to the first post as well as a small change log.

Enjoy! :)

Thank you very much  :). This 0.1.8 version is working much better and have a much better Mac Os 9 look and feel.

About the GUI flickers, I'm afraid that are caused by RealBasic way of working :(
I'm never was a fan of it ... :'(
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: Knezzen on December 07, 2016, 10:54:04 AM
About the GUI flickers, I'm afraid that are caused by RealBasic way of working :(
I'm never was a fan of it ... :'(

It's the nature of Mac OS 9.2.2 and earlier. OSX have double buffered graphics by default, so you don't get the flickering there. What causes it is the way the peer list is populated. The flickering stops if I inactivate it, but I don't want to do that. So I need to populate the list in another way then what is done now.

Glad it works better than the previous version you used. That means I'm doing something right at least :)
Title: Re: A little something I'm working on
Post by: Knezzen on December 12, 2016, 10:32:51 AM
0.1.9 will be released some time this week. I want to implement some kind of overall speed indication before I release it.

The major things new in this release is dramatically reduced flicker, even lower system usage than in 0.1.8 and the ability to choose where you want your files to be downloaded to (as requested by Mat).

Will try to get rid of the flicker all together, but I don't want to promise anything ;)
Title: Re: MacTorrent - BitTorrent for Mac OS 9
Post by: Knezzen on December 25, 2016, 07:12:47 AM
Updated the first post with MacTorrent 0.2.0 info :)
Title: Re: MacTorrent - BitTorrent for Mac OS 9
Post by: Bolkonskij on December 25, 2016, 09:14:13 AM
Awesome job, Knez! Love the approach of using existing realbasic code and backporting it while throwing out the bloat. Heck, now I'm eager to try that myself since it's something that can be done over a few weekends.

Would you be interested in sharing your knowledge in a quick introductionary topic here? (recommended software setup, how-to, do's & dont's etc.)
Title: Re: MacTorrent - BitTorrent for Mac OS 9
Post by: Knezzen on December 25, 2016, 10:59:03 AM
As you might remember Bolkonskij, I worked on this during the MacDomain days but I didn't have enough skills to do anything else than mess around with the source. Didn't really know what I was doing back then.

Time took it's toll, and after some years of messing around in VB and RB (and even with some C) I thought it was time to make this stuff work at last ;).

For MacTorrent specifically I'm using 2 different plugins. The most important one is Monkeybread Softwares "Util Plugin" which enables me to use SHA1 hashing. The other plugin is Einhugur's IconLib which is used to draw OS specific icons in the file list.

I'm using REALbasic 2006 Release 3 for the build since this is the very last version able to build Mac OS Classic binaries (not Carbon based) and can still use quite modern plugins and methods. This makes it more compatible with recent REALbasic and Xojo code. It's therefore easier to find examples and plugins for it than for the very old 5.5.5 (last pre-OSX running version).

It's quite difficult to do a how-to or similliar and I don't know where I should start with something like this.

I think that the best thing to do if one wants to learn RB or Xojo (or any other language for that matter) is to find an open source project that you find interesting and just mock about in the code until you understand what it all does :P.

This is what I have done to learn.
Title: Re: MacTorrent - BitTorrent for Mac OS 9
Post by: IIO on December 25, 2016, 01:05:14 PM
Title: Re: MacTorrent - BitTorrent for Mac OS 9
Post by: IIO on December 25, 2016, 01:05:57 PM
Title: Re: MacTorrent - BitTorrent for Mac OS 9
Post by: IIO on December 25, 2016, 01:56:44 PM
forgot folders ;)
Title: Re: MacTorrent - BitTorrent for Mac OS 9
Post by: Knezzen on December 25, 2016, 02:20:49 PM
Thanks a lot IIO! Have added the icons to the project. Will be included in the 0.2.1 release ;)
Title: Re: MacTorrent - BitTorrent for Mac OS 9
Post by: Knezzen on January 01, 2017, 11:46:52 AM
New version out! 0.2.1

Get it here:

Biggest thing is that the flickering of the peer list is gone.
Other than this we got some new icons (specifically made for MacTorrent by IIO) and general speed improvements.

Download and enjoy! And as usual; any feedback is greatly appriciated! :)
Title: Re: MacTorrent - BitTorrent for Mac OS 9
Post by: Mat on January 01, 2017, 09:34:33 PM
Horray! Happy new year to everybody. ;)

The client got real smooth in the meantime. Great!
The only bug I could find is, that my Mac cannot close the client at shutdown. The computer waits with shutdown until I close it manually. Don´t know how this is done usually, but there are not many programs out there which block the OS at shutting down.
Title: Re: MacTorrent - BitTorrent for Mac OS 9
Post by: Knezzen on February 02, 2017, 05:11:37 AM

New version out! 0.2.2
Get it at the usual place:

New in this release:

*Fixed a bug which sometimes didn't change the torrents status to "seeding" once the torrent was done downloading
*Fixed a bug which added "ghost lines" in the file list
*Fixed a bug where the "Remove" button would crash the client
*Fixed a bug that disabled the "Inject Peer" function
*Better peer list populating code
*Readded the log function
*Redded the "bitfield" to see avaliable and downloaded torrent pieces
*Updated and refined GUI elements

And as allways, I'm greatful of any feedback and help (thanks again IIO and Mat!) :)

Title: Re: MacTorrent - BitTorrent for Mac OS 9
Post by: Knezzen on April 12, 2018, 05:26:24 AM
So I still work on this from time to time. Will probably make a new release in the next few weeks if all goes well. Also moving the sources to Github now that MacRenix gives me Git capabilities from within Mac OS 9.2.2.

Could a mod or admin move this thread to the "Application Development & Programming in the Classic Mac OS" forum?
I think it's a more suitable place for it :)
Title: Re: MacTorrent - BitTorrent for Mac OS 9
Post by: IIO on April 12, 2018, 06:01:59 AM
we should start using it for our OS9 CDs.
Title: Re: MacTorrent - BitTorrent for Mac OS 9
Post by: Jubadub on April 12, 2018, 08:00:10 AM
What a sweet project, this one! I only saw it now. Will be downloading and using it ASAP! Thanks Knezzen! :) Inspiring work!
Title: Re: MacTorrent - BitTorrent for Mac OS 9
Post by: Knezzen on April 12, 2018, 09:18:22 AM
What a sweet project, this one! I only saw it now. Will be downloading and using it ASAP! Thanks Knezzen! :) Inspiring work!

Thanks for the kind words, Jubadub! :)
Title: Re: MacTorrent - BitTorrent for Mac OS 9
Post by: Jubadub on February 29, 2024, 01:47:26 AM
I'm making some plans to use MacTorrent here and there these days to assist me with some things, and then it just occured to me: does MacTorrent support downloading files that are bigger than 2 GB?

The reason I ask is because, while Mac OS 9 supports ginormous files (2 TB max?), Mac OS 8.6 and earlier is famously limited to a mere 2 GB at best, so no DVD images, let alone Blu-Ray ones etc.. Yet, MacTorrent presumably has Mac OS 8 support.

Under Mac OS 9.2.2, does MacTorrent 0.2.2 Classic support such big files surpassing 2 GB?

Regardless, this is still incredibly useful software and I will be using it one way or another.
Title: Re: MacTorrent - BitTorrent for Mac OS 9
Post by: IIO on February 29, 2024, 02:01:31 AM
when i am not mistaken, there can be no file size limit for p2p transfer protocols, since they do not transfer files as such.
i also haven not seen ftp protocols (such as ftp or hotline) causing that yet, but that does not mean much because i probably have not transferred much files bigger than CDs in these times. :)
Title: Re: MacTorrent - BitTorrent for Mac OS 9
Post by: Jubadub on February 29, 2024, 08:19:02 AM
when i am not mistaken, there can be no file size limit for p2p transfer protocols, since they do not transfer files as such.
i also haven not seen ftp protocols (such as ftp or hotline) causing that yet, but that does not mean much because i probably have not transferred much files bigger than CDs in these times. :)
I can confirm FTP works fine, yes, at least using Fetch 4.0.3. But AFP wouldn't work IIRC, I forgot it it errors out or truncates the file at 2GB, even though Mac OS 9 supports it.

Or so that's how it would behave when copying files to Mac OS 9 over AFP.
Title: Re: MacTorrent - BitTorrent for Mac OS 9
Post by: Knezzen on February 29, 2024, 08:37:23 AM
I think you're mixing things up a bit, Jubadub. Mac OS has no file size limit, but the filesystem has. HFS+ (or Macintosh Extended) which came with Mac OS 8.1 has support for files up to 8EB (exabyte) in size, but the older filesystem HFS (or Macintosh Standard) only has support for files up to 2GB in size.

I have only tested MacTorrent with HFS+ formatted drives and downloading big files (like a ISO file of a DVD) on Mac OS 8.6 works fine :)
Title: Re: MacTorrent - BitTorrent for Mac OS 9
Post by: Jubadub on February 29, 2024, 09:47:48 AM
@Knezzen Yes, I understand the "real" limits come from the file systems, but there's also handling of the file system done by the OS and other programs. Now, I nearly never use Mac OS 8.6, so I cannot say this from experience, but my source for the claim comes from Apple's now-defunct (and hard-to-find) docs:

It talks of HFS+ size limits and other data, and how it applies to both Mac OS 8 and 9, but there is a footnote for the file size limit:

"Maximum file size   2 terabytes (3)"


"3) Under Mac OS 9. Mac OS 8 only supports file sizes of up to 2 GB in size."

Of course, Apple could be wrong. Or, also possibly, maybe I misunderstood the implications: rather than being unable of handling anything at all above 2GBs, maybe Apple simply meant file copying from within the Finder with regards to this limit? If so, that could very well mean any app running under 8.6 would have no issue working with files greater than 2 GB, as long as they are "properly HFS+ aware".

Similarly, Apple put up another one of these pages for such limits across various Mac OS X versions:
Title: Re: MacTorrent - BitTorrent for Mac OS 9
Post by: IIO on February 29, 2024, 12:59:14 PM
the claim totally makes sense: 8.0 only supports HFS, so you can only write files >2GB, and that means that you can only download <2GB even though the program can do more.
Title: Re: MacTorrent - BitTorrent for Mac OS 9
Post by: Jubadub on March 01, 2024, 12:55:15 AM
the claim totally makes sense: 8.0 only supports HFS, so you can only write files >2GB, and that means that you can only download <2GB even though the program can do more.

No, it doesn't: the footnote states "3) Under Mac OS 9.", with a full stop right after saying "9", meaning anything that is not 9 is excluded.

When they clarify the 2 GB limit afterwards, they also word it as "Mac OS 8", as opposed to "Mac OS 8.0". They could have said "8.x", but notice they also don't say "9.x", so they seem to be referring to the entire Mac OS 8 family. If they were referring to the fact Mac OS 8(.0) does not support HFS+, they most likely would have said exactly that, rather than wording things the way they did.

They seem to specify OS subversions when necessary, too: e.g. in the OS X link I gave above, file size limit in OS X 10.5.2 = 16 TB, but in 10.5.3+ = nearly 8 EB.

In any case... I'm glad to know that MacTorrent can handle all those big files. And I'm surprised to learn that Mac OS 8.6 has had no issues with that! I always avoided it, in part due to this claim, but now I certainly wouldn't mind giving it a spin. If only we could coerce it to run on a Mac mini G4... *wink wink*
Title: Re: MacTorrent - BitTorrent for Mac OS 9
Post by: Knezzen on March 01, 2024, 01:02:49 AM
I have a machine with Mac OS 8.1 and HFS+, so I might test that one as well.
Title: Re: MacTorrent - BitTorrent for Mac OS 9
Post by: IIO on May 08, 2024, 06:21:54 PM

No, it doesn't: the footnote states "3) Under Mac OS 9.", with a full stop right after saying "9", meaning anything that is not 9 is excluded.

no idea.

if that would be true you couldn´t even copy a DVD oder BD image - i´ve also had audio recordings and videos >2GB since OS 8.1 times.

mabye apple should take more care about who they let write such things.

it turns out true once more: it is important to question anything, including the primary source and myself. ;)
Title: Re: MacTorrent - BitTorrent for Mac OS 9
Post by: Jubadub on May 08, 2024, 11:35:18 PM
it turns out true once more: it is important to question anything, including the primary source and myself. ;)

Yes! Questioning is caring! There's no such thing as an actual "Ministry of Truth", as some say. Sometimes we are wrong, sometimes (most of the time) "authority" (Apple in this case) is wrong, sometimes there are lies, deceits and so on, sometimes not. For instance, Apple since Jobs' return, and to this day, loves lying all the time, so this case might just be another instance of that.

I found yet another Apple page the other day with Apple preaching the same wrong info again.

Either Apple mistakenly wrote that stuff, OR purposefully lied so that people would "keep on buying" newer stuff even if for false reasons (which sadly summarizes most of marketing people).

Btw, I should use MacTorrent more. :)
Title: Re: MacTorrent - BitTorrent for Mac OS 9
Post by: Knezzen on May 09, 2024, 03:02:02 AM
Btw, I should use MacTorrent more. :)

Poke a bit at the sources and see if you can make it better ;)